Disasters and the returnee

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As Amie, Ron and Harry walked out of the Great Hall, Ron seemed to become more himself - he touched the spot on his cheek where Hermione kissed him, looking thoroughly confused about it. Amie smiled knowingly at him - he didn't notice, he was too distracted. Then Amie noticed Harry looking intently at something to her right. Amie turned her head and saw what he had seen - the Slytherins were all wearing crown-shaped badges on their chests. Amie squinted, there was something written on them. Weasley is our king.  Amie didn't like the sound of that, so she hurriedly left the Hall with Harry and Ron, the latter thankfully hadn't noticed it at all. Out on the grounds the air was icy, and the frosty grass crunched as they walked down to the stadium. Harry pointed out that there was hardly any wind, and that the sky was white, so visibility should be good since the sun wouldn't shine in their eyes. Amie agreed, Ron, of course, said nothing. As they entered the changing room Angelina was already there, talking to the rest of the team. Amie and Harry quickly put on their robes, while Ron struggled to do the same - he'd tried to do his up back-to-front for several minutes before Amie stepped in to help him sort it out. Then they sat down to listen to Angelina.
"Okay, I've only just found out the final lineup for Slytherin," she said, looking at a piece of parchment. "Last year's Beaters, Derrick and Bole, have left now, but it looks as though Montague's replaced them with the usual gorillas, rather than anyone who can fly particularly well. They're two blokes called Crabbe and Goyle, I don't know much about them -"
"We do," Amie, Harry and Ron chorused.
"Well, they don't look bright enough to tell one end of a broom from another," said Angelina, pocketing her parchment. "but then I was always surprised Derrick and Bole managed to find their way onto the pitch without signposts."
"Crabbe and Goyle are in the same mold," Harry assured her.
They could now hear hundreds of footsteps mounting the benches of the spectator's stands now.  Some people were singing, but what they were singing Amie had no idea. Amie was getting excited for the match, but Ron looked far from excited, he was clutching his stomach and staring straight ahead, jaw set and his face pale gray.
"It's time," said Angelina, consulting her wristwatch. "C'mon everyone... good luck."
They stood up, shouldered their brooms and marched out of the changing room into dazzling sunlight. They were greeted by great noise from the stands. People were still singing, but it was muffled  by cheers and whistles. In the middle of the field stood the Slytherin team. They were all wearing the crown-shaped badges. The new captain, Montague, was big and had huge forearms. Behind him stood Crabbe and Goyle, looking stupid and swinging their Beater's bats. On one side stood Malfoy, looking particularly smug - Amie saw him smirk at Harry, tapping the badge on his chest.
"Captain's shake hands," ordered Madam Hooch.  Angelina and Montague shook hands, and Montague seemed to be squeezing Angelina's fingers very hard, but she didn't look as if it hurt at all. "Mount your brooms..."

Madam Hooch blew the whistle. Everyone shot in to the air, Ron streaked off towards the goal posts, as Angelina got hold of the Quaffle, heading for the goal posts on the opposite side. She got passed Warrington, then Montague... then she was hit in the back with a Bludger, Montague got the Quaffle and turned the game around. Amie and Katie shot after him, and when George managed to send a Bludger at his head which made Montague drop the Quaffle, Katie caught it, passed it at Amie, who then sped away. She dodged Warrington, barely avoided a Bludger sent her way. As she flew across the field Amie caught some words of the singing coming from the stands - Weasley was born in a bin, he always lets the Quaffle in. Amie quickly ignored the voices, passing the Quaffle over to Angelina, who went for goal. Unfortunately Bletchley, the Slytherin Keeper saved her shot, passing the Quaffle to Warrington, who sped off with it. Amie and Katie had no chance to stop him as he zig-zagged passed them, towards Ron. The singing in the stands grew louder. Amie sped towards them, ready to catch the Quaffle if it came her way. Warrington managed to score on Ron, who'd done a dive, which gave Warrington a clear shot through the middle hoop. The Slytherins in the stands cheered, and increased in volume as they continued singing. Katie took the Quaffle, racing up the pitch, closely followed by Amie, and then Angelina. Katie was blocked, and Warrington took advantage of the situation, getting the Quaffle, passing to Pucey, who Amie narrowly avoided flying into. Pucey also got past Angelina, but then he was hit with a Bludger, dropping the Quaffle, that was caught and then dropped again by Katie. Montague got hold of the Quaffle and raced towards Ron. He passed Pucey again, and once more Amie couldn't stop him from advancing, and he scored on Ron. Amie was trying not to get discouraged, but Slytherin managed two more goals soon thereafter. Katie got hold of the Quaffle, dodged Pucey and got passed Montague as well. Amie and Angelina were advancing, Katie passed to Angelina, who swerved past Warrington and headed for goal. This time Bletchley couldn't save it, so Gryffindor had their first goal. Pucey got the Quaffle, he passed to Warrington, who passed to Montague. Montague passed back to Pucey, who was blocked by Angelina, and she stole the Quaffle from him, passing to Katie. Katie was hit by a Bludger, and Pucey took back the Quaffle. He shot off towards Ron, and as Amie raced after him, she also noticed Harry and Malfoy, diving after the tiny fluttering Snitch. Amie saw Harry's hands close around it, and he hoisted it into the air. Amie had only just started smiling when Harry was hit in the back by a Bludger, sending him flying to the ground. Amie and Angelina sped down to him, as the audience roared in anger and disapproval. Amie landed next to Harry, discarding her broom and looking him over. 
"Are you all right?" Angelina asked frantically.
"'Course I am," answered Harry, who did in fact seem okay. Amie took his hand and helped him to his feet.

"It was that thug, Crabbe," said Angelina angrily. "He whacked the Bludger at you the moment he saw you'd got the Snitch - but we won, Harry, we won!"
Someone snorted, and Amie and Harry turned to see Malfoy, white-faced with fury, but still sneering.
"Saved Weasley's neck, didn't you?" he said to Harry. "I've never seen a worse Keeper... but then he was born in a bin.... Did you like my lyrics, Potter?"
Amie snorted, as she and Harry turned their backs to him, to see the rest of their team landing, yelling and punching the air in triumph. George gave Amie a big kiss that Amie hoped that Malfoy would be bothered by, even though it had gone a long time since their break up. As George stepped away, Amie noticed that Ron wasn't there with them. She looked over to the changing rooms, where she saw Ron walking slowly away from the pitch. He was obviously very disappointed in himself.
"We wanted to write another couple of verses!" called Malfoy, as Katie gave Harry a hug. "But we couldn't find rhymes for fat and ugly - we wanted to sing about his mother, see -"
"Talk about sour grapes," said Angelina, sending Malfoy a disgusted look.
"- we couldn't fit in useless loser either - for his father, you know -"
Amie saw the moment Fred and George realized what Malfoy was talking about - they were in the middle of shaking Harry's hand, as they stiffened and turned to look at Malfoy.
"Leave it," said Angelina immediately, noticing their faces as well. "Leave it, Fred, let him yell, he's just sore he lost, the jumped-up little -"
"- but you like the Weasley's, don't you, Potter?" Malfoy sneered. "Spent holidays there and everything, don't you? Can't see how you can stand the stink, but I suppose when you've been dragged up by Muggles even the Weasley's hovel smells okay -"
Amie took hold of George, who could've easily shook her off, but didn't. Meanwhile Harry, Angelina and Katie were all struggling to keep Fred from leaping at Malfoy, who was laughing.
"Don't do anything, ignore him..." Amie kept muttering to George, trying to calm him down.
"Or perhaps," Malfoy leered, backing away. "you can remember what your mother's house stank like, Potter, and the Weasley's pigsty reminds you of it -"
Amie couldn't hold George back this time, he tore himself free, and he was joined by Harry, who let Fred go. Amie jumped in to help retain Fred, who'd otherwise joined Harry and George as they sprinted at Malfoy. Harry punched Malfoy in the gut.
It was of course mainly Angelina who was screaming. Malfoy was yelling, George was swearing, and a whistle blew. None of this kept Harry and George from punching Malfoy to a pulp.
Harry and George were blasted away from Malfoy.
"What do you think you're doing?" screamed Madam Hooch. Harry leapt to his feet. Malfoy was curled up on the ground, whimping and moaning, his nose bleeding. George had a swollen lip. Fred was still struggling to break free. Crabbe was laughing in the backround. "I've never seen behavior like it - back up to the castle, both of you, and straight to your Head of House's office! Go! Now!"
Harry and George marched out of the stadium, not looking at anyone, not even each other.

Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now