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Peter stayed for a while after that, and Clarice join as well as some of the other mutants who were slowly welcoming Lorna into their gang.
Among the laughing and the liveliness, Lorna felt more at home than ever before.

Saying their goodbyes for the night, Lorna heads to the room she shares with another mutant. A pretty red headed woman named Sonya but everyone called her Dreamer. She seemed nice, and her and Lorna got on pretty well, from the handful of conversations they’ve had late at night when neither of their minds let them shut off.

Coming into the room, she sees the light in the corner on, Sonja sitting up in the corner, book in hand.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt.” Lorna says and Sonja smiles and puts her book down. “No don’t be – how was your night? I heard a loud man-child so I guess Peter was here.” Sonja jokes and Lorna laughs.

“Yeah it was good – I had a pretty shit day so meeting Peter really improved it.” Lorna responds and Sonja hums in agreement.

‘Alright – well I better get some sleep.” Lorna says and leaves for the bathroom, Sonja’s eyes follow Lorna, something akin to worry settling in her gut.

Sonja knew she should tell Lorna what her powers were – but would Lorna still be her friend if she knew that Sonja could see her dreams every night – not dreams, nightmares.

Sonja loved her powers, but when it came to friends they tend to find it intrusive. And promptly changing rooms and ceasing friendship with the redhead.

There was a reason why she was the only one bunked here.

She’ll tell Lorna one day.


¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

Lorna looked at her dead eyes in the mirror. When not around people, the life tend to disappear within her. Maybe she died with Pietro.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, she pulls it out and smiles softly.

“Hey Tones.” Lorna says and is greeted by and enthusiastic “Hey Kiddo” from Tony’s end. 

She wanted to vent, wanted to tell Tony about Marcos – but she didn’t want him to know his efforts were for nothing.
She decided she wouldn’t tell him unless he asked – because she couldn’t lie to the man.

They talked for a bit, she asked how Pepper was and how everything in New York was. He asks how she is and the mutant underground.

“Its all good Tony, I actually met a really cool mutant today, he was a speedster like Pietro.” Lorna says with a bitter-sweet smile.

“Oh Hun, that couldn’t of been easy.” Tony says and Lorna nods and makes a noise of agreement.
“It really wasn’t great. But he is really nice – which made it a little bit easier.” Lorna replies and Tony hums. “That’s good Kiddo, would’ve been worse if he was a dick.” Tony says and Lorna laughed softly and agrees.

“Any news on Marcos yet?” Tony asks and Lorna wishes he didn’t change the subject.

Fuck me.’ Lorna thinks as she wracked her brain for any way to phrase this without worrying Tony.

“Um…we have a lead but I don’t think we’ll follow it.” Lorna says and hopes Tony doesn’t ask any more questions.

Which of course he does, cause he’s Tony freaking Stark.

“What? Why not? Do you need me to follow it up? What’s the lead?” He shoots the questions at her with lightning speed and she groans.

“Nah we don’t need any further assistance with it thanks, we’re pretty sure we’re close to finding him, but I’ll keep you updated.” Lorna lies through her teeth – which Tony doesn’t seem to pick up on. She thanks God for looking after her enough to stop him from asking her any further questions.

“Okay Kiddo, keep me updated.” Tony replies and Lorna sighs in relief as they finish their call. Lorna rubs her hands over her face, she felt drained and tired.

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