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Lorna was confused.

Who was this lady? How was she so unaffected by the smoke?

And what did she need to talk to Lorna about?

“Who are you?” Lorna chokes out, the foundation restricting how much air Lorna was breathing in.
The no named woman crouches down and gets closer to Lorna’s face.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is who you are. And who you’ve been hiding here.” The woman says. And whether it was the smoke inhalation or the lack of oxygen, but all Lorna was, was no less confused. If anything, she was more confused.
The woman must see the confusion wash across Lorna’s face and she sighs.

“My name is Reeva, and I’m with an . . . organisation. We’ve been searching for you. And two children you have here; the Strucker siblings.” The woman – Reeva says and Lorna has a sense of dread . . . Strucker? She knew they had some new people had just joined the underground with the surname of ‘Strucker’ but Lorna tried not to think about it. And hoped they had no affiliation to the Strucker who abused her.

A shiver runs through her pinned body despite the heat radiating in the room, Lorna can’t believe Reeva isn’t sweating.

“W-why me?” Lorna manages to ask.
“Oh Lorna, we’ve been watching you since before Sokovia. You and your siblings are quite fascinating.” Reeva compliments and before Lorna can warn her about touching her sister she continues.

“Especially you, your powers – so raw and limitless.” Lorna wanted to roll her eyes.

Clearly . . . her powers had limits.

So much like your father.”

Lorna stopped breathing.

“What did you say?” But before Reeva could answer her, she shoots a pointed look to Lorna and within a second, disappears from sight. Just as she does, she feels the weight being lifted off her.

Looking up she sees the concerned face of John who's lifting the beam as high as he can before throwing it across the room, scooping Lorna up in his arms and carrying her out of the room.

“Lorna are you okay?” John asks as they hurry from the room and down the hall.

Lorna practically started to cough her lungs up once she starts getting fresh air she was in desperate need for.

Lorna couldn’t talk as he kept running, she could faintly see a purple and blue opening at the end of the hall, and could see Clarice, Sonja and even Bobby on the other side. John continued to ask more questions but she slowly felt the energy leave her body as unconsciousness took hold.


“Have you gotten hold of Stark or her sister yet? They’re not gonna be too thrilled that Lorna is injured." A faceless voice says. Lorna couldn’t pick the voice, and all she could see was darkness.

“Her phone got destroyed when the beam landed on her, and I’ve sent a message to Stark industries but didn’t want to give too much information on the phone.” Another voice answers.

“Will she be okay though?”

“Her mind is awake,  I can hear it. We just have to wait for her body to respond.”

Lorna was sick of not knowing who was talking. Frustrated from not being awake, she zones out. Letting the darkness wash over her again.


Tony was angry. Absolutely fuming. The receptionist delayed the message – by two whole days. Tony, dress in his Iron Man suit, as it was the fastest way to get from where he was to Lorna, was on his way to upper New York – where the Avengers complex was. Wanda would want to know what was wrong with her sister.

Getting there as fast as he could he enters the building.

“Wanda? You in?” Tony calls out, grabbing the attention of Sam.

“Hey man, what you doing here?” Sam asked confused before realising a mistake. “Not that you can’t be here. It is your place. We just don’t see you around here much.” Sam rectifies.

“I need to see Wanda. Immediately.” Tony says with a sense of urgency that Sam has never seen in him before.

“She’s not here. She’s in Lagos with Steve and Nat. They’re gonna be there for a couple more months until they track down Rumlow.” Sam answers and Tony curses.

“Alright. I’ll ring Steve. Get him to let her know. I don’t have time to get to Lagos. I need to get to Genosha now. Stay safe on the mission in Lagos Sam.” Tony says as he’s about to leave.

“What did you need Wanda for?”

“It’s Lorna – She’s not doing too well and she was hurt pretty badly. I need to get to her.” Tony says with a nod and leaves the complex before flying off in a hurry. Trying to get Steve on the phone as quick as possible.

“Tony? Do you have any idea what time it is?” Steve asks groggily and Tony flies faster.

“How quick can you get Wanda here?” He asks.

“Wanda? She can’t to anywhere we’re deep into tracking Rumlow. We’re pretty close." Steve says and Tony groans.

“She has to come back. Lorna is hurt and in Genosha getting looked after but I’m getting there as fast as I can. Can you pass the message on to Wanda?” Tony says and Steve agrees. Tony gives a thanks before hanging up.

Steve just looks at the phone with confusion.

Genosha?’ Was Tony drunk?

Steve never heard of such a place. Even so, he goes over to Wanda’s bed, shaking her shoulders slightly.

She wakes softly, groaning at being awoken. “Wanda, something is wrong with Lorna." Is all Steve has to stay before Wanda’s eyes snap open.


John sat with Clarice, Sonja and Peter who were all seated around Lorna’s bed. Peter didn’t know why he felt so attached to Lorna.  He really liked her. She was funny and understood his humour and backwards mannerisms. He knew if she woke up, that they would soon become best friends. Partners in crime. He didn’t need to be a future seeing mutant to know that.

They all worried. Clarice loved Lorna’s no bullshit personality, and Sonja loved her for how strong she was mentally with still being kind after all that’s happened to her.

And John. John loved her because of how close they had grown in the past couple of months. Lorna had given him his trust.

John is pulled from his thoughts by the sound somebody entering the room.

A man in a red and gold suit.

He didn’t need any introduction as he steps out of his suit

“Tell me everything.”


Hey everyone! New update and I didn't wait as long so yay me!

I hope you're all staying safe and looking after you and your loved ones.

Id any of you like Dungeons and Dragons well boy do I got news for you.

My bestie (irl) has started writing her first book on Wattpad.

Please check it out and giver her some love.

ShadowHunterDee love you babe.

Stay cool homies

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