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Lorna looked at the device in her hand as she waited patiently for it to ring.

She bit at her green painted nails as she paces back and forth in the motel room she was staying in for the night.

Where was he?

Lorna thought. She's been on the road for two months now, looking for any clues about the Mutant Underground, following any clue, any lead. Every whisper about the underground she tracked down. But all were dead ends.

But when she isn't too busy on the road, or when all the leads dry up, she's back in New York - with her sister, and Tony.

It was an unexpected surprise; she didn't think she would ever grow . . . fond of Tony.

But if she was being honest, over these past couple of months, her and Tony has built some resemblance of a relationship. She enjoyed his no bullshit behaviour and he enjoyed her no nonsense personality.

They were friends, and he felt protective over her. Perhaps the closest he might get to having a daughter was Lorna - and if that was the case, Tony wouldn't mind too much.

Finally, the phone in her hand flashes with the goofy face Lorna has saved under Tony's contact.

"Yes?" She asks curtly which earns a chuckle from the man.

"I've found them." Is all he says before all Tony could hear was the excited screaming from Lorna's end of the phone call.

She kept yelling in excitement, never once running out of breath to which Tony was a little impressed. After a minute or two, he gave a slight cough to knock Lorna out of her excited daze.

Sheepishly, she realised she was screaming and hadn't' answered the man.

"Sorry Tony! Thank you so much!" She bit her lip nervously.

"So wh-where are they?" Lorna asked. Part of her hesitant as all her worries and anxieties rise to the surface. Like what if the Mutant Underground didn't accept Lorna? What if Marcos wasn't even there? And worse . . . what if he didn't remember her or want to see her?

Lorna doesn't think she can take that kind of pain.

Tony speaks over the phone, saying one word.



"How far is that away from you and Wanda?" Lorna asks, unsure of American cities and the distance between them.

"Around twelve hours away." Tony says and Lorna chokes slightly on her saliva.

"Twelve hours?" She exclaims and received a sound of agreement from the other side of the line.

She couldn't be that far from her sister, from Tony.

From her family.

"You okay kid?" Tony asks over the line, not liking Lorna's quiet.

"Kid?" He asks again, getting even more worried than before.

About to drop everything and locate the girl - Tony stops when hearing a sound from Lorna.

"Sorry Tones, I just . . . I don't know if I can go. Atlanta is pretty far." Lorna mutters, going from standing and pacing the hotel room to sitting onto the bed. Feeling pretty down and hopeless. Resting her elbows on her knees as she holds the phone to her ear.

Her green eyes shining with tears, so desperately wanting to fall down her cheeks but she wouldn't let them. Because if she started, she wasn't going to stop.

"Kid, listen to me, carefully." Tony says and Lorna nods with a little sound of confirmation.

"I know you're afraid. I can tell. But Lorna, your sister and I will always be here, no matter where you are you always have a home with us. And trust me, from what I heard about Marcos, he would have missed you just as much as you've missed him." Tony says, Lorna was practically sobbing now, listening to Tony. He cared so much for the green haired girl.

"Thank you, Tony, I think I need to ring Wanda now." Lorna says and Tony laughs. "Okay, Kiddo. Just remember I'm always here for you. Talking to you is much better than board meetings and networking." Tony laughs and Lorna smiles.

"Bye Tony." Lorna says and shuts the phone call off.

Now to tell her sister.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

"Lorna!" Wanda shouts as she answers the video call, looking as beautiful as ever.

Lorna smiles at her sister as they make some small talk, talking about Wanda's training and Lorna's life on the road.

"Your accent is fading pretty quick huh?" Lorna says and Wanda blushes. The Sokovian accent in Wanda's voice used to be pretty thick, as was Lorna's. Perhaps it was just the exposure to the American accent but both their accents have waivered.

"Your accent is pretty slight as well sister." Wanda says with a smile which infects Lorna and she smiles back. "Now what is wrong? Don't think I can't read your face Lorna." Wanda says with a smirk, and suddenly, Lorna wishes she called her sister via phone call rather than video call. At least then she can pretend she is okay.

"Tony found the Mutant Underground." Lorna says and Wanda starts jumping around and yelling excitedly.

Yeah, they were definitely sisters.

After Wanda regained her composure, a look at Lorna's face and she frowns.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy?" Wanda asks and Lorna sighs.

"It's in Atlanta. Twelve hours away!" Lorna cries out.


"Exactly." Lorna replies.

"That's okay though Lorna, you know that, right? The world isn't going to end if we don't see each other as often." Wanda says and Lorna pouts.

"It might . . ." She says childishly, making Wanda laugh.

"I will not hold you back sister. I refuse to let to miss the opportunity to find Marcos. And Pietro would smack you if you even thought about staying because of us." Wanda says and Lorna smiles softly.

"But twelve hours - and what if they don't want me?" Lorna asks, looking away from Wanda, not wanting to show her how vulnerable she is.

She misses her sister.

"Don't be ridiculous, Sister, of course they're gonna want you. And I know you're worried about Marcos - but if anyone is going to know where he is - it is the underground. You need to find him Lorna. Prove that something . . . good, came out of that facility." Wanda finishes and Lorna nods, taking in the words from her older sister.

"I love you, Wanda."

"And I love you, Lorna."

Looks like Lorna is leaving for Atlanta Afterall.


Im so sorry for how long this has taken. I promise I'll try and update more frequently.

Maxi, this is for you ahah.

Stay cool homies.

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