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Amie and the others spent a lot of time cooped up in their rooms after that. They knew the adults were planning on fetching Harry, and Amie had already had a vision of him walking through the door.
"He's okay," Amie'd said then. "He'll be here soon, and they'll use a Disillusionment Charm on him," 
"Who's going to get him?" Ginny asked.
"Remus," Amie said. "Tonks, Kingsley, Mad-Eye..." Amie counted.
"Why so many?" George frowned, looking down at Amie. They were sitting on Ron's bed, and George had his arm around her. "Are they expecting to be attacked?"
"I think they just want to be safe," Hermione said. "He's too important and has been through too much. Dumbledore wants him safe,"
There was no doubt about that. The fury in Dumbledore's eyes when he'd shown up at Grimmauld place rivaled the anger when Dementors showed up at a Quidditch match in their third year.
"He'll be fine," Amie repeated.
"But will we be?" Ron said darkly.
Amie, Ron, Hermione and Sirius had all received letters from Harry not long after the Dementor attack. They had all said the same thing.
"I've just been attacked by Dementors and I might be expelled from Hogwarts. I want to know what's going on and when I'm going to get out of here." 
Hedwig, who delivered the letters, pecked their hands bloody to get them to reply, but they'd been told not to. Mr. Weasley was the only one who had written to him.


Amie, Ron and Hermione were sitting in Ron's room when Harry finally showed up. It had taken about four days, which was very frustrating for all of them. They knew the adults had gone to get him, but they hadn't realised they'd returned. When he opened the door to the room, looking confused and misplaced, he was immediately ambushed by a Hermione-hug.
"HARRY! Ron, Amie, he's here, Harry's here! We didn't hear you arrive! Oh, how are you? Are you all right? Have you been furious with us? I bet you have, I know our letters were useless - but we couldn't tell you anything, Dumbledore made us swear we wouldn't, oh, we've got so much to tell you, and you've got things to tell us - the Dementors! When we heard - and that Ministry hearing - it's just outrageous, I've looked it all up, they can't expel you, they just can't, there's provision in the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery for the use of magic in life-threatening situations -" 
"Hermione!" Amie yelled.
"Let him breathe," Ron said at the same time, grinning as he closed the door behind Harry. 
Hermione stepped away, beaming at Harry, and before she could say another word, Hedwig flew down and landed on Harry's shoulder.

"Hedwig!" he said. She nibbled his ear affectionately as he stroked her feathers. 
"She's been in a right state," said Ron. "Pecked us half to death when she brought your last letters, look at this -"
Ron held up his hand, showing the deep cut on his index finger.
"Oh, yeah," said Harry. "Sorry about that, but I wanted answers, you know -"
"We wanted to give them to you, mate," said Ron quickly. "Hermione was going spare, she kept saying you'd do something stupid if you were stuck all on your own without news, but Dumbledore made us -"
"- swear not to tell me," said Harry. "Yeah, Hermione's already said,"
A strained silence filled the room, and Amie wished the twins were there to ease the tension. Harry avoided looking at them and kept stroking Hedwig.
"He seemed to think it was best," said Hermione in a breathless voice. "Dumbledore, I mean,"
"Right," Harry said dismissingly.
"I think he thought you were safest with the Muggles -" Ron began.
"Yeah?" Harry said, raising his eyebrows angrily. "Have either of you been attacked by Dementors this summer?"
"Well, no-but that's why he's had people from the Order of the Phoenix tailing you all the time-"
Amie knew Ron had said the wrong thing. As a matter of fact, she thought the entire conversation was going the wrong direction. Harry looked a mixture of grumpy and angry.
"Didn't work that well, though, did it?" said Harry, with a keeping-it-in sort of voice. "Had to look after myself after all, didn't I?"
"He was so angry," said Hermione, in an almost awestruck voice. "Dumbledore. We saw him. When he found out Mundungus had left before his shift had ended. He was scary."
"Well, I'm glad he left," Harry said coldly. "If he hadn't, I wouldn't have done magic and Dumbledore would probably have left me at Privet Drive all summer."
"Aren't you... aren't you worried about the Ministry of Magic hearing?" said Hermione quietly.
"No," said Harry, but Amie knew he was lying. Hogwarts meant too much to him. Harry walked further into the room, still avoiding their eyes, looking around. "So why's Dumbledore been so keen to keep me in the dark? Did you - er - bother to ask him at all?"

Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now