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Lorna was on edge - it was time to travel to Atlanta, a feat she was quite afraid of, a twelve hour drive it would be - not that Lorna could drive, but an airplane didn't sound like the best idea any more.

There was a beep from outside and she takes a deep breath before gathering her duffle bag, which can hold all of her belongings and made her way out to the car that was waiting for her.

James Rhodes was sitting in the driver's seat, a kind smile on his face as he spots the young girl, getting out of the car to help her with her bag. She thanked him for his gentlemanly behaviour before taking her spot in the passenger seat. She had a horrible feeling she was putting him out, making him drive all the way to her and to Atlanta - but Tony had told her it was fine. And though she can trust Tony now, she still doesn't believe she isn't a bother.

Plus, only Tony and Wanda knew about her. . . difficulty with her powers as of late. Them thankfully not bringing it up much as Lorna tries to fix it.

She wonders if Tony had told Rhodey.

As he gets in the car his smile becomes one of excitement - something Lorna wasn't expecting.

"You ready for our road trip?" He asks as he straps his belt on and turns the radio up as he starts driving. Lorna laughs a little and agrees with him as she bobs her head to the music. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thought.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

"So, Colonel, what's making you drive all the way to Atlanta?" Lorna asks, about one hour into the drive and her butt was starting to get numb. "Well, I don't get to drive often, since I'm either in the control room, an office or flying - so whenever I get the chance to take a long ass drive, I will always take it up." He ends with putting some of the sour lollies he bought into his mouth. "I used to take road trips all the time with Tony back in our MIT days. And please, you can call me Rhodey or anything, don't need to be so formal." He says and pushes her shoulder in a friendly manner and she just laughs and starts to fiddle with the radio until a song of interest started playing.

"I've never taken long drives like this; it is nice." Lorna had said as she looks out the window at the passing skyline scene.

"Yeah, it is - as much as I like flying, didn't feel like being in a plane this time, plus - I want to hang out with you, your gift is so damn interesting." He says which earns a loud scoff from Lorna.

"Sorry, I wasn't doing that to you, I promise. It's just - I'm not sure if Tony told you why I don't wanna fly to Atlanta?" She says and he shakes his head. "He just mentions since I was going for the award ceremony, if I could take you with me."

"Oh. . . well, my powers are on the fritz, not sure why or what's causing it - but I'm just having some control problems and well -"

"You don't wanna be high in the sky only for your powers to freak out and destroy the plane?" Rhodey finishes and she nods.

"I'm sure it's just stress - you have had a lot happen these past couple of months - not to mention the mourning and you're away from your sister. So of course, you're having issues." Rhodey says and Lorna hums - he was making sense and actually making her feel better.

"Thank you Rhodey, that's really helpful." She says and takes a lolly from the bag as they sit in a comfortable silence.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

"Excuse me what?" Lorna had asked incredulously at Rhodey's offer.
"Yeah, c'mon it'll be fine, the roads are empty and there's no one around for miles." He says and she blanches.

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