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It was time to say goodbye to Rhodey who had to travel a little further for his award ceremony as Lorna found out. So here she was, a decent hotel, since she refused Tony's wish to settle her into a five-star hotel for her stay. She was not going to let Tony pay that much.

Anyway, after spending most of her teen years in a research facility a three-star motel was perfect.

Rhodey was busy helping Lorna with her one bag, ever the gentleman.

"Is this everything you own?" Rhodey asked and Lorna nodded. Everything in all almost eighteen years of life can fit into one duffle bag.

"I'm surprised Tony hasn't tried buying you an entire mall yet." Rhodey jokes as they walk into the lobby. "Believe me, he has tried. I won't let him." Lorna laughs as they get to reception.

Key in hand, she takes the duffle from Rhodey, giving him a meaningful bear hug which he returns. He grew quite fond of Lorna in the twelve hours he's known her. And he can see why Tony is just about ready to adopt her. She was sweet, despite everything that had happened to her - she didn't lose any kindness.

Rhodey was glad for that.

"I guess this is where I leave you." Rhodey says as she unlocks the door. He knew she could handle herself. But he still worried about leaving a teenage girl all alone in Atlanta.

"Thank you again Rhodey."

"Anytime Kiddo."

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

Lorna scratched her head looking down at her phone - the coordinates leading her to a dead end, a brick wall. Zip, zilch, nada. Nothing even remotely close to a mutant underground. She groans and wanders out of the alleyway, when she gets spotted by two people from the entrance of the alleyway, blocking her exit, they look at her - women she thinks, regardless Lorna is still worried. She realises she's trapped; at the same time the two women realise it as well.

The women start heading up the alleyway, a glint in their eyes at what appears to be easy prey. Lorna knows what's coming. Looking at her hands, shaking them to try and ignite any green energy, she could feel the metal around her, she could feel the metal knife one of the girls had on them, could feel a metal plate in the left one's knee, as well as an insane amount of metal behind her, in the brick wall.

That confused Lorna but she didn't have time as the women advanced.

"Come on, come on, come on!" She whispers to her hands as the women laugh at the crazy girl with green hair talking to her hands.

She could make the metal lid of the trashcan rattle, she tried to move it anymore and it wouldn't budge. She cusses as the women are too close now.

She takes a deep breath.

"Can I help you?" She asks, her fear and stress making her Sokovian accent a bit more prominent.

"Yeah, you can. You can give us your phone, your wallet and all valuables." The one with the metal teeth on the left says and Lorna hesitates, waiting for her powers to finally listen to her.

"No, I don't think so." Lorna says bravely and the one on the right laughs, before bringing her arm back and socking Lorna in the face with all her might. Lorna is thrown back by the punch, her cheek burning, bringing her hand to her face she sees the crimson red blood on her hand. Her anger increased - she was pissed.

The metal lid of the trashcan flew off at that moment and the one on the left brandished her spring-loaded knife. Lorna glares as she gets up off the dirty concrete. The women look back at the trashcan, surprised by the sound before looking back at Lorna - who looked murderous.

They don't show any fear of the green mutant and Lorna is glad, she could feel her powers, a lot more now. Her eyes fill with resentment as her hands glow green, the women are startled as Lorna attacks, melting the knife in her hand, hovering above the concrete, showing her power before landing on the ground gracefully. She throws a punch at the one who hit her, and kicks the one with the knife in the stomach, the frightened girls go to escape - but something was wrong. Lorna could no longer control herself, her powers, free from her control, doing whatever they wanted as she could feel herself melting the metal in the women's teeth and bodies, hearing them scream in pain Lorna yells out her apologies. She just wanted to scare them off - this was too much!

"Stop! STOP!" Lorna screams at herself, her body glowing green and back to floating above the women.

And finally, it stops and Lorna falls from where she hovered. Falling down and hurting her elbow, ripping the skin from it.

The women look at Lorna as if she was a monster and help each other up as they try and flee as fast as they can.

And Lorna felt bad for them to a degree, but who knows what they would have done to her had she not had any powers - the knife now in a silver puddle on the ground and Lorna sighs.

This was a bust. No mutants and she was attacked - and hurt someone pretty bad.

Lorna hoped they wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Lorna looked back, giving one last fleeting look at the confusing brick wall and left the alleyway before any more trouble followed her.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

She groans as she presses the icepack into her cheek, looking at the mirror she moved the ice, only to reveal the swollen purple mark, the cut still trying to bleed. The punch split open her cheek in a spot that would not stop bleeding.

She could feel her phone vibrate in her pocket, sighing as she pushes the ice against her cheek again and pulls the phone out, relieved when seeing the goofy image of Tony rather than the one of her sister. She answers the video call to an excited and smiley Tony. But that changes when he sees the ice pack pressed against her cheek as well as the expression on Lorna's face.

"Hey Kiddo, what the hell happened?" Tony asks and Lorna cracks a small smile.

"Hey Tones, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." Lorna says and notices something behind Tony - he was in his workshop. "Hey is that a new suit?" She asks to distract him.

"Nice distracting method - yeah it's a new suit. Doesn't change the fact that someone hit you? Who was it?" He asks, his anger bubbling under his flesh.

"I don't know who it was Tony - they regretted it though." Lorna says and Tony raises his eyebrows. "Okay Kid, you don't have to tell me the details as long as you're safe that's all that matters." Tony says and Lorna smiles at the man.

"Now, tell me about this suit?"


I am slack I know and I am sorry buuuuut I now have 2 weeks off work and you best believe imma try and update a lot more!!!

Thanks again for reading sorry it's a bit of a filler.

Stay cool homies

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