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It was taking a while for the mutant underground to accept Lorna or even trust her - which she could understand. A lot of these people were kids and families who were running for their life. Away from the hatred and mistreatment that was becoming more commonplace as Lorna noticed.

But she loved being there, loved helping them out.

Every night she would videocall with her sister, who told Lorna stories of what training she's doing and what the avengers were up too, how Vision was (Lorna knew Wanda would grow to have a crush on the android) and her missions. And of course, asking when Lorna was going to come back.

And Lorna hated that question, because the more she stayed there, and helped all the kids and families seek asylum and get them somewhere safe, the more Lorna wanted to stay. But how could she tell Wanda that she doesn't want to be an avenger?

Tony was the only one who knew, because Lorna could tell him anything and she'd know it was safe with him. She called him every second night if not more frequently. She missed him and her sister.

She's been in the Mutant underground for almost a month now - though it doesn't feel like it.

"Oi, Lorna, I got a lead on Marcos." John knocks Lorna out her thoughts and her eyes widen as she stands and knocks the chair she was sitting on over. John laughs and nods.

"What's the lead? Where is he? Is he close?" Lorna asks as she grabs John by the shoulders and shakes him as he laughs. "Why aren't you answering me?" Lorna cries as her shaking continues and she drills him with more questions.

"Stop shaking me before you give me brain damage." John jokes and takes Lorna's hands off his shoulders. "It's too late for that." Lorna jokes and John grabs his chest, an offended look on his face.

"Nah I'm not telling you what I know about Marcos now." John says and turns to walk away. And Lorna laughs.
"Fine! I'm sorry! Please tell me." Lorna says and John grins.
"Okay Lorn, my informant is meeting us in a half an hour so we better get going." John says and Lorna's legs feel weak. She nods and follows John to the car, her mind processing while her body takes over.

Lorna and John have grown to become close friends in this month - well John and Clarice, John's girlfriend. Lorna liked them both a lot, and they worked really well in training together. Well . . . when Lorna could touch her powers. Doing easy tasks were taking more energy out of her, and she couldn't even feel the magnetic field around her sometimes. And that freaked her out more than anything - feeling that alone. At least she can go to Clarice and curl up next to her while she waited to feel the connection, she used to.

"Hey, Space cadet." John says and shakes Lorna's shoulder. She spaced out the whole drive. "Sorry John, I gotta stop with the zoning out, I know." Lorna says with a quiver in her voice as she looks at the diner sign. Someone was in there, someone who might know where Marcos was.

That terrified her as much as excited her. John must've sensed Lorna's hesitation, because he exits the car and walks to Lorna's side, gently putting his hand on her shoulder.

In such a small amount of time he feels like an older brother to the teenager. He knows little of what she's been through, but he knows enough that he never wants anything like that to happen to her again.

"Lorna, it'll be okay - we will go in together, alright?" John says and Lorna looks up at him with wide green eyes. She nods and gulps and grabs his awaiting hand for comfort, and to hold herself up. Because without his support, she may just topple over on her shaky legs.

"Thanks Johnny Boy." Lorna says with a trembling laugh. Trying to ease her mind from the overwhelming panic she was feeling. She felt like a mess at how quick she can dissolve into a puddle of panic and fear at the drop of a hat. She hated herself for it - she should be stronger than this! She survived Strucker, survived Ultron, survived losing Pietro.

Lorna was a survivor - she should be able to handle this.

She shakes her head, rolls her shoulders and let's go of John's hand, giving him a nod that she was okay when he looks down at her with concern.

She walks in with her back strong and straight leaving her panic behind her.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

John and Lorna were seated at the diner booth, Lorna tried her best not to crane her neck in every possible direction every minute looking for this informant.

They've been here for an hour, and Lorna was getting fed up.

"They're not coming John." Lorna says with a huff as she grabs her phone and shoots a text to Tony, asking how he was since she didn't get the change to ring him last night.

"They might be." He argues and Lorna groans and puts her head on her folded arms.

"We've been here for an hour. They're not coming. Черт возьми!" Lorna ends, slipping back into Sokovian. John looks at her and tilts his head in question. Resembling a puppy.

"Sorry, I'm not translating cause what I said wasn't nice." Lorna says and John shakes his head with a smile. "You ready to go then?" John asks and Lorna sighs and nods. As they get up the bell on the door rings and Lorna doesn't even bother looking up as John checks they haven't left anything.

"John Proudstar?" A small voice says and Lorna jumps and looks down in shock, accidently muttering; "Дерьмо." In surprise.

"You're Sal?" John asks the short and thin man and he nods as he helps himself to a seat, Lorna shoots a confused look at John who just shrugs before they both sit down, Lorna now next to John as they sit across from Sal.

"You said you had info on how to find a Marcos Diaz." John says at the small man who refuses to make eye contact with the two mutants.

"Yes, I knew Marcos, I also know where he has been for the last couple of years." Sal says.

"Where?" Lorna asks hurriedly and Sal looks at her in the eyes and she held back a gasp as she understood why the man didn't make eye contact before.

Half of his face seemed to be scarred. . . or burned. His right eye was disfigured and almost unrecognisable as an eyeball.

"You never explained why you were looking for him - why are you searching for him?" Sal says the last word as if it hurt him to say. And suddenly Lorna's stomach dropped to her stomach.

"Why does it matter why we're searching for Marcos?" John says and Lorna tries to avoid looking at Sal, trying to ignore what she knew he was about to say.

"Because that monster is the one who did this to me!" Sal shouts, earning the attention of the other couple people around the diner.

"What?" John asks confused and Lorna goes green - not as in her powers, as in she's going to be sick.

Her mind reeling with questions, her hands shaking slightly as they start filling with green aura by accident. She tries to close her palms or shaking her hands out to try and get her powers to diminish but they wouldn't work.

"Where is Marcos?" John asks steadily. Lorna will need to get him a thank you gift for being so strong for her, being so level-headed while Lorna is a thread away from snapping and having a full on break down.

"The Mexican Cartel."

Yep. . . there goes her last thread.


Hey everyone so I randomly decided to do a chapter because I gotta isolate again! Plus my brain had to get violated again ughhhh.

Lets hope my fam and I are all negative for covid.

At least ill update more.


Stay cool my guys.

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