Undercover snake

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Amie was dreaming. She was in a dark space, with stone floor. All around were small small objects in different vibrant colors. Amie looked around for a lightsource, and her eyes fell onto a figure, sitting on the floor of a corridor. He was sleeping, his chin drooping onto his chest. Amie suddenly noticed a snake, slithering towards the man. It was huge, and fast. Amie yelled out in shock. The man stirred, dropping a silvery cloak to the floor as he jumped to his feet, withdrawing his wand from his belt. The snake reared high from the floor and struck. Once, twice, three times. As the snake sank his teeth into the man's flesh, blood started to pour out of the man, who was screaming in pain. He fell silent and slumped against the wall, sinking to the floor. 

Amie's eyes snapped open. She was in her dormitory, it was dark. Hermione, Parvati, Lavender, Fay and Sophie were all sleeping. Amie was close to hyperventilating.
Death? She thought.
Yes, he replied in her head.
What was that? 
A vision Harry just had.
Is it real?
Amie didn't need more information, she sprang from her bed, threw on her robes over her nightgown, and ran from the room. Amie thanked Merlin for the fact that the boy's staircase wasn't warded against girls, as the girl's was against boys. She sprinted up the stairs, and into the fifth year boy's dormitory. 
"Amie? What are you doing here?" It was Dean. He and Seamus were standing at the end of Harry's bed. Ron was beside Harry, who looked sick, and had thrown up on the floor.
"Never mind that," Amie said, moving towards Harry. "Harry, get  up, now," she ordered. Harry immediately obeyed, sitting upp in his bed, shaking. Amie sat down in front of him, and hugged him tightly. She'd heard that people in shock could really be helped by pressure  being added.
"Calm down. I saw it too. We'll find help."
Harry let out a shaky breath. Amie sent Ron a look. He looked confused, and scared. Harry had obviously woken them up by screaming, it had happened before. Seamus and Dean were whispering to each other nearby. Amie fetched Ron and Harry's robes, putting them on to be ready. She also gave Harry his glasses. She'd noticed Neville wasn't in the dormitory, and guessed he'd gone to fetch someone. They waited, silently. Amie stroked Harry's back - he was still shaking slightly. In a few minutes they heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and they heard Neville's voice.
"Over here, Professor..."
Professor McGonagall burst into the room, wearing her tartan dressing gown, her glasses perched lopsidedly on the bridge of her nose. She sent Amie a quick look, but must've deemed her not important under the circumstances.
"What is it, Potter? Where does it hurt?"
"It's Ron's dad," Harry said, urgency and relief in his voice, swinging his legs down onto the floor. "He's been attacked by a snake and it's serious, I saw it happen."
"What do you mean, you saw it happen?" asked McGonagall, her eyebrows contracting.
"I don't know... I was asleep and then I was there..."
"You mean you dreamed this?"
"No! I was having a dream at first about something completely different, something stupid... and then this interrupted it. It was real, I didn't imagine it, Mr. Weasley was asleep on the floor and he was attacked by a gigantic snake, there was a load of blood, he collapsed, someone's got to find out where he is..."
McGonagall was looking at Harry, as if horrified at what she was seeing.
"It's true, Professor!" Amie pleaded. "I saw it too, please believe us, he might die!"
"I believe you. Put on - oh, you already have your robes on - we're going to see the headmaster."
"Thank you!" Amie said, jumping to her feet, grabbing Harry's hand, and dragging him from the room, Ron trailing behind. McGonagall didn't say anything, she let them go, and followed. They left Neville, Dean and Seamus behind, went down the stairs into the common room, through the portrait hole and off along the corridors. Amie's heart was beating fast - she was hoping against hope that Mr. Weasley wasn't dying at this very moment. He hadn't been on her list. But did the snake have anything to do with Voldemort? She seriously hoped it did, because that would mean Mr. Weasley would survive. There was a snake in the vision Amie'd had before fourth year, with Voldemort and Wormtail. Could it be the same one? They passed Mrs. Norris, who hissed at them, but Professor McGonagall said, "Shoo!" Mrs. Norris slunk away, and a few minutes later they'd reached the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledore's office.
"Fizzing Whizbee," said McGonagall.

Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now