Professional Tent Builders

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(So, it's been a while. I've been kinda busy. Oh, btw, I've uploaded a song I've written to my YouTube channel (iHolyCat) - feel free to check it out :) )

3am. 3 hours to put that tent up.


Because it was pitch black and we're not PROFESSIONAL TENT BUILDERS!!

"Night Chey."

"Night? more like morning, Ava."

I went to sleep nontheless. But had to wake up three hours later. THREE HOURS SLEEP.

As me and Ava tiredly tried to make our way over to where everyone was meeting up, three blonde girls stood in our way.

"Ouch. Someone slept on the wrong side of the tent."

I tried my best to narrow my eyes at Jessica, but my lids were so heavy - it was hard.

"Is this some kind of joke?!" Ava shouted.

"Well your face definitely is." Jane spoke, smirking over at Jessica as she had finally come up with a good comeback.

"Let's not waste our time, Ava. They're only Doing it for attention."

"Doing it for attention, huh?" Jessica questioned. "That's so weird because I'm pretty sure that was you kissing Hunter infront of the WHOLE arena."

I looked back at the blonde, smiling slightly.

"At least I don't stink of jealously and desperation."

And with that I walked off, laughing with Ava.

"Damn girl, where did that come from?"

"I felt sassy."

"I could tell." Ava chuckled and led me to the group. I was a little more awake, after that encounter - but still tired nontheless.

"Our first activity - the zip wire." One of our camp leaders informed us, and I immediately felt sick.

Like many others, I'm scared of heights. But like, I'm REALLY scared of heights. I was not going on that zip wire.

A camp member came over and began harnessing me up, like everyone else.

"Um, Miss, I think you've made a mistake. You see - I'm not going up there."

"Of course you are!" She spoke with a cheesy, manufactured smile. "You're very safe and if you hold onto the rope properly, nothing can go wrong!"

"But I don't want to."

"It's fun, trust me."

She pushed me towards the hill that we had to climb to get to the top of the zip wire and left me.

"Chey, are you alright?"

Kota made his way over to me. He was great at sensing my discomfort.

"I'm afraid of heights."

He smiled widely.

"This is perfect."


"So is Hunter. You can go down together!"

"Together? Can you even- wait, HUNTER is afraid of HEIGHTS?"

"You should've seen him on the plane when the team went on the France trip."

I looked over at Hunter, who seemed to be quietly sheepish.

I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Little birdie told me you're afraid of heights."

"Shut up! I don't know how I'm gonna get out of this, princess."

"Why you calling me princess? You're the damsel in distress. BUT I have a proposal for you."

He raised a brow. "Go on..."

"Well, I'll ride the zip wire with you and we'll just tell everyone you did it because I was scared."

"What's the catch?"

I smiled. "You know me too well." He seemed a little worried now. "I want you-" I prodded him in the chest. "To take me on a real first date."

He seemed surprised, as it was such a simple request, but he smiled.

"Where d'you wanna go Chey-By?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my waist as we walked up the hill together.

"Well you briefly mentioned Hawaii..." His eyes widened. "Relax. That's where I want our honeymoon."

He smirked. I realised my mistake.

"MY Honeymoon. That's where I want MY Honeymoon. Not ours. We're not getting married. And we're definitely not having two children a boy and a girl - Tess and Jake. I mean, zip-wire. Ha ha."

I hoped to God that he was unable to hear me over the noise of the other pupils.

We were soon at the top of the zip wire. Hunter told the man that we would prefer to ride together, he smirked knowingly and let us go through.

He hooked us up to the wire and was ready to push us before Hunter whispered something in my ear.

"By the way, I don't have a fear of heights. I just wanted to be there to comfort you." I looked back at him shocked but we were pushed straight off by the man.

I screamed and rested my head on Hunter's lap, clutching his top as I did so.

"Well who knew Mrs. Too Cool for School had a fear of heights?"

"Shut up, asshole!"

We reached the bottom after about a minute, though it felt like an hour.

We were unharnessed immediately which I was grateful for, but I hit Hunter as soon as we were free.

"What was that for?!" He shrieked.

"For lying to me so you could go on the wire with me!'

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me, kissing him gently before letting go.

"And that?" He asked, seeming totally dazed.

"For lying to me so you could go on the wire with me."

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