(Picture of Cheyenne attached. Please comment, or vote, or communicate in some way, otherwise I feel as though you don't really like the story, therefore I don't update it. Oh, and please tell me which boy you think seems most interesting *look at the cast list if you want to know what they all look like*)
Finally - Tryouts!
The school day was now over which meant that I was so ready to run! I made my way towards the field but on my way I noticed a crowd of people all surrounding the entrance. Heck, there were even teachers and woah, is that a guard? They were being kept off by teachers and guards. Jeez, I knew his school was good but I didn't know they had GUARDS! How cool is that?!
I made my way through the crowd, trying my very best to get to the front.
"Excuse me! I'm here for the tryouts." I informed one of the guards.
"Oh, course you are, that's what they all say." He spat back. What the hell was all this about?!
I reached one of the teachers, one I recognised. I think she was a PE teacher. She greeted me earlier and she seemed really nice.
"Um, excuse me Miss, I'm here for the tryouts."
She turned to me, a bright smile on her face.
"Oh, of course. Cheyenne, yes? I've heard a lot about you. Jerry - let her through!"
The mean guard from before let me slip past him and past the gate. Once I'd gotten through to the other side, I took a sigh of relief. Oh. My. God. I rushed into the changing rooms, changing as quick as possible. Punctuality is key. That and a ton of others things that you have to do right. Was I in the wrong place? Or was I super late because there were NO others girls here. What. The. Hell?
Making my way over to the mirror, I tied my bright hair up in a high ponytail. My green eyes looked bright, and I hoped it was just the light in the room that made them that way. Sure, I didn't want to have dull, bored eyes when I left the room, but bright eyes just seem so hopeful and people seem to think you're sort of childish and take pity on you. I don't know how it works, it's just that saying 'sometimes eyes can say more than the mouth can'.
I walked out of the changing rooms in my black tank top and orange shorts. My white sneakers looked quite plain but they'd always been my lucky charm. Well, since I got them, and as my feet don't really grow all that much - I'd had them for two years now and they still fit just fine.
The crowd near the entrance was gone, but I noticed that there were loads of girls sat in the bleachers. Surely they can't ALL be the families of the team.
I stood at the end of a line of about 8 boys. Just boys. What happened to girl power?
"Alright. The only reason we're having these tryouts is because Jamie graduated last year, meaning we have an opening. You are, according to the PE department, the best runners who aren't already on the team." The coach started.
"Only one of you will make it." He finished. Some of the boys looked around quite worriedly, but I kept my head held high.
"Alright guys, we're ready to go."
The team came out from one of the sides. Oh god, now I know what Ava meant. They were all, though I hate to admit it, incredibly attractive. But that was not why I was here for. God, Chey, quit getting distracted!
"You let a GIRL try out?!" Okay, which one of them just said that the sexist little-
Oh. Of course. It was Mr. Not-A-Quarterback-Gross-Liplocking-Rude-Queue-Cutter Dude. I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked me up and down. Was he checking me out?! Who does that after saying something so...RUDE?!

The Track Team
Teen FictionShe was just a girl who wanted to join the track team at her new Highschool. No biggie, right? Wrong. Cheyenne goes through so much more than she thought she would when she moves to her new school. Embarrassing moments, drop-dead gorgeous boys, clic...