Chapter 8

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As we sit down to dinner, Bruce joins us and looks to me "One o'clock, tomorrow. Be at the pool."

I furrow my brow and ask "Why?"

"Our finisher just quit." Banner states, before looking to me "I want the coach to see you swim. Get you on the team."

I give an annoyed look, before asking "What makes you think I want to be on the swim team?"

He cocks an eyebrow to me "Because you light up when you're in the pool."

I narrow my gaze at him and remind "I tried to drown myself in that pool, last week, in case you forgot."

He furrows his brow and asks "Are you really going to let one bad experience ruin what you love?"


After the second class, I get back to my dorm room to find Thor asleep in bed. Silently, I strip down and crawl in next to him.

As I'm about to fall asleep, I get a message. When I pick it up, I find it's Darcy, asking about a lesson.

I simply reply "Tuesday at four?"

I get a text, immediately "Sounds like a plan."

I'm about to turn off my mobile when I get another message "What are you up to?"

I look at Thor's naked form and smile, before telling her "Just getting ready for bed. I have five classes, tomorrow."

"So, you have all your classes in one day?"

I kiss Thor's chest and reply "I have ten classes this term. I graduate next semester."

She replies back with a simple "That's a lot."

Silently, I put my mobile down and nuzzle into Thor.


At five, I walk into my dorm room to find Thor packing up his messenger bag "I've got so much work to do this weekend. I don't see how you manage ten classes, defense group, and swimming."

I put my bag down and state "I finish my work in lecture, right after work assignment."

He narrows his gaze at me and asks "You finish twenty page essays in an hour?" I nod an he scoffs "And you're passing all your classes?"

I cross my arms and state "When you write a twenty page essay on the primordial pod theory in less than an hour, referencing scientists experiments and reference where you got it from, while listening to a theology lecture, then turn it in after class, professors tend to find you their star pupil."

He narrows his gaze at me "Norms, you're smart." I smile at him and he puckers his lips.

When I give him a kiss, he smiles up at me "Ready to go to mom and dad's?"

I nod and he states "I'll drive."

"Good." I state and he gives a confused look "I never learned to drive."


As we pull into the driveway, he sighs "I can't believe you never learned to drive. I simply can't believe it."

When I grab my bag, he looks me over in shock. I wave him off and he cuts off the car, before we climb out.

When we get to the door, he opens it and calls out "I'm home!"

Frigga and Odin walk out of the kitchen and smile, before Thor asks "Can you believe that Loki never learned to drive?"

Frigga looks to me and states "That's about to change."


After an hour of all three of them talking me into it, Frigga and I climb into the car and she asks "How much do you know about driving?"

I look to her and state "I know the mechanics. I just have never done it, myself."

"How did you get around?" She asks and I look at her, before she realizes "You didn't, did you?"

I nod, before turning the key in the ignition. As I start to back out of the driveway, she asks "Did you not want to learn how to? You seemed pretty withdrawn."

I stop as a car drives by and tell her "New things make me nervous."

She hums, before I back out of the driveway "Does that have anything to do with your childhood? Everything new was a threat?"

I furrow my brow and glance her way "Maybe."

She looks me over as we start down the road "How did you manage to cope with everything that happened?"

I furrow my brow and tell her "I went through a bad boy phase, slept with everyone in sight. Now, I'm just tired, all the time."

Sge gives a weak smile, before asking "What medications are you on?"

I glance her way to find she looks at me, kindly. Something about her seems so familiar. As if I lived with her my whole life.

I don't even skip a beat "Antidepressants, anti anxiety, sleep medication, appetite stimulants, and mood stabilizers."

She nods, before instructing "There's a stop sign coming up." When I slam on the brakes, she laughs playfully "Try it a little slower, next time."

As I ease up, I find the car goes nowhere until I'm almost completely off. "Oh." Is all I say.

As we keep going, she asks "How many people have you slept with?"

I furrow my brow and state "Somewhere in the three thousands."

She gives a weak smile, before declaring "I meant consentally."

I furrow my brow and state "Somewhere around two hundred."

She nods, before declaring "There's no shame in that." I set my jaw and she places her hand on my shoulder "Thor has laid with plenty, himself."

I set my jaw and state "A lot weren't my choice."

She nods, before asking "Have you been to counseling?"

I glare at her and state "I never got a chance. With the foster system, and not having stable housing, and the mental health system needs a permanent residence."

She furrows her brow and asks "Why don't you just use our address?" I scoff at that and she states "I'm serious."

I furrow my brow and declare "If Thor and I were to break up, I'd still have to drop by to pick up my post. No, thank you."

She scoffs, before telling me "Something tells me that you two won't break up. You may fight, and not talk to one another, but I doubt you'll just never speak to him, again."

I furrow my brow and ask "What makes you think that?"

She looks me over and states "I know you dream of one another." I pull over and put the car in park.

"How the fuck did you know that?" I ask, looking at her in confusion.

She places her hand on my shoulder and tells me "When Thor was a child, he would tell me, in great detail, about a boy with green eyes and black hair, named Loki, being his best friend. And the two of you would play chase."

She gives a knowing look "He started telling me about the two of you and your sexual attraction when he was going through puberty."

She gives a soft smile "And the day he first saw you, running around the campus, he called me and told me he wanted to get to know you better than what he already did. And he knew you very well."

I set my jaw and state "He told you, everything?"

She gives me a kiss on the forehead "I know a great deal more than you would expect."

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