six measly words

619 17 5

January 3rd
Dear Oliver,

     How do you know when you're in love?

     Mayb– Nope, that's definitely the worst question to be asking right off the bat.

I really should start off by asking what even is love?

According to whatever smart person wrote the dictionary, love is "an intense feeling of deep affection."

     An intense feeling of deep affection.


The very thing people spend their whole lives trying to find, the very thing people fight wars over, the very thing people long for can be summed up in those six measly words?

     Really? Are you kidding me?

     Those six words are not even the tiniest snowflake on the very tip of the tallest iceberg in Antarctica. Honestly, an elementary schooler could come up with a better answer than that.

     I don't have access to a random nine-year-old, so I took to the internet to find myself a sufficient answer. And, random strangers on the internet describe love as the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when your special someone is near. Or when your lips split into an involuntary, goofy grin whenever he/she is mentioned. Or when you find yourself completely obsessed with a person; they're your first thought when you wake up and your last thought before falling asleep. The person you love is your raison d'etre – your reason for existing.

     That's much better, but it's still missing one thing – how do you know when you're in this thing called 'love?'

     Now, if you ask this question, it's usually the point where everyone in the room goes silent, looking at each other for answers before that one wise person speaks up and says, "You just know."

     And everyone else would nod and chime in, saying something along the lines of, "You wake up one day and realize that your entire world revolves around this one person. You miss them when they're not by your side, and you never tire of their presence, even when they're being super annoying. They light up your life and fill you with hope that wasn't previously there."

It's definitely true for some people. But what about me? When did I realize that I Love you?

     Well, it was when those cheesy love songs on the radio started to make sense.

     And, oh boy, that really was the beginning of the end. It was – is (?) – all because I capital L Love you, Oliver Lawson.


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