CEO of hearts | nyukyu

668 14 3

Changmin walked inside his office in the fifty-story building, all the way at the top floor. His assistants came rushing in and put a coffee on his table, brought him the stock shares they had gained, and brought him his to-do list for the day.

"You have a stock meeting with major shareholders at ten, a private meeting with the CEO of Calculations' Alignments at twelve, a break from four to six in the afternoon, and then a press conference for the new Heart Protection project."

"It's that time of the week. Aren't you forgetting something?" Changmin asked, not even giving a side-eye to the assistant next to him. He was too busy typing up emails to news stations.

"Sorry, sir. My bad. As of this past week, we have earned approximately a million dollars."

Changmin sighed, That was way less than last week.

"Make sure to tell everyone to be extra professional, work extra hard, and do their work properly so that we gain back all of the money we have to spend on Heart Protection services."

"Understood, sir," The assistant left the room, leaving Changmin to his work. 

Changmin looked at the ringing phone to his side, picking it up and having to make another boring protection call.

"Yes, this is Heart Protection. What do you request of our services?"

"I see. Your lover cheated on you? Luckily, we have many ways of getting him to pay for his actions. You do, of course, have to be completely sure of your decision. There is no way to undo our services."

"Alright then. I'm going to need his name, age, and residence."

"Perfect. In less than an hour, he will face the consequences. Your payment method will come in an email. Thank you for using our services."

Changmin put the phone down, typing up the man's name and finding his information immediately. His face remained serious while doing his usual work, typing up exactly what would happen to the man. An instant drain of his bank account, banned from any Heart Protection activities, and many more things that would disadvantage him. A restraining order from the client as well.

After everything had happened, Changmin waited for the inevitable angry call he would get. He got those every day. It was part of his job. The phone rang and Changmin picked it up with the same blank face.

"What the hell did you do to me?! I thought your protection services were fake but... Fuck! I'll sue you!" The angry man yelled.

"Cheaters like you don't deserve the privilege of a happy life. Now, if we see that you've changed, we'll return all of the money borrowed from your bank account. If you haven't changed... Well. I think you know what will happen."

"Fuck everyone in your stupid place! I'm going for her and you can't stop me!"

"Actually, we can. We've passed a restraining order against you towards her. If you come even forty meters within her, the police will be called and you will be taken to me. I decide what happens to you."

"Goddamnit... Ah, fuck it!" The man hung up, and Changmin put down the phone, dialing another number right after.

"Yes, I'm going to need you to trace my client's ex-boyfriend and see if he changes over time. Immediately."

He put the phone down again, sighed, and massaged his temples, "Damn headache."

The door opened, angering the already-stressed CEO. Changmin turned to the door, "I thought I told everyone I wasn't to be disturbed."

A pink-haired boy stood in the doorway, smirking, "Oh please, we all know that I'm an exception."

"Chanhee? I thought you were supposed to be here at twelve?" Changmin asked him.

"Well, it's kind of hard not to see you, especially since we've been friends since preschool," Chanhee walked into the room, sitting down on one of the couches. Noticing a bottle of pure white wine on the table, he scoffed, "This is the best you could get?"

"I know, it's usually red wine. We didn't have any of it left. A newbie messed up and didn't restock. Though it was their first mistake so I let them off."

"Aw, look at you being all kind and pure. Did you forget what we do during our private meetings? Because that's definitely not pure," Chanhee spoke, raising an eyebrow as he poured the wine into a beer cup and chugged the entire thing with no problem. 

He poured another cup, chugging the first half of it. He sloshed the drink around in the cup, looking at the boy typing another email with his hyperfast fingers. He put it down, staring at the boy's face with his hand on his chin.

"What do you think would happen if it got leaked that we were hooking up during business meetings?" He asked, cocking his head a bit. 

"I'd be all over the news if someone found out. At least you're not under me in my business."

Chanhee chuckled, "I am literally under you, though."

"Oh shut up, Chanhee," Changmin smiled a bit. But, that smile disappeared when he got another email from a client in a dire situation. 

"Shit," Changmin picked up the phone and dialed their number, waiting for them to pick up. When they picked up, he spoke, "I'm going to ask you a couple of questions, and text the number I email you, the answers."

"Firstly, do you need medical assistance?"

"That is being sent to you right now. Secondly, is he armed?"

"Okay. You'll be okay, just stay with me, alright? Last question, what is his name?"

"Good. A team is being sent out there to help you right now. Mrs. Song will be taking over this call. You'll be alright."

He passed the call onto his staff member, getting all of the correct people sent out to take care of the man. When all was done, he laid back, holding his head. The stress of those situations was not usually handled by him, but his Heart Protection Commander was out due to an injury in the field.

Chanhee sighed, taking a big sip of his drink and walking over to the stressed man. He put his hands on his shoulders and sat on his lap, "Let your employees handle your work today. I know you hate using your second and third-in-command, but let them do your work for you today."

Changmin sighed, holding the boy's waist, "I just... I worry that they won't do the job correctly."

"Come on, when have Jacob and Kevin ever disappointed you?" Chanhee said, making Changmin smile and try to make a call. But, Chanhee grabbed his hand.

"Ah ah ah, don't you dare. I'm telling your assistant to let everyone know. Take a day off today."

Changmin groaned, realizing he wouldn't be able to get out of it. Chanhee walked to the door and right before he left the room he looked back at Changmin, "Don't even think about working when I'm not there."

"Alright, Alright, I get it. Go on, I'll have some wine."

"Alright then, see you later, hot stuff," Chanhee chuckled as he left the room.

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