Chapter 22

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After laying lazily in bed with Thor, I sigh and declare "I need to use the lou."

He let's me go and declares "Hurry back. I want to do that, again."

I smirk, before stepping off the bed and grabbing his jersey. As I pull it on, he smirks. Silently, I pull on some boxers and step out of the room.

In the bathroom, I hear the other students walking in and out of stalls. As I push out, I hear straight liquid hit the toilet bowl.

When I look down, I find a bowl full of blood. With a sigh, I wipe, before standing up and pulling up my pants.

When I walk back to the room, lightheaded, I clutch onto the wall. At the door, I knock.

Thor ducks his naked body behind the door as I step in. As I pull on my pants, he asks "Something wrong?"

I smile at him, softly "There was just a little bit of blood. My doctor told me to come in if there was any blood."

He goes concerned, before asking "Did I hurt you?"

I lean down onto the cupboard and try to calm him down "All I felt was pleasure. It felt amazing. Every orgasm."

He looks me over, before declaring "You're pale and sweating. How much blood was it?"

I lie "Just a little."

He sighs, before ordering "Don't lie to me, Loki."

I press my lips into a fine line and declare "You might want to get dressed, now."

He takes in a shakey breath, before nodding and turning towards his cupboard.

In a matter of seconds, he's dressed.

The while way to the hospital, he's quiet.

At the hospital, they take me back, immediately. As I lay in the ER bed, Thor calls his mum.

He quickly stands up to shut the door, before placing the mobile on speaker. When she picks up, she gives a motherly "What's wrong?"

Thor sighs "We're at the hospital."

"What?" She asks immediately, before I hear her waking Odin "What happened?"

For the first time since we got in the car, I see Thor express some emotion. He's trembling and he has tears in his eyes. He speaks in a shakey voice "I hurt him."

I sigh, before announcing "No he didn't. I'm fine."

"Shut up." They say in unison, with a very strong glare from Thor.

I raise my hands in surrender and he takes her off speaker to step out of the room. When he's gone, I grab my mobile and call Bruce.

When Natasha picks up, I smile "I figured you and Bruce would be together. Put me on speaker, will you?"

She quickly wakes Banner, before stating "You're on speaker!"

I sigh, before explaining "I'm at the hospital." As they begin to freak out, I explain "I shit blood. Thor is freaking out. It's no big deal."

Banner sarcastically asks "Did he fuck you too hard or something?"

I shrug, before declaring "I told him to go harder."

He sighs in disgust "I didn't need to know that."

I scoff and Natasha states "We'll be right there."

I'm about to argue with her, they hang up and Thor steps back in, declaring "Mom and dad are on their way. They're calling Hela from the car. She might not pick up. Carol got home last night."

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