Have yourself a merry little Christmas

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They didn't have time to recover from the shock. In seconds, it seemed, the door leading into Mr. Weasley's room opened, and Amie and the others hurried to make themselves look as if they hadn't been listening in on the adult's conversation.
"Are you ready to be off, then?" said Mrs. Weasley, smiling at them. "Go on, say goodbye to your father,"
Ron, Ginny and the twins entered the room again. Amie followed, seeing as she hadn't seen Mr. Weasley the first time. He was sitting up in his bed, in much better shape than she'd last seen him in - in the vision. He had a copy of the Daily Prophet in his lap.
"Bye, Dad," said Ginny, being the first to go up and hug him. Her siblings followed suit. Then Amie walked up to Mr. Weasley.
"I'm so happy you're all right, Mr. Weasley," she said earnestly. He held out his hand and she took it.
"It takes more than some silly snake to get rid of me," he smiled. "never you worry," he added, looking at his children who still looked worried about him. Or maybe that was just what it seemed like - maybe they looked like that because of what they'd heard about Harry.
"Goodbye, Mr. Weasley," said Amie, letting go of his hand and giving him a small smile as she exited the room with the others.
"See you," called Mr. Weasley after them.

There wasn't a lot of talking on the underground back to Grimmauld Place. Harry was pale, avoiding their eyes. Mrs. Weasley asked him if he was feeling sick, but he just shook his head and stared up at the ceiling of the train.
"Harry, dear, are you sure you're all right?" asked Mrs. Weasley again, as they were walking around the unkempt patch of grass in the middle of Grimmauld Place. "You look ever so pale... Are you sure you slept this morning? You go upstairs to bed right now, and you can have a couple of hours' sleep before dinner, all right?"
Harry didn't argue. As soon as they'd entered the house he marched straight up the stairs. Amie sent Ron a look, and after taking off their jackets and shoes they too walked upstairs, but instead of going to the room Harry and Ron shared, they went to Ginny and Amie's.
"What are we going to do?" Amie said, sitting down on her bed, as Ron took Ginny's.
"D'you think it's true?" asked Ron, looking uncomfortable. "D'you think You-Know-Who's controlling him?"
"Of course not," said Amie disbelievingly. "But Harry obviously does! And I'd bet you anything he'll want to keep his distance now."
"Should we give it to him?" Ron frowned.
"We'll give him a few hours. He really did look as if he didn't get much sleep, hopefully he will now."
With that out of the way, Amie and Ron walked downstairs again, and into the basement kitchen where the others had ended up. Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, Fred, George and Ginny were sitting at the table, discussing the hospital visit. Tonks and Mad-Eye had left.

"And Arthur shared a room with a man bitten by a werewolf as well, poor soul," said Mrs. Weasley. "He's not dealing very well, it seemed."
"I'd guess not," replied Sirius. "Remus grew up with it, he's had time to adjust, that's all everyone needs."
"Maybe Remus could talk to him, if he came to visit?" suggested Amie, as she and Ron joined the others at the table.
"Not a bad idea," said Sirius.

The rest of the day passed slowly, and agonizingly. Harry didn't come down, not even for dinner, though Ron went up to tell him he could. Mrs. Weasley assured that if he was hungry, he could always come down later, if he wanted to sleep more. Considering how the adults didn't know about what Harry was going through at the moment, the teenagers acted as if everything was as it should be, and dinner was relatively pleasant. Remus joined them, and Sirius talked to him about the man at St. Mungo's. Amie's thoughts were elsewhere. She was thinking of Harry, of course. But also about Hermione, left alone at Hogwarts, no clue about what was going on. She thought about her parents, and whether she actually would spend her Christmas with them. And she thought about George, who she still hadn't cleared the air with. In fact, they hadn't spoken at all since the previous day. Amie didn't know why he hadn't faced her. Was he still angry? Did he want her to approach him? Apologize? Amie was so lost in thought she didn't realize that dinner ended, and the table was cleared. Everyone except for George had left, and Amie noticed that when she finally raised her eyes and looked around.
"Where is everyone?" she asked, her eyes finally settling on George.
"They seemed to think I should talk to you," he said, looking a bit uncertain. Amie frowned. "Are you okay?"
If Amie'd expected anything, it wasn't that.
"Why do you ask?"
"Well, if you didn't notice it yourself, you've been rather distracted." said George.
"Oh. Yeah. A lot to think about."  Amie said, lowering her eyes.
"I'd bet. Hence me asking if you're okay."
George was being completely serious, something that was rare when it came to him and his brother. Amie sat silent, observing him, not knowing what to say.
"Are you angry with me?" he finally said, looking sadly down at the table.
"Yes. And no," answered Amie. George looked up at her, looking confused. "I don't blame you for being worried about your dad, I understand. I am angry that you yelled at me like that. But I'm angrier that you haven't talked to me afterwards."
George stood up, and walked around the table, sitting down in the chair next to Amie's.
"Amie," he said, taking her hand. Amie looked up into his sincere brown eyes. "I'm sorry. I was wrong to yell at you. I didn't mean it, and it was a horrible thing to say. Please forgive me?"
The fact that George Weasley, one half of a joking whole, was sitting in front of Amie, completely serious and apologetic, made Amie smile.
"Of course I forgive you, George. I don't think I could stay mad at you, you'd probably make me laugh anyway," Amie chuckled. George smiled.
"That's my girl," he said, wrapping her up in a hug. Amie shifted, standing up and sitting down on his lap instead.
"I love you," Amie said.
"I love you, too. So much."

Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now