Chapter 1

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It was the first day of uni, when I met Thor Odinson. The man of my dreams.

No, seriously.

I recognized him, immediately.

I have had dreams about him and I, since I was a little kid. So much so, that I realized that I'm into men.

In my dreams, we were born to different people in separate villages, back in the viking days.

Yet we fell for each other.

In another time, he was a villager, and I was a king, in medieval times.

Yet we loved each other.

The most common dreams are godly. He was to be king, and I was the second to the throne.


But even in my dreams, it felt odd.

We became lovers.

Now, I know they're merely dreams, and I've always done this. Everyone I know in my life, I met before, in my dreams.

Thor Odinson was just a party boy in my dorm the first year.

The second year, he was my dorm mate.

As he carries his boxes into my dorm, I sit at my desk, reading my algebra textbook. He looks to me and asks "Intro to Law? Aren't you a second year?"

I look up and turn to him "I'm scheduled to graduate uni this year, with my law degree."

He sits on his bed and remarks "So, you're a nerd."

I turn back towards my book, before remarking "So, you're a jock."

Thor stands and comes to lean against the desk "Got a girlfriend?" I shake my head and he scoffs "Nice looking guy like you! That doesn't make sense."

I don't even look up as I state "I'm gay." He simply hums, and I ask "What about you? Have a girlfriend?"

He crosses his arms and state "She found me in bed with my best mate, last year, the night I was accepted into my fraternity house."

I don't even look up as I remark "Great boyfriend material you are."

He sighs, before declaring "He was so loud that he woke up the whole fraternity. I got busted out of the closet and out of the house. My sister helped me move my shit before it got burnt to a crisp."

I cock an eyebrow to him, before I ask "Bi?" He hums and I nod, before continuing with the book.

He's silent for a long minute, before I state "You have a sister."

"Just the one." He states. He looks me over as he asks "Have any siblings?"

I shrug, moving the hair out of my face. I clear my throat, giving a timid "I was in the foster system."

He nods, before asking "You were never adopted?"

"Once." I tell him, before clearing my throat "They were deemed unfit parents, and I was taken away. I pissed the bed for years after that. Never got adopted again."

He furrows his brow and asks "Why were they unfit?"

I give him an annoyed look and he raises his hands in surrender. He quickly changes the subject "I wet the bed until I was fourteen."

I furrow my brow and look up to him "That doesn't make me feel better."


That night, I awaken in cold sweats. My bed is soaked with sweat and tears stream down my face.

When I look to Thor, I find he's sound asleep. Silently, I crank the air conditioner down to 16°C and turn over in bed.

As the cold air sweeps the room, I hear Thor yawn "Did you just turn down the air conditioner?"

I furrow my brow and ask "Yeah, I hope you don't mind?" He hums, before pushing his comforter off.

"Didn't want to freeze you out." He grumbles. His tan bum shines in the moonlight.

I take in a shakey breath, before declaring "That's impossible."

He's silent for a moment, before asking "Nightmare?"

I roll onto my side and find he looks at me tiredly "Did I wake you?"

"I've been up for awhile." He states, before sitting up, pulling the sheets over his lap "What was it about?"

I sit up and tell him "I have two types of dreams. Dreams of my past, and dreams of the past with me in it."

"Me too." He states, tiredly, before sighing "I've had dreams set in the midages, or the viking era. Hell, even a fantasy realm where I'm to be king. Or I'll have dreams from my past, a past I don't really remember."

I set my jaw and tell him "I dream the same." I look down at my lap and scoff "I felt that I was the only one that did that."

"I did, too." He tells me. When I look up to him, I find he smiles at me, weakly "Can I tell you something?"

I furrow my brow and nod.

He clears his throat, before telling me "I've seen you before. Before our first year of uni." He looks down to his lap and states "I dreamt of you."

I furrow my brow as my lungs feel like they're about to collapse "How did you dream of me?"

He scratches his forehead, stating "We were together, in every since." He gives a weak smile "We loved each other." He scoffs "In truth, I was excited to find i was your roommate."

I furrow my brow and declare "I dreamt we were lovers." He looks up to me and I nod "I'm glad you're here."

He looks at me lustfully and I turn towards my books. As I turn on my bedside light, he asks "So... what does this mean?"

I furrow my brow, stating "I don't know, Thor. I just think I need some time to settle in."

He nods, before I begin to read. As I read, he just stares at me. Finally, I slam my book and sigh "I'm going for a run."

And with that, I sit my book aside, crawl out of bed, slip on my shoes, and slip into the dark hallway.

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