Chapter 4

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*It's the morning after you told Spencer you were in love with him while under the influence and wake up in his bed*

Where am I? Why does it spell like Spencer? I'm just going to slide on these pants and see whose in the living room....

Spencer: Goodmorning y/n! Sleep well?

Y/N: Goodmorning to you too. Yes I did but how did I get here?

Spencer: *chuckles* long story actually. Tell you over coffee?

Y/N: Sure!

You and Spencer get a cup of coffee and sit down on the couch and he tells you everything from last night.
You begin to blush feeling embarrassed. God, you felt like such a bother but knowing how sweet Spencer is he'd never tell you and you knew that.

Y/N: I'm sorry Spencer, I bet I was such a bother. Do I need to go?

Spencer: absolutely not. You are fine. We need to talk about us though. At least get everything off our chest.

Y/N: agreed. You first? I've said my part obviously haha

Spencer: of course. When you first walked in I felt that feeling in my heart again. The one I felt when I first saw Meave. I thought I'd never feel that again. I tried not to let it get to me as much because we work together but when you told me last night you were in love with me, it's like I let out a sigh of relief.

Y/N: I don't want to be mistaken as Meave Spencer. I'm not her, and if that's how you see me we should stop this conversation.

Spencer: no, no I don't see you as Meave. I guess to word it better, I meant that the feeling I felt was love. I've never felt real love until then. I'm not comparing you two I'm just saying....I love you.

Y/N: Spencer, I've been done dirty. I know you would never do that I just- don't want something to happen.

Spencer: I know. That's why I haven't dated anyone since...ya know. I've been waiting for that special feeling again.

Y/N: okay.

Spencer: May I take you out sometime y/n? A date. I really want to be with you.

Y/N: it's a date!

Spencer: is tonight fine?

Y/N: yup!

Spencer: alright. I'll drop you off at your apartment so you can take a shower and do whatever else you need and I'll be there to pick you up at 8.

Y/N: perfect!

Spencer takes you home and you hop into the shower to clean yourself up and shave. You pick out an outfit and do your make up.

After the date

Y/N: thank you Spencer, I had a great time tonight.

Spencer: you're welcome me too. Is it too soon to ask after one date?

Y/N: not at all!

Spencer: will you go out with me y/n, in secret!

Y/N: yes! But can I ask why in secret? I mean I know why but is there a problem?

Spencer: Nope, No problem just I don't want either of us in trouble with Hotch so I'd prefer to wait a little before we tell them if that's okay.

Y/N: absolutely. Yeah, we both love our job so why loose it.

You let Spencer into your apartment and show him around. After that you both sit down on your couch and watch a movie. About 15 minutes in you place your head on your now boyfriends chest and he starts to play with your hair. You felt that same feeling Spencer described earlier. You were so deeply in love with him. He was the one. You just knew it.

*omg I can't wait for this to get better*

For better or For worse//Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now