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Harry and Sirius eventually joined the rest of them to eat lunch. Amie decided that she should apologize.
"Sirius, can I talk to you?"
Sirius looked up from his sandwich, nodded, and stepped away from the others, Amie following.
"Siri, I'm sorry I yelled at you," Amie said. "I know I shouldn't have, it was very rude of me, and -"
"Amie, it's okay!" Sirius interrupted her, a small smile on his face because of her blubbering. "You were right. I was complaining."
"Yeah, but you should be allowed to - and Harry should hear about other people's problems too, he wouldn't want people to tip-toe around him. I was wrong," Amie said.
"Cheer up, kiddo," Sirius said, wrapping an arm around Amie's shoulders. 
"So you forgive me?" Amie said hopefully. Sirius chuckled.
"Do you even need to ask?"
"Thank you!" Amie exclaimed, feeling tears well up in her eyes as she flung herself on her old friend and hugged him. He patted her awkwardly on the back.


After lunch they all continued with the cleaning, Sirius too. They emptied the glass-fronted cabinets, which took a long time due to the fact that many objects seemed reluctant to leave the shelves. Sirius got a bad bite from a silver snuffbox, and in seconds his hand was covered in something crusty and brown - it looked like a glove.
"It's okay," he said, looking with interest on his hand before tapping it with his wand, which made it turn back to normal. "Must be Wartcap powder in there,"
Sirius threw the box away, but Amie saw George sneak it into his pocket filled with Doxys seconds later.
"You be careful with that," Amie warned in a low voice.
"Relax Ames," said George. "Fred and I can be cautious, you know,"
They found a lot of interesting things in the cabinet. A weird silver instrument scuttled up Harry's arm and tried to puncture his skin, and Sirius had to smash it with a heavy book. There was a small musical box that emitted a dark tinkling tune that had them all becoming weak and sleepy, until Ginny was smart enough to slam the lid shut. They also found a heavy locket with an S on that none of them could open. When Amie touched it she screamed and threw it away.

"It's evil!" she said in explanation.
"What isn't?" said Sirius, narrowing his eyes at the cabinet.

Several times Kreacher joined them, trying to sneak something out under his loincloth, and muttering curses each time they caught him doing it. When Sirius wrenched a golden ring from Kreacher's grasp, Kreacher actually started sobbing, and he left the room calling Sirius various terrible names.
"It was my father's," Sirius explained. "Kreacher wasn't quite as devoted to him as to my mother, but I still caught him snogging a pair of my father's old trousers last week,"
Amie snorted.

The following days they worked hard. The drawing room took three days to clean. Eventually the only undesirable things in the room were the tapestry, that wouldn't budge, and the rattling writing desk. Mad-Eye Moody had not yet stopped by headquarters, so they weren't sure what was inside it. They moved on to the dining room on the ground floor. There they found spiders as large as saucers in a dresser - Ron left hurriedly to make tea and stayed away for an hour and a half. The china, with the Black family crest and motto, was all thrown away by Sirius, as were a bunch of old photographs in silver frames. The occupants in them screamed shrilly when the glass covering them smashed. Though some might call what they were doing cleaning, Amie and the others - except Sirius - thought it was more of a cleanse in preparation for tearing the house down, since almost nothing remained. The house was putting up a fight, aided by Kreacher, who got grumpier as more days passed. It went so far that Sirius threatened him with clothes.
"Master must do as Master wishes," said Kreacher with watery eyes. He turned around and muttered loudly, "but Master will not turn Kreacher away, no, because Kreacher knows what they are up to, oh yes, he is plotting against the Dark Lord, yes, with these Mudbloods and traitors and scum..."
At that point Sirius, despite Hermione's protests, grabbed Kreacher by his loincloth and threw him out of the room.

The doorbell rang several times a day, which always made Mrs. Black start screaming. Amie and the others always tried to eavesdrop on the visitor, but they hardly heard anything before Mrs. Weasley called them back to their tasks. Snape and McGonagall had both come to headquarters a couple of times, but they never lingered. Some of the order stayed a while to help. Tonks helped one afternoon when they found a murderous ghoul in an upstairs toilet, and Lupin helped them repair an old grandfather clock that had a habit of shooting bolts at passers-by. Mundungus saved Ron from a set of purple robes that were strangling him, which made Mrs. Weasley act friendlier with him. Meanwhile Harry's hearing with the ministry was getting closer. Amie and the others hadn't talked to him about it since he arrived, but he hadn't brought it up either. Sometimes Amie, Hermione and Ron - sometimes with Ginny and the twins as well - would talk about it, but they always tried to stop when they noticed Harry watching them. Amie could tell he was nervous, but she also knew he would deny it if asked. On one Wednesday evening Mrs. Weasley turned to Harry during dinner.
"I've ironed your clothes for tomorrow morning, Harry, and I want you to wash your hair tonight, too. A good first impression can work wonders."
Amie, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, George and Fred all stopped eating and turned to look at Harry. He had also stopped eating, and was avoiding their gazes.
"How am I getting there?" Harry asked, sounding as if he struggled to sound indifferent.
"Arthur's taking you to work with him," said Mrs. Weasley softly.
"You can wait in my office until it's time for the hearing," said Mr. Weasley, smiling at Harry across the table. Harry looked over at Sirius, but he didn't have time to say anything before Mrs. Weasley spoke again.
"Professor Dumbledore doesn't think it's a good idea for Sirius to go with you, and I must say I -"
"- think he's quite right," Sirius finished through clenched teeth.
"When did Dumbledore tell you that?" Harry asked Sirius.
"He came last night, when you were in bed," Mr. Weasley answered.
While Sirius stabbed his potato grumpily, Amie saw Harry look down on his plate, and it was clear that he'd have wanted Dumbledore to talk to him as well.


Amie met up with George in the drawing room after dinner. George sat in the armchair, and Amie sat on his lap.
"Did you see how sad he got when he found out Dumbledore'd been here?" Amie said, laying her head on George's shoulder. 
"Yeah," said George. "You don't think he'll be expelled though, do you?"
"Not if Dumbledore's got a say in it," Amie said. "Harry can't lose his education, the world is depending on it. Although, with Fudge being a git, who knows what'll happen,"
"You haven't had a vision about it?"
"No," said Amie. "I think Death's cut down on my ability a bit,"
"Why?" George asked, surprised.
"Dunno," Amie said. "I just think he might be giving me some rest or something. I haven't heard from him in a while, and I hardly have any visions,"
"Does it bother you?"
"A bit," Amie said. "I mean, it's nice with some peace and quiet, but I like knowing what's coming, in a way. Does that make sense?"
"Of course it does," George nodded. "Amie..."
"Yes, George?" 
"You know your mission?" he said.
"Death's mission?" Amie asked.
"Yes," George confirmed. "You saved Cedric, right?"
"Is anyone dying this year?" George asked, sounding scared of the answer.
"Well, yes," Amie said. "My list is full every year, I try not to think about it,"
"I mean, is anyone you're saving dying this year?" George said.
"Not yet. Next term," Amie answered. George drew a deep breath.
"Okay," he said. "Is it anyone in this house?"
"Do you really want to know? Could you handle it?" Amie asked worriedly, looking up at George's face.
"You're right," George said. "It's best I don't know,"
Amie nodded and snuggled into his neck.
"Have you and Fred experimented on the doxys yet?" Amie asked, changing the subject.
"Yeah," said George, sounding happier. "We're using them for the Skiving Snackboxes,"
"That's great," Amie smiled.
They sat together in silence, cuddling and kissing, until Mrs. Weasley showed up and pushed them of to their separate bedrooms.

Amie woke up around eight the next day. She turned around in bed, and saw Hermione lying awake as well.
"Do you think it's started?" Amie asked.
"I don't know," Hermione answered. "I'm so nervous, do you know how it will go?"
"Nope, sorry," Amie said. "Let's go down to breakfast and wait with the others,"


Sorry it's short, but it's been like two weeks since last chapter, and I wrote this today, and I thought, better this than nothing.

I'm not done with this story, and I'm sorry if I lose readers because I'm so slow, but a lot of stuff is going on, and I need to watch out for myself so I don't let go completely. It's been a rough week.

I hope you liked it :)

Comment, vote, fan, bye! :D

Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now