Chapter 24

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At the end of the day, Odin, Frigga, Thor, Carol, and Hela step into the room and I look to Odin and ask "Laufey?"

Frigga looks to Odin and Odin sets his jaw "You found out the truth, did you?"

Thor furrows his brow and asks "What are you talking about?"

I grab the file and hand it over to Thor as I explain "My father was Laufey, Odin's business partner. He died of a brain tumor a week after he left me at a fire station."

Odin furrows his brow and explains "I looked for you."

I nod, before asking "You've known all along? Who I am? Who my father was?"

He takes in a deep breath, before explaining "I knew the minute Thor told me about the black haired boy from his dreams."

I take in a deep breath, before asking "Why didn't you tell me?"

He stands there for a moment, not moving a single muscle. As if he was holding his breath, he's just motionless and expressionless.

It isn't until he continues that I felt the ripping inside of me "When I dream, I dream of several things. Losing myself. Losing my son." He looks down and speaks disappointedly "Watching the man he loves, die."

He furrows his brow and looks to me "Each time I dream, I watch Thor lose everything without you. I watch the life drain his body and mind. I was horrified to possibly see that happen."

I take in a shallow breath and ask "Is that why you didn't want Thor and I to be together?"

He looks to Thor and explains "Until I see how happy he is when he's around you."

I furrow my brow as I start to chase a theory, asking "Who's Heimdall?"

"The postman?" Hela and Thor say in unison.

I remind "Only on Sundays."

Frigga sighs, before Odin explains "He's our private investigator. We pay him for information. I read the important stuff, where as Frigga enjoys the details."

Frigga explains "Only when the matter peeks my interest."

I furrow my brow and exclaim "I was homeless, and I just know find out that my father left me 60 million pounds!"

Odin scratches his forehead "I wasn't aware of that. Yeah, in the beginning, we were fairly underpaid."

"Underpaid?" I ask.

He shrugs, before declaring "I figured his savings were still in his brother's financial situations. After he died, he left quit a mess. I wasn't aware he left anything behind."

I furrow my brow and erupt "How is 60 million pounds underpaid?"


When I finally get out of hospital, I get back to the dorm to find it empty. Frigga stands behind me as she explains "I made Thor go to his class. Told him you were getting discharged this afternoon."

I give a weak smile, before declaring "You don't have to stay, if you don't want to."

She shakes her head and declares "I'll stay."

I nod, before sitting back into the bed. She sits at the foot of the bed, letting her legs lay next to mine. After a long minute, she sighs "What do you wish to do, darling?"

I furrow my brow as I slide my bag into my lap "About?"

She gives a weak smile "About everything." I cock my eyebrow to her and she asks "The trail? The money? Your professor?" She gives a pitiful look "Your trauma?"

I set my jaw and explain "The trail, I don't know. The money, I don't know. The professor, I don't know." She gives a soft smile and I sigh "And my entire life, I had every ounce of my rage, pointed at my father, only to find it was all for nothing."

As I pull out the file, she furrows her brow "Maybe, you need to find a way to rewire your rage. Point it at something else?"

I take in a deep breath and explain "The only thing I want to point it at, are the the two people who I was given to, after he died, and my foster dad died." I look up to her, unable to hide my trembling, horrifying, rage, that scared me so much I can barely hold back tears "And if I do, it'll be far too easy for me to show up to their front door and empty a clip into their faces."

She slides her hand onto my foot and gives it a light squeeze "If it was my choice, and I was in Odin's shoes, I would have fought like hell to get you. I would have raised my two, sweet, little boys. I would have been proud to be your mum."

The tears start to fall and she continues "That being said, I would be so honored to be your mum. You are one of my children. No matter how much you want to, as you said, empty a clip into their faces, I want you to know that your mum, loves you. You still have love, inside of you. Don't let your rage overflow your love."

I sit there for a moment, before finally mustering the courage to ask "Would you still love me if I wasn't with Thor?"

She smirks at me, before declaring "I wouldn't call myself your mum, if I didn't."

I nod and she continues "Do you wish to break up with Thor?"

I shake my head, before looking down to the bed "I don't know what I want to do, anymore. I kinda just want to throw away everything that I know and go back to before I had 60 million pounds."

She gives me a weak smile "You could do whatever you want. Why would you wish to not have a safety net?"

I give a tired sigh "My entire life, I didn't have options. To be honest, I just did whatever it took for me to stay alive." I give a weak smile and explain "I don't know what to do with that many options."

She hums, before declaring "You would never have to work a day in your life."

I sigh and declare "But I want to work. It's the only thing that makes me feel like my past actually makes sense."

She nods with a soft smile on her face "Or you can buy a property fit for a king?"

I dismiss it by saying "A flat will do just fine."

She sighs, before asking "Are you going to do anything with your money?"

I shrug, before declaring "Buy a flat and furniture. What else would I need?"

She places her hand on my calf and insists "You've got to do something special for yourself. You deserve something special."

I think for a moment, before reaching over to grab my laptop. After a few minutes, I look up and declare "I just bought a dagger."

She scoffs and asks "Why?"

I shrug and continuing looking on my computer, when I find a flat, just across the street from my old foster parents. Silently, I buy it.

She furrows her brow and asks "What's wrong, love?"

I wave it off, before lying "It's weird, having money."

Inside, my stomach is churning, burning from hatred.


As I stand in front of the mirror, straightening my tie, Thor smiles at me and asks "Are you ready, my love?"

I take in a deep breath, before sighing "As ready as I'll ever be."

As I walk outside, Natasha steps up to be, Bruce hot on her tail. She walks by myside as she asks "Are you nervous?"

I look to her with a tired smile and declare "No less than usual."

And as we climb into Thor's car, reality sinks in.

This is the day I face three of my abusers.

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