Merry Christmas

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Hey my dudes, not an update sorry!

But I just wanted to say merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone here.

This year has been tough - for everyone.  But your comments and votes have honestly made my year.

I never thought I'd actually finish a book yet almost finish 2!

And it's all to you guys!

And yes I'm from Australia so i get my Christmas before you  :p

And Santa was very good to me. I got a gaming desk and gaming chair (all of which I just built. Call me Bob and ask if I can fix it!) I got an astro Allen, a bookshelf and some other bits and bobs.

Also the most beautiful make up in the world. I might need pics as it's out of this world and impossible to explain.

But I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday season. And hopefully covid hasn't stopped many plans.

As always,

Peace out my guys

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