Night pt 2

776 17 4

"I don't get it.... why would they kick you out? They're your parents! And what did your siblings say?"
I asked worried.
"I... I don't... I mean.... it's hard to explain and I can't even explain but.... yeah.... I just have nowhere to go and I know that The Owl House is the only place where I'll be safe, at least for now... but if I cause too much trouble, I'll go-"
"WHAT? TORUBLE?? Not at all Amity! You can stay here as long as you want. And if you ever need help you know I can help you. So tomorrow I'll tell Eda that you are gonna stay here for some time. I'm sure they'll be ok with that."
As I ended speaking she hugged me and said: "oh Luz I dong know how would I ever live without you. You literally saved my life."
I felt my cheeks heating up again. I felt her warmth and her arms wrapped around me and her head peacefully rested on my shoulder. We cuddled there for some minutes and then I let go of her.
We were on our knees just looking down. "So... Um.... where do I sleep?" She asked blushing. Oh god . Never thought of that. Not gonna let her sleep in the sofa. But there aren't any other beds... but what if... "Uhm there aren't other beds but you can.... uhm I don't know, sleep with me for now?"
She was blushing so damn hard and she looked shocked. OF COURSE SHE LOOKED SHOCKED! WHAT DID I HAVE IN MIND?! SHE MIGHT HATE ME NO-
"Okay sure...." she said looking in my eyes.
I got under covers and she did same.
As she got in I cuddled her from behind. Not sure if she liked it? I don't know. But I don't really care. She do need someone to care about her, someone to trust, and I'm gonna be the one. And I want her to know that.
She looked peaceful with my arms wrapped in her chest and we slept there cuddled.

I know this is so short but Idrk what to write and I got a little block at least for now. Ok now let's talk about the Human AU. Well, since a lot of people asked, I'm gonna do it, I gotta organize all concepts and stories and stuff but I'm getting ready to write it. Still not sure if write it in English or Italian. I'll probably write it in both? AAAA ITS SO HARD TO CHOSEEEE. Well, anyway. 100 VIEWS?! YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY I DONT DESERVE ALL THAT ATTETION

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