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I changed the title OwO
This will be some kind of a LUMITY confessions compilations. Lol help me——

Today went well, like always. I studied, and I reached new spells! I am SO exitied about today. And I know tomorrow's gonna be much better too! I said goodnight to Eda and King, to Hootie and I walked in my room. As I took the covers up I felt warmth. And I thought. A lot though. I thought about today, about life, about...... Not sure how to put this. It's been some time and I can't stop thinking about how Amity changed herself. She's much nicer now. She also got along with Willow and Gus. I didn't even notice how funny she is before. She did some jokes at lunch I couldn't stop laughing. After school she also hugged me, which shes never done before. I mean she did, but not like that. It was.... awesome. Her body pressed to mine felt so warm I can't even explain. Her hands on my shoulders. Her warmth was like a drug to me. Don't even know why. But the thing most important: after hugging me she had a huge smile on her face. It was just so beautiful. How could she have such a fantastic smile? Her face was so perfect.... her lines, her mouth, her... EYES. Her eyes. I got lost in them multiple times. They can see you inside, and know everything about you, as they could just be so innocent. I wanted to get closer to her face, those eyes, those lip- NO NO NOT THAT WAY. I mean she is beautiful. Every time I see her smiling or laughing I can feel my cheeks warming up and my heart beating faster....
I look up at my phone an- ITS MIDNIGHT. OH HELL TOO LATW FOR ME.
I closed my eyes and imagined me and Amity being together again. I feel myself going to sleep. As I heard a noise, which I ignored trying to concentrate on sleeping.
I heard steps going to me. OH GOD THIS MUST BE A DREA-
"Luz wake up....."
I didn't wanna open my eyes. The rule number one on horror movies is that if there is a murder in your house and you hear steps you should NEVER open your eyes and see who's around, because the most obvious thing is you getting killed. So. No thanks not gonna open. But I wanna know... NO. Heck.
I opened and I saw a figure in front of me with yellow eyes and green hair.
"Luz please wake up" the shadow in front of me said.
I opened my eyes wider as I saw... Amity? Well I did recognize that beautiful voice but... it couldn't be.
"Oh Luz you're awake."
"A-Amity? W-What are you d-doing here? And how did you get in?"
"Uhm... through... the window.... but ehm...... I wanted to ask you something."
"The window...?" I turned around and saw the window open.
"Luz can I sleep here tonight?"
"W-WHAT. Why?"
I asked unsure.
"Luz look.... ehm my parents kicked me out...."
HOW DARE THE- I mean.... what? WHY?! And why is she HERE?
"K-kicked you out? Why? You're so perfec-" WHAT WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN "...I mean I knwo you haven't done anything...."
"I guess I haven't? I can't explain but I have nowhere to go...."

Amity POV
I know that. I knew that all along.
But she's.... she's a human...... and a GIRL. I CANT POSSIBLY LIKE GIRLS! It goes against my being the top! And what will my siblings and parents say?! They're gonna kill me or do worse.
But I can't do anything about it.
I took my phone from my pocket and suddenly went to the gallery. Oh god. That gallery is a MESS. It's full of Luz's images, from school, other people phones, or just images I took myself by stalking her every day. I think I'm getting creepy. While I was kinda staring at Luz's images in my phone.... my siblings HAD to come in. I didn't notice them at first but...
Oh no.
They just took my phone and started looking at my gallery while I was trying to get it back.
"UUUU HAVING AN OBSESSIONS WITH THE HUMAN ARE WE?" Damn it. "M-maybe but PLEASE don't tell mom and dad about it."
So they just took my phone and went away. I ran after them as I could. "You Dont get it guys!!! They're gonna be mad!!!" I screamed but they ignored me "it's just a little secret crush for our favorite sister" they yelled too. As they got in the kitchen quickly I was trying to go downstairs as fast as I could. Too late. I found my mom with an angry expression I can't even describe. "M-mom?" I heard my siblings whispering. "Amity. So is this your little girl crush?. PATHETIC. I don't get how you got into girls and I don't accept it either. You would have a prefect life. The life of a Blight. With a prefect rich man, in a perfect house. But more important, you can't possibly stay with a HUMAN. They're useless pieces of crap no one should care about! They are dumb and jerks. You are a disappointment for this family! You've always been! So, or you get all that images away your phone and start acting like a good girl. Or you can't live in this house anymore. Now go to your room!"
I listened to everything she said. Enough. Nothing hurts to me. I don't feel bad because she's angry at me. I don't feel bad about anything she said. I don't feel bad at all. It's like a perfect stranger just came to me like I am nothing and started insulting me and my life. I should feel sad? Because my MOM just yelled at me? I should feel anger? Because someone who don't even know me started insulting me and my sexuality? Or... who I love? Well, I don't though. So... I'm gonna do exactly as she said. I did go to my room. I did pack up some stuff, clothes, and something other I feel to take.
And k went out. I saw my mom staring at me but I didn't ever look back at her so I don't even know how she felt about me leaving. I heard my siblings screaming some "no! No! We didn't mean...!" And they looked so sad. I'm surprised they care.
I took my steps to the door slowly. I was enjoying that moment. That moment when I finally came out that hell.
I closed the door behind me. And I didn't ever look back.

Flashback end

Autor Note:
Gonna end it later or tomorrow lol, it's not the end of this one

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