Something old, something new

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Lunch came by pretty fast. I hadn't had any lessons yet, as I had to go through loads of forms and on loads of torus and that jibba jabba.

I was currently sat with Ava waiting for her friends to come along. We got to the lunch hall pretty early - the staff wanted me to have a good first day which meant not getting crushed by the lunch queue, so me and Ava we're let out early. The meals seemed a lot nicer here. Their fries were just fab!

We were approached by two blonde twins. They both had perfectly straight hair with adorable little fringes and were dressed almost identically in flowery dresses, only one wore pink and the other wore orange. They sat down, one beside Ava, the other beside me.

"Well, you must be Cheyenne!" The one beside me, in the orange, greeted. I soon noticed that she was British. Very British, judging by her kinda posh accent.

"Oh, please, just call me Chey." I replied, offering the girl a smile.

"Well I'm Trinity. Call me Trin, if you'd like. Or Trinny. That's what she calls me." She spoke, pointing to her sister.

"Trinny suits you!" She defended, before turning to me. "Hi, I'm Chastity. Feel free to call me Chast." She greeted, her bright British blue eyes glimmering with innocence.

"Trinity and Chastity. Trin and Chast. Got it." I noted, smiling back at them both. "Do you always wear those colours? Because you do look awfully similar - you know - hence the whole twin thing."

"Well, we tend to wear different colours, not always pink and orange though." Chastity spoke, looking down at her flowery dress.

"But we'll try our best so that you don't get us mixed up." Trinity added, with a small laugh.

Suddenly spotting someone on their way over, Ava turned and gave them a friendly wave. I followed her line of sight but couldn't see anyone from where I was sat.

"Oh, and Chey, this is-"

"Cal?!" I exclaimed, in complete shock. The brown-haired, quiffed boy stood before me, his friendly green eyes on mine. He still dressed fantastically, and don't skip ahead to say that he's gay, because he is most definitely not. Gosh, not everything in the story has to be stereotypical, you know?

"Chey?!" He spoke back. Yupp, this was definitely my Callum. I leaped up out of my seat and rushed over to him. He must've known what was coming, because he placed his tray down before I welcomed him into a hug.

"Ohmygod, Callum! What are you doing here?!" I asked, my face squashed into his checkered shirt.

"I go to school here.."

"What?! How did I not know this?!" I asked, pulling away from the hug and looking at him with a bewildered expression.

"Um, explain please." Ava butted in, looking at us with a raised brow.

"Me and Callum are like, family friends! I've known him since...well...forever considering Callum was born two months before me therefore he was brought along to the hospital when I was born." I chuckled, smiling up at Callum.

"But then my family just HAD to move here when I was 8." He finished, also smiling down at me. I reached up and pushed his shoulder.

"Awh, well this is cute!" Chastity observed and me and Callum both responded by throwing cheesy grins at her. As I looked back towards Callum, I noticed someone in the dinner queue behind just straight up pushing into the front of the queue. The staff didn't even seem to care. It was that boy from before, that Cheyenne said was on the Track Team. Ugh, arrogant little-

"So how've you been?" Callum asked me, but I was too distracted by the brown haired boy, who's friend had now emerged from beside him - also pushing in. I felt like I wanted to step in and say something but I didn't want to develop a bad reputation or anything.

Did these guys REALLY have to be on the Track Team?


Well hello there! It's me! Sneaky preview of the team on the attached picture. But, you're only getting surnames! ;)

If you liked this story, please comment or vote of tell people about it. I only carry on when I get some form of feedback, so if you want more, please speak up. Thankyou!

So, who's your favourite character so far? Of course you don't know them very well yet, but who seems the most interesting? Cheyenne? Ava? Trinity? Chastity? Callum? Jessica? Jodie? Jane? Or maybe those two boys cutting the queue?...

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