Chapter 21

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After lunch I brought Shiro to meet Kakashi, who seemed super energetic. I was actually very funny watching Shiro run around and crawl all over our sensei. I laughed as I watched Kakashi not able to do anything about the little rascal climbing all over him. "You know Akuma, you've really opened up a lot since when everyone first became a team. I had seen you when you were younger scared of the world. You've grown and built up confidence. Your becoming a beautiful young woman." I smiled at Kakashi. "I guess your right I have opened up, a lot." I rethought about my clan, how timid and fragile I was, how scared and bruised I was, how mentally disoriented and dead I was.

And now, look at me. Talking with more people, I adopted a brother, I became friends with an 'Enemy', I feel in love with the boy I was scared to death about. "You sure have grown up child." Itozo said. "You are finally back eh?" I laughed a little hearing him chuckle. "You could say I took a little nap." I smiled feeling a lot better about myself. "Thank you Kakashi sensei. I'll bring you some of the lunch. Come on Shiro lets go eat." Kakashi nodded as Shiro stood up following me out of the room.

I knocked on mine and Sakura's shared room "hey lets go eat." She opens the door with a smile and nodded. "I'll go get the boys you should help Tsunami." She nodded. I passed over to Naruto's and Sasuke's shared room. "Hey guys?" I knocked on the slightly cracked door. "Yeah? Come in." I opened the door with a smile. "Let's go eat sound good?" Naruto jumped up nodding. "Yes yes! Last one down is a rotten egg!!" Naruto took off with Shiro not far behind.

I laughed and turned to Sasuke "Let's go?" He stood up setting down his kunai and cloth. "Your very beautiful you know that Akuma? You'd make a wonderful wife. Your very attentive to Shiro and care for us as well." I coughed awkwardly. "U-Uh thanks?" I blushed and smiled. "Thank you for the compliment Sasuke but you have to try way harder to gain back my love." I wink playfully before walking downstairs.

-Sasuke's pov-

"Your very beautiful you know that's Akuma? You'd make a wonderful wife. Your very attentive to Shiro and care for us as well." I set down my Kunai I was cleaning and walk over to her. She coughed awkwardly "U-Uh thanks?" She looked so beautiful... "Thank you for that compliment Sasuke but you have to try way harder to gain back my love." She winked. She looked realllly good when she did that. Damnit Sasuke control yourself. She walked downstairs afterwards as if nothing had happened. "A wonderful wife?! Really Sasuke that's all you had?" I groaned and walked downstairs as well.

-Akumas pov-

"Here let me help." I grabbed the plates Sakura was holding and placed them around the table pulling up chairs and setting up cups of water. "I'll take this bowl up for Kakashi-sensei." I held up the bowl of food walking upstairs. I reached kakashis door and heard a faint voice from the other side. "Keep close watch on her I don't think she's safe just in case. Wait she's here." Suddenly the chakra of the voice disappeared. "Hi sensei. I brought you food!" I sat down next to him holding the bowl. "Here I'll set it here. Enjoy." I walked out and closed the door. "What was that?" My eyes widened. "It couldn't of been. The anbu black ops... Kakashi was in that thing for a while. Is someone suspicious of me?" I thought. "I believe so child." I walked back down with a more forced smile this time. "Whatever you made smells good tsunami, I can't wait to eat!" I sat down in between Naruto and Shiro. "Itadakimasu!" We clapped and began digging in with our chopsticks. "This is so good!!" Shiro yelled. "Is it really?" Tsunami blushed happily. "Yes yes!" I patted his head and wiped his face which was covered in food. "Your so messy." I smiled and set down my chopsticks, bowl empty and all. "Woah you are faster than me for once!" Naruto yelled. "Hahah I guess I was just hungry!" I smiled and stood up. "I'll do the dishes later if everyone would just set the dishes in the sink?" I asked. "You don't have to do that!" Tsunami stood up. "No no it's ok you've been a great host I've really enjoyed staying here so in return, let me help out with at least this." She hesitated before agreeing. "Great! Um, I'll be going out for a little bit I'll be back soon promise!" I walked towards the door. "I'll join you." Sasuke hurriedly aye his food. "You don't have to do that." I sat down putting on my ninja shoes. "I want to protect you of course I will." He whispered, I internally cringed at that cheesy line. "Ok whatever you want I guess. If you can keep up." I opened the door and stepped out. "Mmm feels so nice out here." I stretched my arms and looked at the sky painted blue with large cotton ball looking clouds. "I wonder what it would be like to walk on a cloud?" I said while staring at the clouds. "Probably pretty cool." Two arms snaked themselves around my waist. "Woah hahah." I slid out of his grip. "Your rushing a little too much on the affection." He just chuckled and stuck his hands in his pockets with a content sigh. "You wanted to walk with me right?" He nodded waking next to me on the trail through the forest. "So much green!" I giggled when a butterfly landed on my cheek and then flew away. "That was cute." I turned around to see Sasuke looking the other way with a faint blush. "You're pretty funny." I laughed as we continued to walk on the trail.

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