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(I apologise for not updating sooner, but I've been super busy with a school show. It's over now though. This update is pretty short, but incredibly deep. You'll find out a lot about Cheyenne though.)

Things were awkward in school after my last encounter with Hunter.

Really awkward.

He totally blanked me, as did Logan. Hayden seemed a bit off too. Kai's been sick since Monday and it's now Thursday, so I haven't seen him much at all. Will's been off looking at colleges - he's leaving this year.

But Kota - that's the weirdest thing. I haven't heard from him at all! And I intend to find out why. Surely it can't be to do with the Hunter thing because I doubt Hunter told nobody he got rejected and if he had told Kota, Kota would be happy because he hated the idea of me and Hunter!

So here I sat, outside on a picnic bench, eating dinner alone. Sure, I could've ate with Ava, and the twins, but I needed some alone time (not that I wasn't getting enough already this week).

"Well I wonder, who could this short, super healthy, ginger-haired girl be?"

Callum plonked down next to me, stretching his arm around my shoulder.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"If I'm being honest Cal, I really don't know."

I went back to munching on my chicken-lettuce sandwich. I felt kind of self-conscious as Callum was just watching me as I ate.

"You know Chey, I remember a time when you refused to eat veg. I remember when you used to go to fast food restaurants most nights of the week, and if you didn't you'd order pizza. I remember when we used to sit up in your bedroom, watching chick-flicks - not my choice, of course - and you'd have every sweet known to man. Now, all I see you eating is healthy stuff. Why?"

His question struck home a little too hard. I could feel my lips starting to quiver under the tension.

"Well, it's healthy! I mean, isn't that a good enough answer?"

"Is it because of Mason Reynolds?"

Mason. Reynolds.

"Who...who the heck is Mason Reynolds?"

"Oh, you don't remember? He's the guy who gave you all those nicknames, like whale and stumpy. He's the guy that painted 'hippo' on your locker. He's the guy who you used to come home crying to me about, one of the reasons we watched the chick flicks - to cheer you up."

A tear escaped my eye. I tore my eyes away from Callum's and sighed.

"Alright alright, so he was the reason I started eating healthier. But now, I'm happy that I do!! So, I don't eat all that bad stuff any more, but isn't that a good thing?! I don't know why you're judging me on a good decision I made!"

"I just, always thought you were stronger than that. I didn't think you'd change your entire appearance for one guy."

"And I always thought you'd accepted the new me, but I suppose you hadn't."

This made me break out into a waterfall of tears. Callum took me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Chey. Just, seeing you eat like this and do all this working out, I was wondering if there was still any of my Cheyenne left in there? I mean, come on, you've changed almost entirely, and I was worried you'd forget about me and just move on with your new, perfect life."

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and looked up at Callum, chuckling with my now dry throat.

"I would never forget you Callum."


Practice had been called off tonight, but I had stayed behind to finish off a bit of work for my art class. At this time, the only people in school were the few teachers that had to do their marking and me.

I packed my paints away, closing my sketchbook and placing it in my bag. I thanked the teacher for letting me stay and supervising me then left the room. The bathroom wasn't far from here, so it didn't take me long to get there.

Upon arrival, I looked at myself in the mirror. I held my chin, feeling as though when I looked down, there was one too many. I turned sideways, seeing the lump that lay just before my hips.

I opened my bag, taking out the bottle and popped one into my mouth, swallowing it dry.

I was a really self-conscious child. In fact, I still am. I now took these weight-loss supplements, and ate healthier. I really didn't see the problem, I mean, I'm healthier, happier, what's so bad about that?

I looked into the mirror once again, feeling satisfied. I made my way out of the school, but heard rustling in the bushes nearby. I slowly made my way towards the noise, hands shaking ever so slightly. I saw figures kissing - two male figures kissing. Well, that was pretty normally, I mean, I'm not homophobic or anything. But when I saw the face of one, then the face of the other, I was shocked.

"Callum?! Logan?!"

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