aroma | hyunkyu (18+)

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Changmin walked into the dorm, noticing Hyunjae out of the corner of his eye. The older was sitting on his bed, looking to be thinking pretty seriously about something. He tilted his head towards the boy, waving at him through his zoning out. When he finally snapped out of it, he rubbed his eyes and sighed.

Changmin walked over and sat down next to him on the bed, "You seem like you have something on your mind."

Hyunjae shook his head, "I've just been tired. With the new comeback and all, everything's been exhausting."

"Well, I understand that sometimes we're not at our best when promoting. Especially right now," Changmin put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

Hyunjae looked him in the eyes, staring at each other for a long time. He lifted his hand, his index finger tracing the outline of Changmin's jawline. Changmin looked to the finger ever so sensually touching his skin. He then looked back up at the older with a different stare.

"Do you know..." Hyunjae tilted his head and gulped while still tracing the boy's jaw, "you're so sexy when you're caring."

Changmin allowed a small smirk to evolve on his face, returning the same tone of voice, "Well, I do try hard to take care of other people," he leaned closer to the older, "and when I focus on something, what can I say? It's only natural that I look sexy."

Hyunjae smirked as well, trailing his hand down to the collar of Changmin's shirt, "It's not too late to do something... fun."

Changmin caught where things were going the moment that Hyunjae spoke. 

"It's the perfect time for fun. A late night in the dorm..." Changmin's hand made its way to Hyunjae's thigh, "Alone with the two of us... With everyone asleep..."

Hyunjae placed his fingers on Changmin's chin, sitting up from his previous position, "You know exactly what kind of fun I'm talking about. So, why don't we start the fun while we still can."

Changmin's heart pounded inside his chest. He nodded and smirked, closing his eyes. Hyunjae lifted his chin with his fingers, going into his neck and kissing roughly. Changmin sighed through the wet feeling on his neck, his hands traveling to Hyunjae's shoulders. 

"Don't be afraid to be rough, Hyunjae," He whispered, "I like it rough."

Hyunjae chuckled and bit into the skin on his neck, hearing the breathy moan come from Changmin's mouth. Hyunjae's ears nearly melted from the sound. Biting him over and over again, he heard the noises from the younger, loud and clear. 

He pulled the boy down on the bed, hovering over him and playing with his necklace, "The noises you make are so addicting."

Changmin pulled him down by the shirt, "Are you sure that's the best of the package?"

Hyunjae smiled, biting him again right under his perfect jawline. After making a red mark, he licked it gently and kissed it. Changmin smirked and flipped them over, sitting right on top of Hyunjae's clothed lower region.

"Now what do you think you're doing?" Hyunjae raised an eyebrow.

Changmin began to gently move his hips against his body, "Letting you take it easy. You've had a rough time, so I'll do the work today."

Hyunjae spoke, "You really are even sexier when you're like this."

Changmin chuckled, moving his hips while unbuttoning his shirt. Hyunjae sighed through the frustration of not being able to enter him immediately.

"Be patient. You'll be in me soon enough," Changmin leaned his face down to Hyunjae's pants, unzipping them with his teeth.

"Didn't think that was part of the package," Hyunjae smirked.

After Changmin threw off their pants and undergarments, he spoke in a sensual voice, "You happened to order a special version. It comes with many surprises."

Leaning down once again, he licked and kissed Hyunjae's hole. Hyunjae moaned, his eyebrows furrowing upward, "I-Is this one of them?"

"It is. And I think you may have ordered the wrong version. You ordered a top."

Hyunjae opened his eyes, looking at the boy, "Wait... You don't mean..."

"Yes, I do."

Hyunjae panicked. his mouth opening and closing awkwardly, his eyes darting around the room. He didn't know what being the bottom was like. He had always topped for Changmin, never the other way around.

"Hey, I'll be gentle, just like you are with me. It's lucky for you that I looked up how to be gentle."

Hyunjae's dominance instantly switched to innocence, "A-are you sure I'll be fine?"

"You will be."

Hyunjae took a deep breath and then sighed. He nodded, allowing Changmin to make the decisions from then on. Changmin smiled and then grabbed the lube from the beside table. He coated his two fingers in it, inserting one at first.

Hyunjae's moans were stable and sensual. He was enjoying the new feeling more than he thought he would. After Changmin inserted another finger, his moans became high-pitched and quick. 

Changmin turned his fingers inside of the boy's hole, making him mewl. Hyunjae's cheeks became a bright shade of red as he was finger-fucked. Changmin thrust harder as every second went by, feeling Hyunjae's tight walls enveloping his fingers. 

He crawled up to him while still thrusting, "Are you ready for the last part of the package?"

Hyunjae moaned through nodding, hearing Changmin take off his belt, pants, and undergarments through still thrusting. He had obviously taken a master's class in sex because this wasn't an easy thing to do. 

He crawled back on top of him, hearing Hyunjae's wet hole click and squelch. As fast as he could, he thrust his fingers inside. Hyunjae moaned high-pitched and stuttered out moans, through his climax. 

Changmin thrust a couple more times before removing his fingers. Hyunjae gathered all of his air that he couldn't breathe in from before, and he held Changmin's shoulder.

Changmin smirked, "You're doing so good."

Hyunjae was kissed on the neck, panting through small moans here and there. Changmin caressed his face before lining up with his hole.

"Wait- I'm still sensiti-" He was cut off by a large moan coming from his own mouth. Changmin had thrust inside, not allowing him to finish his sentence.

"C-Changmin..." Hyunjae moaned, feeling another thrust deep into his hole. Changmin knew that while he had just cum, he would feel much better once the real pleasure set in. 

"Trust me, it feels so good. Don't you remember using this method on me a week ago? You remember how loud I was that night," Changmin spoke while remaining still inside the older's hole.

"I do remember. I could do the same for you if you let me," Hyunjae spoke. But, he couldn't speak anymore when Changmin began to thrust inside and out.

"I-I'm sorry.. I won't say anything that g-gets in your way..." He stuttered through being fucked.

Changmin showed no mercy, thrusting him into oblivion. Hyunjae could feel the thrusts inside of him being slowly increased in speed, his walls tightly wrapping around Changmin. Changmin smiled and went as fast as humanely possible, watching the look on Hyunjae's face.

"I-I'm close..." He muttered, just loud enough for Changmin to hear. Changmin smirked and kissed him as he thrust with all of his energy.

When Hyunjae finally climaxed, he also felt Changmin cum inside him seconds later.

"I find that hot," He spoke, panting while Changmin laid on top of him.

"You find what hot," Changmin laughed.

"You, coming inside of me. You're right. That was insane."

"Again, what can I say?" He leaned over and kissed his cheek, "I'm really good at taking care of people."

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