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People started getting up from their seats and exiting the Great hall, Dumbledore'd obviously just dismissed everyone. Hermione jumped from her seat.
"Ron, we're supposed to show the first-years where to go!" 
"Oh yeah," said Ron, who had obviously forgotten. "Hey - hey, you lot! Midgets!" 
"Well, they are, they're titchy..." 
"I know, but you can't call them midgets! - First-years!" Hermione called commandingly along the table. "This way, please!"
A group of first years timidly approached Hermione, all of them trying very hard not to lead the group. They were all rather small and scared-looking, Amie sent them a warm smile to calm them down a bit, and that's when she saw a blond boy look petrified. The boy turned to Euan Abercrombie, the shy boy from the sorting, and whispered something in his ear, which made Euan look equally frightened. The boys were looking at Harry.
"See you later," Amie heard Harry's voice say, and it was obvious he had noticed the boys looking at him as well. As Harry left the hall, Amie caught the boys attention.
"Come here," she commanded, looking sternly at them. "Now!" she added, after seeing their apprehensive faces. They obeyed slowly, wide-eyed. Amie lowered herself slightly, to their height, and spoke in a soft, low voice.
"Don't be afraid of Harry, he's the most caring person I know, and wouldn't hurt anyone. I don't know what you've been told at home, but there are a lot of lies spreading around right now, and I will not tolerate you treating him in such a manner as you just did. Harry's done more for this school and the wizarding world than you could ever imagine, and he is not dangerous, not to you, nor to anyone who is good. Are you good, boys?"
All the boys could do was nod, they were still staring at Amie, wide-eyed.
"Good," Amie said. "Now, you should probably join your classmates, they've gotten a bit ahead of you."
Hermione and Ron had already started leading the Gryffindor first years, and Amie'd just seen them leave the great hall. Amie started walking towards the doors.
"Well, come on, then!" Amie called, turning her head to look back at the boys who hadn't moved. Now, however, they sprung into action and hurriedly caught up with her.
"You don't have to be afraid of me either, you know. I'm not a bully, I'm just very protective of my friends. My name is Amie Jones, what's yours?"
"Euan Abercrombie," said Euan.
"Alan Clarke," said the blond boy.
"Well, Euan, Alan, welcome to Hogwarts! There's no place like it. And you'll find your way around eventually, but be prepared for a couple of days of getting to know all of the corridors and where they lead to. Watch the stairs, they like to move," Amie warned as they stepped on a staircase to catch up with the others who were further up. Finally, they caught up with them, and Hermione turned around.
"Amie!" she said. "Did you kidnap two of the first years?"
"I just borrowed them for a second, didn't I boys?" Amie sent a smile back at the boys.
"Yes," they replied in sync.
"Think I scared them a little," Amie whispered to Ron and Hermione. "See you back at the common room,"
With that, Amie skipped away from them, all the way to the fat lady.

"Crap!" she exclaimed when she realized she didn't have the password.
"No password, dear?" the fat lady said with a stern look and a crooked smile. 
"No," Amie said with a pouting face.
"Between you and me," the fat lady said in a mysterious voice. "I think a little knock ought to do the trick," the fat lady winked. Amie laughed.
"Thanks!" she said, and knocked on the door. It only took a couple of seconds, before the door was opened, by George.
"Georgie! My hero!" Amie giggled, leaping into George's arms.
"Amie!" George laughed. "Haven't I told you not to call me that?"
"I dunno," Amie frowned. "Have you? Is Forge better then?"
"What's got you in such a good mood?" George said, taking Amie's hand and leading her over to a table where Fred and Lee sat. George sat down on an empty chair, and Amie sat down on his lap.
"I just told two first years off," Amie revealed, grinning.
"I don't believe my ears!" Fred said dramatically. "Amie Jones, the cuddly Gryffindor lion cub, yelling at some first years? For whatever reason?"
"Oh, stop it!" Amie shrieked with laughter.
"Do you even have to ask, Fred?" George said. Amie sobered up at that, and turned to look at her boyfriend.
"What do you mean?" she said.
"It was because of Harry, wasn't it?" George said simply.
"How could you possibly know that?" Amie said, stunned.
"Please, Amie," George rolled his eyes. "I know you. Harry brings out your mother-instincts,"
"Hm," Amie said. "You're smarter than I give you credit for,"
"Hey!" George exclaimed with an offended tone as Amie, Lee and Fred all started laughing hysterically. At that moment the first years, led still by Hermione and Ron, entered the common room.
"Quiet down, you three," Hermione called over to them, an amused smile playing on her lips as she came to stand at the bottom of the steps, telling the first years where to go to get to their dormitories. When the first years had all gone up the steps, Hermione and Ron walked over to them.
"Where's Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Up in the dorm, I'd expect," Amie replied, feeling a little guilty that she hadn't thought of checking on him. "Ron?" she said, giving him the puppy dog eyes.
"On it," Ron said, turning and walking up the stairs.
"Going to bed, Amie?" Hermione asked.
"You go ahead, I'll stay up a bit," Amie replied. She stood up and gave Hermione a hug. "Good night,"

Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now