Chapter 19 - Jealous Blonde Boy

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Art credits: CP_artworks

Reminder: fan art included in this chapter does not belong to me they are just to help the imagery of the readers whilst reading the story! Please ask me to remove if you are not happy with your art being displayed in my fan fictions and I will do so!

The limo pulled up in front of the party hall. The girls had already had one or two glasses of champagne, but that didn't stop them from wanting to party some more. This was going to be like an elegant rave if that was even possible.

All 6 girls got out the car, light weight rose was already stumbling a little, which bought the girls to fits of giggles.

'Come on girls into the hall we go' alyla called in confidence. 'We strut like queens tonight!'

The girls cheered and entered the party hall. The giant hall was filled with so many people, it must have been over 200 people. Even though there was music playing and lots of people, as soon as the group of friends had entered the hall, all head had turned and many people, mostly the boys, gasped as they watched the girls saunter their way down the stairs towards the dance floor. It felt like prom all over again.

Adrien and Nino were both stone, cold shook from the sight they were seeing.

Adrien's eye glanced over at Marinette. He was Obviously checking her out to anyone who was watching him.

'Hey Adrien!' A girl called cheerfully.

The girl's voice voice was recognisable and caught his attention. 'Oh hey kagami, you're looking good tonight!' Adrien smiled warmly.

Kagami looked down, a blush forming on her face. 'Thank you so much! You're looking incredibly handsome aswell! I never knew you liked the colour red, what's the sudden theme' Kagami asked shyly.

Adrien's eyes lit up and he smiled 'I'm actually matching with one of my close friends, marinette, I'm misterbug and she's ladynoir themed' he said pouting over at marinette and looking at her for a split second in awe.

Kagami looked agitated by this 'close friend matching themed costume idea'.

'so what's up?' He asked politely.

'I was just wondering do you want to come dance with me?' Kagami asked formally.

'Uh well uhm I may have to tell Marinette since she is my partner to alya's part-' Adrien stuttered anxiously before getting interrupted by Kagami 'I'm sure she won't mind us dancing for a little while. We are close friends after all and it's not like she's your girlfriend anyways!' Kagami snapped.

'I guess you're right' Adrien said in a doubtful tone.

Kagami took Adrien's hand and lead him to the dance floor, leaving Nino standing alone waiting for his girlfriend to walk over to him.


'Hey babe, you're looking absolutely gorgeous tonight my beautiful birthday girl!' Nino said to alyla lovingly.

Alya popped a cherry into her mouth and smiled 'why thank you my handsome boyfriend, you look good without a cap by the way' she winked. Taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor.

Kim and Ivan were by the DJ stand eating all the foods which were on display and made by both Marinette's and Alya's parents.

'Hey Ivan, can I grab the mic real quick. I'm singing Alya's favourite Song tonight... with Luka and kitty section' marinette smiled.

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