It was our last day at the camp. I didn't know whether to be happy or upset.
I'd done so many things over the past days - kayaking, tree climbing...
Oh and we did these team building exercises that were hilarious because one person was blind-folded and the other had to guide them to the finish line with directions but Jane and Jodie were together and you know what Jodie's like, she was just totally hopeless when Jane was directing her. It was hilarious.
I was packing my bags when I heard a conversation outside my tent. I was packing up early in the morning, when most people were still asleep. In fact, Ava was still asleep in the tent.
"She means a lot. And I just thought you'd know best."
"I'm not good with ideas and stuff like that though."
"C'mon, you must be able to think of something!!"
Oh my god. Hunter was asking Kota if he had any ideas for our date!! I shouldn't be hearing this. This must be a surprise.
I quickly exited my tent to find both of them shocked by my presence.
"You're stood right outside my tent - what did you expect, dumbasses?" I asked, hand on hip.
"What did you hear?" Hunter asked, cautiously.
"Enough. Kota, get some sleep. And if Hunter asks you for ideas again, don't tell him a thing. A real man can come up with an idea on his own."
I walked over to Hunter, placing a hand on his chest. He didn't know whether to be surprised or to throw his classic smirk at me.
"I'll just...yeah..." And Kota left, leaving me and Hunter stood on our own.
"Let's get out of here." He whispered, before scooping me up bridal style and carrying me off through the woods.
We reach a small cliff overlooking the campsite after a long walk. The sight was so foreign and so wonderful. The stars above us seemed to look down on us, illuminating the ground we lay on, as if it were a spotlight.
We were looking up at the sky. Cliché, I know, but seriously - it was so romantic.
"Are you tired?" Hunter asked me, arm wrapped around my shoulders.
"I'm alright. This is all so pretty."
"So are-
"Kay now that's a bit too cliché."
Hunter chuckled, sitting up, looking down at me.
"Alright, so you're not into clichés. In those movies they all kiss and fall asleep under the stars, right?"
"Yeah, so?" I joined him by sitting up next to him. He was still a little taller, however.
"How about we spice things up a bit?" Before I could process his words he lunged for me, pushing me onto my back, pinning me to the floor.
He grabbed my chin and leaned down swiftly to kiss my lips. My hands instantly got caught in his hair. He pushed my hands back down, pinning them above my head.
I used all my strength to pull myself up, so that my back was upright. I kicked Hunter off me and watched him fall onto his back.
Slowly standing up, I smirked down at him.
"You wanna play like that, huh? Well you'll have to find me first."
"And if I do?"
"Then I'm all yours."
And with that, I ran - fast as I could. I felt like I was on a sugar high. I looked behind me, watching the scene i was at previously slowly disappear.
A while later I found myself hidden behind a tree which I hoped was a good while away. The trunk was wide enough to hide me well, but I had no idea where I was. In fact, I kinda hoped Hunter would find me so that he could lead me back.
Five minutes went by and he hadn't found me yet. I had probably sent him off track by mist-
"Didn't think I was coming back did you?"
A hand was against my throat, holding it up. It wasn't pressed too hard to strangle me, but hard enough to keep me in place.
Another hand pinned my left arm back.
I gasped as I felt a trail of kisses run up my neck, until a pair of lips met my ear, nibbling on the lobe.
"Well, I guess I'm all yours."
Hunter came round the front of me. My eyes were closed, savouring the moment. His lips met mine quickly and hungrily, but not in a rough way.
His hands went under my thighs and I didn't protest as he picked me up. My legs wrapped themselves around his waist as my back was pressed up against the tree.
I laid my head back on the trunk, exposing my neck for Hunter to kiss, which he soon did.
I grinned widely, looking down at him but screamed at the sight I saw.
Mason Reynolds.
I pushed him off me, backing away slowly.
"Chey, what's wrong?"
I looked up again to see that the boy was no longer Mason but Hunter.
"Hunter? I-I don't know. Let's just go back to camp." I suggested, just before a bright light was shone on the both of us.
"Cheyenne Williams and Hunter Campbell. It's 2am. Why aren't you in your tents?" One of our teachers asked.
Hunter and I sighed, apologising to the teacher (who luckily was nice enough to let us off with a warning). We then made our way back to camp, not speaking a word.
"Hey, it's my turn to put a song on!!"
"Shut up Chast, we've had enough of your music!! Chey, why don't you put a song on?"
"I'm alright."
I watched out of the window as we made our way home. I still had no idea what had happened last night.
I saw Mason.
But then it was Hunter again.
Looking down at my phone, I had 6 missed calls from Hunter, 13 texts from him also, and a couple texts from Kota.
"Kay, what's up?" Ava asked, bringing me out of my trance.
"What do you mean?"
"You're acting super weird, Chey."
"I'm just tired."
"That's what they all say."
I sighed, looking over at Ava. "I'll explain some other time. But right now - my mind's so messed up that even if I did try to tell you, it wouldn't make any sense."
She threw a pitiful smile over at me before Chastity yanked the phone from the front.
"Kay, now time for some Ariana!"
Oh Jesus Christ, here we go...

The Track Team
Teen FictionShe was just a girl who wanted to join the track team at her new Highschool. No biggie, right? Wrong. Cheyenne goes through so much more than she thought she would when she moves to her new school. Embarrassing moments, drop-dead gorgeous boys, clic...