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A/N you guys are so nice!
Even when I was kinda sorta dead you guys kept on reading and voting my stories, I think I'll never thank you enough for...
Really guys tysm
So at school I had this idea and I wanted to turn it a comic but erm.... idrk it might take long soooo here we go!

Amity is 16 now and her life is going sort of better. Every summer Luz comes to the Boiling Isles, but when she's gone Amity feels numb. Is it her persistent crush on the human? She don't know.
However it's summer and her parents made her a date with Bosha even knowing they're just friends. Amity's parents want her to Marry Bosha and to live her whole life with her just because Bosha's parents are rich. Amity doesn't want this but unfortunately so far she couldn't do anything about it. Her parents say it's just destiny but Amity refuses to belive it. Amity is still trying to get out her parents and run away with Luz but this wasn't possible for now.
The date was set for 8.00 pm and she had time to go shopping and buy some good clothes. Luckily her parents let her go with a friend and she chose to go with Luz. Luz was also exitied of hanging out with her. But there still was the tension that made them so far but still so close.

Amity's POV
I walked out the dresser's room. At every step I felt my breathe heavier knowing Luz was gonna see me like this. The dress was nice. It was cyan and white and the skirt was shiny and full of glitters. The dress felt so fragile and so tight. I slowly took my steps till I finally saw the human. She was sit on a chair waiting for me. It was hard not to notice my entry in that room with that sparkly dress. When Luz saw me she stood up and looked straight to me with a deep stare. Her cheeks seemed redder from my prospective. She finally took a step forward me and said with a soft tone:
"A-Amity.... you're perfect"
Yeah I know I am
That's exactly what I've always been trying to be. That's exactly how my life would have gone.
I heard that word too much
'Oh dear you must be perfect'
'You'll be perfect, I know you will, and if you won't, you'll face the consequences' probably too much to handle for me. My heart is fragile as glass, but it still works for some reason.
I stared deep into the human's eyes and took a deeper breathe. I saw my future. How I was gonna end by staying my whole life with boscha and away from the person I really love. How I was gonna end miserable by having discussions with Bosha and how I would drift away from my sanity. I saw myself going insane and in all that, Luz was not there to help me as she always is.
A voice broke my thoughts
"Amity are you ok-"
And I just fell off on my knees without thinking twice and I started crying hard and loud I was still going insane. I covered my face with my hands and tried to hold back tears but I couldn't do that anymore. I wanted to scream. I wanted to make people hear me. I want Luz to hear me and stand by my side. My heart was beating much faster and all my body was tense. Luz just fell on her knees too "AMITY!".
She got closer and closer to my desperate self. She grabbed my arms and slowly and carefully tried to get them away from my face. She looked really scared. "Amity what's wrong??" She asked underneath my heavy breathes. All I could hear was my heart and it's beat growing faster to slow down when I finally stopped crying again.

I don't remember much but I remember waking up at The Owl House. I was laying on a sofa and there was someone just really close to me. When I could finally see straight I had the vision of Luz,  just under me. Her arms wrapped on my wrist and her face peacefully sleeping. I looked at the clock near the Owl House's door and it seemed much I like I've been off for and hour. Then I realized.
"Oh Amity you're awake!"
Luz said from under me with a soft but true smile on her lips. I quickly stood still sit on the sofa and pushing Luz down. "No amity! Stop moving like that you'll pass out again!"
"W-WHAT HAPPENED? WHY AM I HERE? HOW DID I GET HERE???" I said panicking. Luz stood too and stared deeply into my eyes. Then she looked away kinda softly blushing. "W-well funny story actually... I don't know?
You just fell crying on the floor of the market and you passed out. Luckily I was there."
"How did you-"
"I carried you till here, it wasn't so hard though"
"Uhm what else was I supposed to-"
"Yeah but it wasn't that i hard I said, you ain't heavy."
She- I couldn't believe it.
"Amity are you ok? Why did you start crying back there?"
"It's uhm...." I tried to say not knowing what to say really.
I knew I was about to spit it out
"The thing is. My parents want me to marry Boscha. I- I don't want to, I just can't stand against them... right now there is another person in my mind but anyway I don't really know what to do. If I stay with my parents they'll probably make me do things I don't want to do like this.... if I run I have nowhere to go. I'm lost."
She was listening to every word I was saying and her majestic sunset eyes were pointed on mines.
A minute of pure silence then she spoke:
"Another.... I-I mean you could stay here! Totally!"
"What?" I was confused
"If you choose to run remember that you'll ever have a place here on The Owl House with me! A-and we can... Uhm find a way to get you to the one you are really destined to stay with...."
There was an unsure tone of voice I've never heard from her.
Should I?
"You're so cute for letting me stay here but I just have to think much about it."
"Whenever you want The Owl House never closes." That smile...
Now somehow we were facing each other. I felt a warm heavy on my hand and I realized she was holding it with hers. Her second hand was on my cheek and she was staring into my lips. I know it was going to happen. I placed my free hand on her's on top of my cheek. Her warmth made me feel welcomed.
I knew what was about to happen next. Luz was blushing hard and I guess I was too. Then we finally got close enough to make our lips touch each other for the first time. I slowly moved my hand from the top of her's to her cheek.
I wish to live a life
Not perfect
I wish just to live it
And that's exactly what I'm about to do.

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