Chapter 16

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Sunday rolls around faster than ever. As I walk downstairs, Thor on my trail with my crutch, Heimdall smiles to me "Good to see you're well."

I look to Thor and sigh "Who doesn't know?"

He fakes a pout "It hasn't been on the news."

I shake my head at him and he kisses my forehead "Come on. Breakfast is ready."

After breakfast, I sit at the table, my mobile buzzes. I pick it up before I even read the number "Loki Laufeyson."

"This is detective Mobius with Scotland Yard. We have three suspects in custody. We were wondering if you'd come down for a lineup."

Thor furrows his brow and asks "What's wrong?"

I lower my mobile and ask "Can you drive my to Scotland Yard?" He nods and starts to get up as I tell Detective Mobius "I'll be right over."


At the police station, I usher the Odinson family past the receptionist and straight up to Detective Mobius's desk. He smiles at me and states "I think we got them, Loki."

I take in a deep breath "I hope so." I motion towards the lineup room "Shall we move this along?"

He stands and picks up a file, before declaring "Let me go get their attorney." As he ushers us in, he orders "Don't leave this room until after we're done, okay?"

I nod and he steps away, before Thor asks "You seem very familiar with this."

I shrug, before declaring "It's not my first time in a police station."

As Mobius steps back in with another man, the man asks "Are you on any painkillers?" I shake my head, and he asks "Any medication that can ulter your mental state?"

I take in a deep breath "Just antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, and mood stabilizers."

He nods, before writing it down and Mobius asks "You ready, Loki?" I nod and he knocks on the window.

The first group walks in and I spot him, immediately. The big one. When they come to a halt, Mobius asks "Are any of these men one of your violators?"

I don't let my eyes drift from the big one as I state "Number one."

Mobius confirms "Number one?"

I nod, before he knocks on the window once.

The five men are ushered out and five more walk in. The Latino man walks in second and Mobius is about to ask again, but I cut him off "Number two."

"Two?" He asks.

"Number two." I state, before he knocks on the window, twice.

The next group walks in and I furrow my brow at the short guy. I furrow my brow and state "Number five."

Mobius knocks five times and the group is ushered out. The attorney looks to Mobius and I "I'll see you in court."

When he walks out, I look to Mobius "What evidence do we have?"

"Crime scene, get away vehicle, with DNA." He states, before declaring "This might not even go to court."

I give a weak smile "Let's hope not."

He pats my back, before stepping towards the door "Good job, kid."

When he steps out of the room, I take a seat and place my crutches aside. As I lean forward and rub my face, Thor asks "Are you okay?"

I look up to him and ask nervously "Am I supposed to be?"

He furrows his brow at me and states "You're not." He places his hand on my cheek and I lean away from it.

He gives a weak smile, before I take a deep breath and grab my crutches "I just need time."

Odin takes in a deep breath "Prehaps some therapy?"

I sigh, before telling him "I've been through my past tragedies without therapy. I can get through this, just fine."

He starts to agrue with me, but Mobius steps in and states "You're free to go, now."


When I crutch into the dorm room, Thor glides past me to sit my bag on the bottom of my bed. Silent, besides the metal clicking of the crutches, I hobble towards my bed.
When I take a seat, Thor looks at me, pitifully "Loki?"

I take in a deep breath, before taking off my shoe and moving to curl into the fetal position.

He sits next to my feet and asks, too softly "Loki?" My eyes focus on a loose thread on my bed spread.

When he touches my legs, I slide my hands down and nudge him off. He sits there for a moment, before speaking softly "Let me hold you, baby."

I don't look up from my bed spread as I speak angerly "I just want to be fucked." He gives a confused hum, before I shrug "It just makes me feel good."

He thinks for a moment, before leaning forward to push my chin up. When I look at him, he smiles, weakly "Just let me hold you."

He looks over my jacket and sighs, before declaring "You've been in that jacket for three days."

I take in a deep breath, before declaring "You haven't seen me, since..." I lead off, before looking at him and he gives a tired smile "I'm just..." I let out a shakey breath and he leans forward to give me a kiss.

He backs away to get ahold of my jacket zipper. As he unzips my jacket, he places his lips to my temple.

He kisses my temple as I place my hand on his chest. Once it's unzipped, he slides it off my shoulder and looks over my bruised abdomen.

He gives a confused look and asks "Why did they put the cast so high?"

I take in a deep breath, before explaining "They knew I'd have to sleep on my side, so they didn't cast the other leg. They decided an abdominal cast would be better for side sleeping to support hip placement and they had to do it high so that they could do wound care."

He nods, before looking me over "You're still my Loki, love."

I furrow my brow and state "In our dreams, you're this arrogant prat that walks around on your high horse. Why aren't you, now?"

He takes in a deep breath, before explaining "I've never haven't had a sister, until now. I've learned to be soft, for her."

I take in a deep breath, before leaning into him "You're just a big softie, deep down inside."

I slide my hand into his as a chuckle escapes my lips. He furrows his brow and asks "What?"

I cover my mouth and ask "Did you see how big that guy was? He looked like a fucking gorilla!"

He laughs, before declaring "I was thinking about that."

He looks to me with a twinkle in his eyes and states "It honestly surprises me how you can still laugh."

I give him a smile, before remarking "I like to hope that the next life will be less painful."

He nods, before looking over my shoulder. He sighs, before declaring "Let's get that sling off for the night."

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