Chapter 18

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*it's been a year since the incident with Spencer happened. He is doing much better and has stopped taking Dilaudid. Y/n and Spencer are back at work*

Spencer's POV:

I am going to try to propose to y/n tonight. I've been doing great since the incident. I've been clean and have really been working on communication. We are in a much happier place now that I got help. The team knows and they are going to help.

My plan is to when we get back from this case for Rossi to invite us all over for dinner then do a card trick asking her to marry me. It's very original if you ask me. I just hope this case isn't too long.

Garcia: alright crime fighters, we have 3 victims, they have all been shot twice in the heart then their ring finger on their left hand was cut off.

Y/n: who are the victims?

Garcia: Darcy Bell 38 killed 3 weeks ago, Janet Brown 36 killed 2 weeks ago, and Candice Smith 37 killed a week ago. They were all recently married with no children.

Spencer: were the rings every found?

Garcia: no.

Spencer: maybe the unsub was married and recently after she had an affair and now all married women are cheaters. The wife was probably late 30's as well when it happened.

Hotch: no need to waste anymore time, wheels up in thirty.

This completely ruins my plan to propose to Y/n. This case is gonna make it look bad. What if she says no because she thinks I'll kill her? I shake my head to clear my thoughts then grab my go bag and head to the jet.

— giving the profile.

Hotch: this unsub is a white male in his mid to late forty's. After he got married his wife had an affair soon after.

Spencer: his name is John Thomas otherwise known as "JT" to his friends and family.

Jj: this unsub is hurt. He wants to get revenge on all recently married women.

Y/n: you should be calm when you approach him and call for backup. He is not dangerous but he'd sacrifice himself if he feels like the walls are closing in.

Morgan: he works at the local cafe "Early Bird" but hasn't worked since the first murder three weeks ago which suggests he doesn't have the time to work and kill.

Hotch: me and my team are in contact with our technical analyst working to find his home address. Contact me or my team if you need anything thank you.

Y/n: JT, put the knife down, we can talk about this I promise.

JT: you don't know anything!

Y/n: I do! If you just put the knife down and come with me I can help you. I know what it's like to love someone so much then they go and mess everything up and it appears as if they never loved you.

JT: She never did.

Y/n: She did JT. If you put the knife down and come with me everything will be okay I promise. You just have to trust me JT.

—The elevator ride back up the the office in Quantico

Jj: I can't believe you took him down by yourself y/n

Y/n: it was pretty easy. You just gotta show sympathy and show that you have felt their pain and you know exactly how it is to go through something like that.

For better or For worse//Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now