After 3 years....

231 12 1

Young Blood old souls,
Luz had to come back in the human realm and destroy the portal to the Boiling Isles, for good.
But somehow....

Warm breeze, Grey night sky upon me. I walked in the forest, coming back with some potions and ingredients in my bag. Those Grey-Green clouds seemed to get heavier, and it's gonna rain in any second now. Luckily, I've got my anti-acid-rain cloak with me, so I won't get burned. I didn't have any urge to come back in time, so I kept walking calmly in the forest. A thunderbolt startled me but I kept walking.


I heard painful screams from distance so I immediately ran after them. I wanted to help whoever was hurting during acid rain.
That voice though....


I was getting close, I summoned an abomination, which ran with me towards the screams.

"Anyone here?" I asked

"OVER HERE OVER HERE!" The voice answered.
There was something weird about that voice, feels like I heard it before, I just can't remember....
Then I saw someone on the ground, they were laying there not moving a muscle. They had many burns from the acid and it seemed like they were really hurting.
"why are you staring at me go help them!" I told the abomination next to me.
It covered the person from the rain with one hand. I tried picking them up, they didn't move a muscle and they had  a hood on, their face was hidden. Their body was all covered in burns and their clothes have been perforated.
I picked them up and with my abomination's help I ran inside my house, which was close.
The abomination slammed the door open and I summoned a shield spell across the house.
I gently posed that person I was holding on my couch, closed the door and un-summoned the abomination.
I got my mask from the emperor's coven on and sit in a chair near where the person was resting. They sure weren't dead, they must have passed out. I stared at them. The hood covered their whole face, I could see only the nose and lips. I don't know if I should try wake them up and put some medicines on their burns, or just wait, they seem painful.
I waited there.
I was about to fall asleep too when I saw their fingers moving. They were about to wake up! I ran upstairs and got my medicines to heal them, I had still my mask on.
I got downstairs and saw them sitting straight on my couch looking at their burnt body. Now I could see their face.

Once I saw her face I dropped my medicines, which fell on the floor making a thump noise.

"Wh-where am i- did it work- OUCH-"


I just stared there incapable of moving.


She looked really scared, she climbed up the couch to get more distance from me.
I did the only thing I was capable too.
I got my mask off, which fell on the floor too.


"How-  .... Amity?"

"L-luz is this- you?"
I could only say this. My knees couldn't take this shit anymore and I fell on the ground.
Hot tears running down my face freely.

"AMITY!" She ran to me and almost fell at every step. Than she hugged me tightly.  She let out some "ouch" from physical pain of those burns, but still kept her embrace. I couldn't feel shit.
After three years she's been long gone, nights passed crying and remembering, she was finally here.
She always belonged in my arms and it have been so painful without her.

Then I realized how selfish I am.

"WAIT! LUZ- YOU'RE HURT LET ME HELP YOU!" I re opened the gap between us and saw her worried expression. That beautiful eyes I missed so much. It's not time now!
I helped her stand up and she sat on the couch with me crying.

"Amity It's ok I'm better now... really...."

"No! Let me get my meds and I'll be right back!"
I took the medicines from the floor and opened a small bottle with a green liquid inside. I ran in the kitchen and grabbed some paper.
Then I came back to pour some healing med on her burns, through the wet paper.

She sat still the whole time saying nothing. I sat on my knees in front of her to apply the healing medicine on her burns. When the wet paper touched her would she tensed up and grinned her teeth. It was probably painful but that's the only thing I could do. I applied the medicine to all her burns, luckily she didn't get burnt in dangerous spots so she'd get better soon.
While applying the medicine I could look at how she changes in three years. Her hair was longer and she was tall, taller than me. But I could clearly see the same cute dumb oblivious girl from three years ago. I knew exactly why she left and that she had to. But I'm sti hurting by the fact that she left me. She was the one and only person that made my life something better.
There was an awkward silence between us, but I wasn't really expecting else.

"Sooo... emperor's coven, huh?" She said awkwardly.

"Yeah...." I said in response not knowing what else to say.

"Uh... how have you been...?" She asked while I sat near her.

"Fine, I guess... how about you...?"

"Fine too...."

"Since when did you come back here?"

"Today, right now.... I found a random portal and decided to enter it hoping it'd take me here, and it actually did.... I'm so happy I'm back.... I- I didn't want to leave here.... I- I- I missed you so much, I didn't even think it'd take me here but it actually did and I found myself in boiling rain and-" now she was crying again. She wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled her head in my chest as I stood there like an idiot. She sobbed on my chest and I started crying too, holding her with all my strength. She eventually fell asleep on me. I moved in a comfortable position on my couch and placed her on me so she could rest peacefully.

She was back.

She left, but now she's back.

And that flame burning in my heart, never died.

Author Note
JUST HAD THIS RANDOM IDEA LMAO? I wasn't gonna continue these one shots I just can't sleep and this seemed like a gr8 idea for a story soooo :D

I also got better in English though I'm still learning :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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