Chapter 3: the new girl

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"Come on down akuma! It's time To eat. Then you can sleep!" Oto-san yelled from below. "What is there to eat?" I asked. "Let's go eat somewhere!" I nodded my head and grabbed a light sweater.

As we walked around the streets of Konoha I caught a whiff of something delicious. I began walking in that direction of the smell. "Did you find something you wanted?" I just kept walking until I found a small stand reading 'ICHIRAKU RAMEN'. "Is this what you want to eat, ramen?" I shrugged and walked under the curtain. "Welcome to ichiraku ramen! How can I help you?" We sat down into the chairs. "I'll have pork ramen with a extra egg. What do you want?" Oto-san looked at me while I scanned the menu. I pointed to what I wanted and showed the man. "Miso ramen and pork ramen coming up!"

"Naruto?" Oto-san looked over to our right and surely there sat Naruto with almost 10 empty ramen bowls stacked next to him. "Hey, akuma and Izakue-Sensei!" I nodded in Acknowledgement. "Here is your food!" The man set out steamy ramen before us. "Itadakimasu.." I said quietly. While Sensei yelled it so the entire village could here it.

-1 hour later-

Sensei jumbled with the keys to open the door "here." I grabbed the key and unlocked the door. "Good night." I walked upstairs and into my room. "I almost forgot." I grabbed my bag and pulled out a small Dango plushy. "Good night.." I slipped into then soft covers and immediately was pulled into a dark dreamless sleep.


"Akuma. Akuma. Akuma!" I jolted up and raiser my hands up in defense. "Get ready today is your first day at the academy." I yawned and stretched. "Okay..." I Madame my way to my closet and stepped in. I placed my finger on my chin and decided that I would wear a tan short sleeve shirt and a pair of black shorts. I slid on my knee high ninja sandals and began on my hair. "Um.." I decided to just brush it and leave it like that. My hair hasn't been cut since I was about 4 or 5, it reached down to my lower back. After doing the rest of my normal routine I ran downstairs to grab a black bean bun. "Have a good day, good luck!" I waved back as I walked to the school. As I was walking I noticed 2 girls one blonde one had pink hair and they ran straight past me obviously in competition.

I finished the rest of my bean bun once I reached the academy. I walked into the large building and saw a man with a pony tail and a scar across his nose. "Oh hello, you must be Akuma! I'm iruka, your Sensei. Class is about to start follow me." I nodded. I followed iruka Sensei down the hall and he stopped in front of a room. "I hope that you make lots of friends and enjoy it here." He slid open the door and stepped inside. "Everyone go sit down!" Iruka Sensei yelled making me flinch. "Come." He moved over and let me walked in. Whispers speed through out the class room. "Come on." Iruka Sensei brought me to the front of the class and set his things down. "She has green hair! That's so weird!" Someone yelled out at me. "Who said that?!" Iruka yelled. No one spoke up "I'm sorry.. Go ahead and introduce yourself." I looked back at the class. "I-I'm akuma kami.. I am from the land of lightning a-and I belong to the k-kami clan..." I breathed out heavily at the end. I've never talked so much to anyone other than Sensei. "I'm sorry I'm late!" Naruto busted through the door. "Akuma!" Naruto ran up to me. "Your in this class too, dattebayo!" I flinched at his loud voice. I nodded slightly "You knew akuma?" Iruka asked. "Yea! She stopped this man from hitting me and bought me a mask!" I looked down. "Well, akuma you can sit by.... Sasuke. Sasuke raise your hand." I looked up and saw this 'Sasuke'. "There is no way she's sitting next to my Sasuke-kun!" "Yea! What makes her so special?!" Here we go again... I walked over to the boy and sat next to him. "Okay, today we are cry ally going outside to practice with our shuriken. After this quick lesson." Wait, shuriken? Seriously?! How behind are these kids?! I began to get bored with the lesson and decided to see who this Sasuke kid is anyways. I turned my head and jumped slightly to see he was already staring at me. He tensed up and just stared at me As if I was going to jump on him. I tilted my head in confusion over why he would think I would do that. "How come your not jumping or trying to kiss me?" I was taken aback. I narrowed my eyes at him in a disgusted manner. "That's disgusting." I turned back to Sensei who was still rambling on about how not to hurt yourself. "Disgusting?" I didn't even turn back to him I just nodded.

-outside after a long lesson-

"Yay! Go sasuke-kun!" "He's the best!" "I love you Sasuke-kun!" I just sat waiting for my turn as Sasuke threw his kunai in a line hitting the target. It wasn't perfect one was slightly out of place. "Naruto. Your turn." Naruto jumped up from beside me. "Alright!" I watche dat he almost killed Sensei. "Hey. New girl. What's your name akuma?" I turned to an angry mob of Fangirls. "You better back off of Sasuke. He's mine." "No mine!" "Mine!" I trailed through the girls. "U-Um... I don't really think sasuke's that attractive anyways, he's all yours." I sat back down as the girl suspiciously waddled away. "Akuma." I sat up and grabbed six shuriken. "You if need five." Sensei said. "Yes, but I need this one for something." I closed my eyes and scanned the area with the chakra in my feet. I threw the shuriken all hitting the target but one. The last one went behind and hit the target behind me. "Woah..." My piers began to clap and applaud. "That was amazing akuma, how did you do that?" Sensei asked. "I'm from somewhere else remember?" A small glint was captured in my eye by the Uchiha standing about 5 feet away from me. After a few others tried and failed horribly we decided to go back inside to wrap up our day. "Okay class. One more thing. Tomorrow is graduation remember?" The class thanked him and walked out into the busy streets of Konoha. "Akuma!" I turned to see Sensei running after me. "Hm?" I blinked. "Are you sure you'll be prepared for tomorrow's test?" I nodded. "Okay. See you then!" I began to weak home when "Akuma!!! Hey over here!" Naruto yelled. I walked over to him and once I reached him Sasuke walked over and began conversing with Naruto. "Akuma..." I looked at the uchiha boy that had to much self esteem. I narrowed my eyes at him "Tch. Good night Naruto-san. You too Sasuke." I walked on home with the almost dark sky upon me.

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