Welcome to my crib

765 29 12

(Sorry if this isn't long at all but I wanted to update so...)

"I kissed Kai."

"You kissed Kai?!"

"I frickin kissed Kai, okay?!"

"Well Kai's not the worst of the bunch. At least you didn't kiss H-"

"Hunter." I mumbled.

"What?" Dakota asked, inching closer to me on my bed. My Care Bears duvet complimented his beige jeans. Oh Dakota, with your fab fashion sense, anyone would assume you were gay.

"What, Chey, WHAT?!"

"I kissed...Hunter kissed...we kissed okay?! Hunter and I...kissed."

Kota's jaw dropped at this stage as he stared at me in such shock. His face looked paler than before, his brown eyes looked wider. He blinked slowly, carefully, examining my face.

"Hunter who?" He asked, straightening himself back up again.

"Hunter Campbell?" I responded, and his jaw dropped once again.

"Oh..wow." He spoke. "Chey, what the hell are you going to do?! What about Jessica?! What about the team?! If coach finds out, who knows what could happen?! What if he breaks your heart?! What if-"

"Relaaaax. I don't like him." I informed him, shrugging lightly - allowing my ginger hair to fall over my shoulders.

"But...you kissed him."

I rolled my eyes at this, looking over into Dakota's confused brown orbs.

"It was an 'in the moment' kinda thing, Kota."

"So what about with Kai?"

"Oh yeah that was way better!" I lied.

I straight up lied. Kissing Kai was great, but the fireworks blew up when I kissed Hunter. I don't know, maybe it was one of those situations where the wrong feels right. Or omg, what if my drink was spiked?!

"So you like him?"

"Um, I don't know. Let me see what happens."


I like Saturdays. But I have a habit of completely wasting them. Today wasn't one of those days.

It was me, Ava, Trinity and Chastity in the gym. I'm on a strict training schedule, and they were happy to help out which was amazing!

As soon as I got in, i lunged for the treadmill, setting it not far off max and running as much as I can.

"Ugh, Chey, let me be youuuuu." Chastity whined. I scoffed at this, turning my head ever so slightly to see her.

"Why would you want to be a weirdo like me?" I smiled but still asked the question rather seriously. All three of them seemed to roll their eyes in unison, which made me furrow my brows.

"Well, first thing's first - all the boys like you." I laughed while the others piped in with 'yeah's and 'it's true's.

"That is SO not true!" I responded, shaking my head.

"Oh shut up Chey." Ava continued. "Hunter likes you, Kai likes you - my GOD Kai likes you, and all these other boys keep staring at you! Just look around!!" I looked up and as I did so, many boys turned away, avoiding my gaze. Oh my god.

"And you're so gorgeous. Like, seriously." Trinity finished, sighing.

"Yeah, and so are all of you! I'd kill to have your nose-" I motioned to Trinity's cute dainty nose. "Or your eyes-" I motioned to Chastity's pretty blue eyes. "Or your hair, Ava." I motioned towards Ava's gorgeous ombré hair. They all chuckled and looked down to the ground with a smile.

"You really don't know how amazing you are, Cheyenne."


It had been such a long day. After the gym I'd gone straight home but I had a ton of homework which took me just short of forever. Ugh. I needed my beauty sleep.

I snuggled up in my blanket, turned off my lamp and closed my eyes...


My eyes shot open. I scanned the room, no-one was to be seen.

So why was the window open and why were my curtains apart?

I stood up slowly, carefully, creeping towards the window. "Whoever you are...come out."

Yeah, good one Chey, they'll definitely reply to a weak suggestion like t-


I fell on the ground after my ankle being captured and tugged. Luckily, I landed on my forearms, like in a push up position. But it was the thing underneath me that scared me.


I was about to leap up before he switched our positions, pinning me to the ground.

"Hey, princess." He smirked. God damn that smirk!!

"Are you drunk?!" I questioned.

"Do you really think a drunk person could enter a bedroom with such a high level of skill?!"

Well that answers my question.

"What are you doing here?! Why are you in my house?!!!" I shrieked, hands on his chest trying to push him away but to no avail. I sighed, realising I was strong enough and gave in, shrinking back into the ground.

"I wanted to see you." He replied, nonchalantly.

"So you risked falling off my roof, and my parents catching you and all this for me?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

He seemed slightly anger by this and ran a hand through his hair, roughly.

"I fucking like you Cheyenne, can you not see?! The insults I throw at you, I do it because I like you! You're fucking perfect and it annoys me to such an extent that I end up trying to ignore it with Jessica. I keep trying to hide it but I can't! I see your hazel eyes in the leaves of every oak tree I pass. I see your beautiful smile in the crescent moon. I see your gorgeous red hair floating in the clouds of the sunset. I see you, everywhere. You're haunting me, Cheyenne Marie Williams, and I can't take it!! It's scaring me, I've never felt this before. You're so...ugh...AMAZING and you just don't get it and that annoys me so much that I just want to...kiss you to prove it! I want to take you to one of those romantic beaches in, I don't know, Spain! Or Hawaii! Yeah, Hawaii!! Or to Paris, and watch you try so hard to pronounce things but mess up every time because you're that adorable. I want you. You're my cure, but you're killing me at the same time."

I was speechless. How does one reply to such a thing.

But then, I remember Jessica. Her warning. I'm not usually scared by girls like that, but I was this time. I had to be careful. Even if it meant doing something that would break my heart into million of tiny pieces-

"I don't like you Hunter."

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