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Autor Note
I'm still working on the second part of Kate but it might take longer than I expected
While that lest have some fluff and cuteness

Amity was staying at the owl house for a bit. Her mentor was there and she needed Lilith even if She had no more magic abilities. Amity didn't mind learning there but the best part was that she got to stay way more time with Luz. They learned together and chatted and played every day. Amity and Luz shared the room and had each other's places really close to touching.

One day Luz was going on a trip with eda. The trip would last just half a day and they would be back for midnight. Amity, Lilith and King stayed home and Lilith gave Amity some more lessons about abominations magic.
"Ok now take a pause, you need it, I'll be making dinner." Lilith said and got up from the sofa she was sit on.
"Where is Luuuuuzzzz" king lamented.
"You know Luz is out on a trip, she'll be back" amity said trying to cheer the demon up.
"Yeah I know but it's belly rubbing time!" King kept on lamenting. There was a bit of silence and king struggled to get on the sofa near the green haired witch.
"Belly rubbiess!!!" The demon got on the witch's lap and tried to get her attention.
"Wait you want me to rub your belly????" Amity said.
"Pleaseeeeeeee" King yelled so Amity would get him seriously.
"Ok ok just keep it down"
Amity looked at the demon on her lap a little unsure and then she rubbed his belly. He let out some demon pet noises and started moving his left leg.
Then amity stopped after some minutes.
"Thank you Amity! THE KING OF DEMONS GOES BACK TO HIS HIDING PLACE" he got off the girl and ran away.
Then Lilith returned and Amity managed to learn some new spell.

It was night and Amity was going to her room to dress up. She got her pijama and payed down under covers. Everything went silence and she was about to fall asleep when
The green haired witch blinked three times and reached to see who was in front of her. King.
He stepped closer and sit down towards her.
"King go to sleep-"
"Earlier you rubbed my belly and now I have to return you the favor!"
"Wait what-"
"Yeah let me rub your belly!"
"King that works just on pets...."
"Let me!"
"King go sleep"
Amity took her time to realize there was no argument with the little creature.
"If i let you rub my belly will you let me sleep?"
Amity was still unsure but ehm...
"Ok then...."
Amity turned around to let the demon do whatever he wanted to do.
King stretched his arms and rubbed softly the witch's belly.
At the touch the witch relaxed and felt sort of better. She couldn't control her body and her left leg started moving up and down rapidly.
It kept like this for a minute but then
"What the-"
King stopped rubbing the witch's belly and faced Luz entering her room.
Amity fell relaxed on the covers and turned her head to see the Latina standing there not knowing what to say.
"What was that????"
Luz asked
"I was just rubbing her belly" king said
"I- I can explain just give me a second"
Amity said all relaxed feeling like a slime.
"You know what? I'm just gonna get my pijama"
Luz exited her room and the demon followed her.
Amity was thinking about what to tell her eventually.
Luz got back dressed with her otter pijama.
Amity was under covers awkwardly staring at the other side of the room.
"So what was earlier about?"
Luz started curious
"Well, uhm this might be hard to explain"
"Take your time"
"After I rubbed king's belly he said he'd have to do that to me back. And I thought it wouldn't work on me because I'm a witch but it actually did and it was so weird and yet so good?"
There was a moment of awkward silence then Luz spoke
"Do you think it would work on me?"
Amity didn't know what to say. This was so unexpected and sincerely had no idea.
"I don't know? Maybe?"
"Could you rub my belly?"  Luz suddenly asked looking to amity's eyes
"Y-yeah of course..."
Luz stood and Amity sit.
The human layed on Amity's lap.
Amity started slowly rubbing up and down her belly but it didn't seem to have any effect.
"Are you sure it's like this?"
Luz asked a little embarrassed.
"Well I'm doing what king did..."
"Yeah this isn't working."
The human stood up and took a look at amity's body.
"Should I... uhm... y know... try do that to you?"
Amity's body tensed up. Belly rubbing? From her crush? How could she say no
"Y-yeah yeah...."
"Lay down"
The young witch fell backwards and Luz sit on her knees next to her.
What if it's awkward? Luz thought
What if I do that wrong?
There was no time to waste, Luz took a breathe and started rubbing Amity's belly gently.
Amity smiled and relaxed her body. Her left leg started shifting up and down frenetically.
Luz went faster and started laughing at Amity's reaction.
Amity laughed too and they laughed there for some time.
Then Luz stopped.
Amity stood up and looked straight (probably not) in Luz's eyes.
The witch felt happiness for that seconds she wished lasted forever.
Luz stopped laughing and got closer to Amity. Her hand slowly and gently slipped from her leg to amity's under ear. Then she started rubbing there softly. They witch's cheeks grew redder and her ear started to twitch up and down. Luz stared at how cute she looked acting like and animal.
Then amity realized and took Luz's hand.
"That's not fair!"
She said trying lo look angry and intimidating.
"I- Amity?"
The witch wasn't even realizing
"Amity Amity that's so cute!
You actually purr????"
For a moment the room went silence and Amity could hear purrs coming from her body.
"WHAT IS THIS WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Amity was about to panic.
"I? Nothing! You're just purring, all cats do so and I didn't know witches do that either. That's sooooo cute!"
"Dork..." amity murmured
"Awww lil ol little miss pewfect loves me?"
"I- no? I knew yeah but- YOURE STUPID AND DUMB"
Amity was a blushing mess and gay panicking while Luz was just there staring.
Then the young Blight jumped on the human and they both fell on their backs Amity hugged tightly to Luz.
"Now sleep you made enough fun of me" amity said snuggling in Luz's chest.
"Awww sure kitty."
Luz touched her under the ear and amity purred again.
They cuddled there all night.

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