Chapter 29

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The following morning, I wake up and flip threw Netflix as I receive a call from Hela. When I pick up, I sigh "Yes, the sex was good. Yes, I plan more."

She sighs "No, Loki." She's silent for far too long until I realize something is wrong. Finally she tells me "Dad is dead."

I sit there for a long moment, before speaking softly "When?"

She cries "Last night."

I nod to myself, before clearing my throat "I'll clear my schedule for next week and help with funeral arrangements."

"What about court?" She asks.

I clear my throat "The judge owes me a favor. We'll push it. It'll be okay."

She sniffles and I hear fumbling on the other end. Finally, Carol picks up "Hey, Frigga is on with Thor, now. The funeral home just picked up the body."

I nod to myself, before declaring "I'm going to hope in a cab. I'll be right over."

She tells me to hold on, before Frigga picks up the call "Darling, you should be studying up for your case next week."

I sigh "Consider it pushed."

We share a short goodbye and I start getting ready. As I grab a cab, I call the judge and he picks up "Laufeyson? What are you doing calling my house?"

I clear my throat "We're going to have to push the case back. My father just died."

He's silent for a long moment, before asking "The asylum case?" I agree, and he declares "Take your time, son. I expect you in my chambers, as soon as you're back."


The following week is full of funeral planning. When Friday rolls around, Frigga, Hela, and I wait at the bus station. As Thor's bus rolls up, he steps out with his suit on, carrying a bag over his shoulder.

Silently, he steps up to his car and tosses the bag in, before looking to us "What time is the funeral?"

I check my watch "In two hours."

He nods, before declaring "We should head that way." He looks to Hela "Riding with me?"

She gives a confused look, before following him "Sure."

Silently, I climb into my car and wait for Frigga. When she gets in, she asks "Are you and Thor, okay?"

I shrug as I start the car "After he found out, he's been reclusive, no matter how much I talk to him."

We sit in silence, until we get to the funeral home.

When we get there, we get out of the car and walk in to find Thor standing over the casket. Hela gives me a sad look as I step up next to Thor.

Thor looks stone cold as he states "They did a good job, making him look alive."

I nod, before looking to him, pitifully. He doesn't even look me, before turning to go take a seat.

As I sit next to him, people begin to file in. It isn't until we're halfway through a memorial speech when he stands up and walks out.

I follow after him. Outside of the funeral home, I find Thor with his hands behind his head, staring up.

I furrow my brow and insist "Talk to me, Thor!"

He shakes his head and I sigh "Whatever it is, I'm here, darling."

He nods to himself and turns to me, rushing towards me. He pulls me to him and hugs me as he cries.

After a moment, I grip him to me and he cries "I miss him."

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