dripping | sangwoo (18+)

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TW: Choking

After filming their Generation Z video, they all headed right back to the dorms. The photographers and videographers had another shoot after them. They had no time to change, so they just decided they would change at home. 

Sangyeon was still in a very tight suit shirt, not particularly comfortable, but he could deal with it. Sunwoo was in a crop top and tight pants that exposed a little too much of his thighs. 

They all got in their cars and were driven home, Sangyeon with Sunwoo. Sangyeon's hair was still wet, not to mention his body too. He was dripping with the water that had been poured on him, and would probably make anyone near him swoon.

Sunwoo couldn't help but stare out of the corner of his eye. His sleeves were pushed up his forearms, exposing the bulging veins nearly popping from his skin. He had been especially handsome that day, the water dripping down his neck not helping Sunwoo's eyes drift away. 

Sangyeon was looking at his phone and felt like he was being watched. He looked to his side and noticed Sunwoo quickly look away. He looked at the boy who seemed tense, knowing exactly why. He noticed the younger gulp and grip his pants tightly. Sangyeon smirked and looked back at his phone. He knew what he did to him.

When they arrived back home, Sunwoo tried to get out of the car as quickly as possible. He opened the door and rushed inside, running to his room to get away from everyone else. 

He swiftly made it to the bathroom, washing his face with cold water. Anyone else would think he did it to get the caked makeup off of his face, but to him, it was to get his body temperature to calm down. He put his hand over his heart, feeling the pounding in his chest and hearing it in his ears. He hit his chest a couple of times, his breathing quick and unstable. 

When he had calmed down, he walked out of the bathroom to be met with the face that nearly caused his body to melt. Sangyeon was standing right by the door of the room, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Sunwoo's heart began to pound again. The older hadn't changed out of his previous clothes, let alone dried his hair.

"W-What?" He nearly smacked himself for stuttering. Sangyeon took a step back and closed the door, locking it behind him. 

Sunwoo gulped, backing up a little bit himself. Sangyeon began to walk slowly forward, Sunwoo stepping back as he continued to get closer. Sunwoo started to panic, looking behind him, beginning to realize he couldn't get out of this situation. When he looked back in front of him, Sangyeon was very close to him.

"T-This isn't your dorm r-room though..." He spoke in an attempt to make him leave. Sangyeon wasn't going anywhere, unfortunately.

Sangyeon looked at the younger panicking, "Your outfit today," He began to put his hands around his exposed stomach, "It's quite suiting for you."

Sunwoo felt tingles throughout his body. The feeling of Sangyeon's cold hands being wrapped around him, and being this close to what caused his body to go insane.

"S-Sangyeon," Sunwoo said his name, not looking at his eyes and looking at his chest instead. 

"You were staring at me earlier," Sunwoo's eyes looked up at him widely, "Weren't you?"

Sunwoo panicked again, looking for a way out. He tried to walk away from the older, but he was backed into the desk behind him instead. Sangyeon put his hands on the desk, trapping the younger. Sunwoo's breath began to hitch as the older towered over him.

"You just have to be honest with me. You were staring at me, weren't you?" Sangyeon asked again, getting closer to the younger and beginning to hear his racing heartbeat.

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