Chapter 12

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*Y/n has gotten worried about Spencer but tries to shrug it off saying she's overthinking the situation*

Even after having a great night with the team you still can't stop worrying about Spencer. You tried not to seriously overthink it but you kept coming back to that one thought.
What if things with his mom got so stressful he started taking Dilaudid again? You'd hate to bring that up because it's a very sensitive topic for him and he'd hate you for it but you just couldn't help it. You had to do the only thing you could do without speaking a word to anyone about it.

After you all leave the restaurant and are on the way home you look at Spencer for a minute before placing your hand on his leg. He jumps. Why would he jump at your touch?

Y/n: Spencer?

Spencer: what? Sorry. What's up baby?

Y/n: are you okay?

Spencer: yeah, I'm fine. I just zoned out a little. Are you?

Y/n: I'm fine. I'm sorry if I scared you.
You felt bad for scaring him.

Spencer: no, I'm sorry I zoned out. I shouldn't have. I just- I'm tired okay?
He sounded aggravated on that last part.

Y/n: right. My bad. I just- never mind. I'm sorry.

Spencer: no, what? Just say it. Why do you have to make everything seem like my fault and that you're hurt over everything?! I just said I was tired, what's so terrible about being tired y/n?! You should know about being tired but when I am it's an issue!
He yelled at you. He never yells, especially at you.

Y/n: I- Spencer...

None of you spoke a word for the rest of the ride home. You were so in shock. Why did he yell at you? This isn't Spencer. Something is definitely wrong with him. Now as to what, you don't know. Your plan was to just talk to him and let him know that you loved him and that you were always there for him but it completely back fired.
Your other plan was to wait until he falls asleep and to check his arms for marks from injected himself with Diluadid. You were still going to stick to that plan because something was off and you really wanted to rule that out as one of your thoughts.

As Spencer pulls up and parks infront of his apartment he comes around and opens your door and says he's going for a walk. Before you could get anything out your mouth he was already walking away. He gave you the keys so you could let yourself in.
You knew for sure he needed some fresh air so you let him get it. You knew he'd only be gone for like 15 minutes. 20 at the most so you didn't worry that much.

As you let yourself into the apartment you and Spencer shared you brought both of y'all's bags in and set them beside the bed y'all also shared. You got a glass of water and a snack and turned on your favorite show.
You fell asleep after about 10 minutes because you were exhausted.

When you wake up you take your stuff to the kitchen then go to crawl into the bed you shared with Spencer pretty positive he was already asleep and just didn't wake you up.
You got in and went to reach for Spencer but he wasn't there.

Y/n: Babe?


Y/n: Spencer?

Still no answer. Your heart began to drop into your stomach.

Y/n: Spencer, so help me god you better answer me!

You grabbed your phone and dialed his number. It rang but then you heard his phone in the bathroom.
You got up and ran into the bathroom hoping you'd see him.
His phone was on the counter along with a bunch of empty pill bottles.

For better or For worse//Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now