Deam/Nightmare #2

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This night was just so exiting. I had so much fun with my friends and... I spent more time with Amity!
And now the worst part. Sleeping. Do she really expect me to sleep with her cute face around? Plus I usually sleep just with a top and paints. Also because I have no pijamas. Hope this ain't gonna be awkward. Luckily for me it didn't. We just slept with singles beds but not far from each other. We talked and when we saw it was late, we fell asleep. Or... I think I did?
I woke up again. Amity was not in her bed. And not around. Everything was so blurry. Suddenly the door opened and Amity entered the room.
Her steps produced no sound. Silence.
"Amity?" I said not sure how to start a conversation.
"I just want to talk!"
She said walking towards me.
"Uhm ok what do you nee-" I was about to ask but she took my shoulder and pushed me to the ground. "Ow! What the heck?" I just instinctively said putting a hand on top of my head.
She got closer and sit down in front of me. She pushed my knees apart and said looking down "what am I doing?".
She took my cheek and got my head closer to hers. I don't know what to do. I feel so numb. "Amity... what...."
"Shhhh... what I am doing... is... this..."
She said and kissed me. She kissed me passionately. It felt so good. Is also wanted more but then she pulled away. I quickly asked trying to catch the breathe "do you love me?" Hoping for a yes.
"Oh luz..."
I heard a far voice saying 'of course I do!' But I just ignored it as I thought it was just my mind.
She looked at me in the eyes and kissed my lips again and again.
"Would I do this if I didn't?"
And she kept on kissing me. We made out and then I said "no... this... this ain't right."
The far voice I heard earlier came again with another far scared word taht kept on repeating for awhile: 'Luz!'.
She pushed my legs way further to each other and I felt fear of what was going to happen. "No... amity I cant...."
'luz! Luz please!'
"Shhhh..." she kissed me again.
"Shhhh...." and while kissing she slipped out her tongue. I was so embarrassed. I didn't know how to kiss like that and I didn't even wanna do that. I just pushed her away. "No... amity... we-we can't.... I- I'm not ready...."
I tried to catch the breathe but I felt like I wasn't even breathing for some reason. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice her. She was trying to pull off her shirt when I woke up again. Amity was in front of me with a face half scared and half confused. I slapped her face. She yelled something and pushed me away.
I was probably panting.
She said "Luz calm down! What's wrong?" And I tried to not think about what happened earlier. That was just a dream... just a dream....
She was still looking for answers so I said "a fantastic drea- I MEAN A NIGHMARE!"
We looked at each other and then we laughed. Her laugh is so cute.
"I think I'm really messed up"
I hugged her and we cuddled there for awhile. I was still thinking about the dream when I  realized
"Amity did you hear something while I was sleeping? Was I taking?"
"Uhm probably.. I don't know... I mean yes-but I didn't understand I think..."
That far voice in that dream. It said she loved me. Was it her talking? Do she feels the same way I do?
"Amity... this might be a weird question But... when in the dream I said 'Amity do you love me?' Did you just answer 'of course'?"
I felt her face getting warmer.
"I-I did."
We kept on cuddling and fell asleep on each other arms...

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