Chapter 2

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After fifteen miles, I'm so tired that I can barely make it back to bed. As I slump into the mattress, Thor asks "How was the run?"

As I toss off my sweat soaked shirt, I tell him "Long." When I lay back, I glance over to him to find he stares.

I quickly turn over and fall asleep.


A victorian horse drawn carriage circles the driveway as I stand outside, waiting on the new contractor.

The hole in the roof has just decayed.

When he steps out of the carriage. I step towards him and greet "Pleased to have you at my home, Mister...?"

"Odinson." He tells me, before clarify "Please you to merely call me Thor? And you must be Lord Laufeyson."

"Loki, please." I insist, before leading him into the house. The snow dusts the grand ballroom as I point out "The roof had begun to decay about last year, but I had such a time getting a contractor qualified to mind it."

He furrows his brow and looks to me "I can fix that." I give a short nod, before he asks "Have you got the lumber?"

I motion outside "It's sitting along the side of the house." He gives a short nod, before asking "What would you expect this to take?"

He thinks for a moment "Three months, and a thousand pounds."

I furrow my brow and state "That can be arranged. Half payment upfront." He gives a short nod, before looking up in confusion.

"Is that the attic?" I give a short nod and he looks flat "Make it four months."


When I sit up in bed, sweat covers my body and I look over to Thor to find he dreams happily.

It was a new scenario. I've only dreamed of once before.

I die from pneumonia.

When I look over to my clock, I find it's only four.

He hums in his sleep, I sit back in bed and listen to him talk in his sleep "What are you reading?"

He's silent for a moment, before he starts moaning.

After a few moments, he moans out my name and I throw a pillow at him. He continues to moan as I find he grinds the bed.

Suddenly, all those wet dreams and sore morning make sense.

With a sigh, I stand up and get dressed.


When I get out of the changing room, I stand in front of the mirror, in my swimming speedo. Cigarette burn scars cover my shoulders and my back, only noticeable in the florescent lights.

As I pull a wet cap onto my head, the door opens and the lead swimmer steps in. He cocks an eyebrow to me and asks "Just jumping in?"

I turn my back to the mirror and smile "Yeah, did you just get down?" He nods, before I ask "Any prospects this year?"

He shakes his head, before declaring "We don't have a chance. Care to join?" I chuckle in embarrassment and he states "You've got to be better than the newbies."

I grab my nose plugs and goggles, before declaring "Thank you, Bruce. I'll stick to recreational."

He gives a short nod and I sling my towel over my shoulders and step out to the pool, as he calls after me "You might get a scholarship!"

"I'm already on scholarship!" I call over my shoulder, before dropping my towel on the side of the pool.

As I stretch out by the side of the pool, I hear one of the showers running in the locker room.

When I dive in, I make it to other side in less than five seconds.

As I do laps in the pool, whirling and twirling, changing strokes with every lap, I take little moments to catch a breath, by breaking the water.

When I finally come up for air, I find Bruce sits on the dive board in front of me. I furrow my brow and look over his uni clothes "Why haven't you joined the swim team?"

I furrow my brow and remark "I don't want to make people doubt themselves."

He looks me over, before asking "Does it have anything to do with the cigarette burns on your back?"

As I sink down into the water, he holds out his arms and exposes his scarred wrists "Swimming helps me more than I help the team."

I furrow my brow and he shrugs "You should join the team."

I hum, before asking "What time is it?"

He checks his watch, before telling me in his American accent "Half past six." I groan, before sinking deeper into the pool.

He gives an amused look as I pull myself out of the water. In annoyance, I pull off my wet cap as I dry my neck.

"Trouble with the roommate?" He asks and I give a knowing look "You have Odinson as a roommate, don't you?"

I hum and he sighs "That guy seems like a total douche."

I shrug, before declaring "He's actually really nice." He cocks an eyebrow to me and I sigh "He just has wet dreams about me."

He presses his lips into a fine line, before asking "Would you hit that?" I shrug, before he asks "Are you into him?"

As I lead him into he locker room, I sigh "Maybe, I don't know."

He shrugs, before grabbing his bag "What's the worse thing that could happen?"


When I get back to my dorm, I open the door and find Thor Odinson sitting on his desk chair, computer open, porn blaring, zipping his pants.

He looks to me in embarrassment, and I sit my bag down, before stepping up to him and closing his computer.

He stares up at me and blushes a deep crimson, before I ask "You know you talk in your sleep?"

He remains silent, so I stand there, before beginning to unbutton my shirt. His hand traces my abs as I run my fingers through his long hair.

As he slips down to my pants, he unbuttons my pants and slides them down my bum.

I pull his head back by his hair and he looks at me in total entrapment "To bed, Thor."


"Fuck!" I pants in ecstacy as I begin to come down from my high.

He chuckles as he sucks in air "Damn." He declares. He takes in a deep breath "That was good."

He takes in a deep breath and I state "Best cock I've ever gotten."

He doesn't skip a beat as he states "Best ass I've ever gotten." I take in a shakey breath as my legs tremble.

He chuckles, before reaching down and rubbing my thighs "Have you ever done that before?"

I cover my face in embarrassment, before noticing the bruises on my wrists "Thor? When did you grab my wrists?"

He looks them over, before declaring "When I pinned them behind your back, remember?"

I nod, before rubbing his face, softly "I loved it." I glance over to the clock and sigh "I've got a class in an hour."

He rolls over me and smiles down at me "Plenty of time, then." He grips my hips and pulls my up to him "I just need twenty more minutes."

I blush, before he pins my hands above my head and bends my legs over his shoulders "So flexible." He jokes.


As I pull on my skinny jeans, he grabs back of them and I smile back down at him "I've got class."

He grovels, before asking "What class?"

"Intro to Advanced Psychology." I state, before looking to him "I'll be back in an hour. It's right next door."

He lays back and states "I'll be here. Waiting."

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