Chapter 17: training

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Hey guys finally back and I can write now!! Sorry for the hold up! Enjoy~

I sat next to kakashi's bed still in night clothes, my hands in front of me a glowing green light emerged from them as I tried to heal my sensei. "Are you alright?" Tsunami tazunas daughter asked. "No, but I will be... In about a week." Sakura awed at the sharingan. "The sharingan eye is an incredible power... But doesn't the strain it puts on your body make you wonder if It's worth it?!" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Shut up. I'm still tired here and I'm trying to help sensei." I yawned but was ignored. "This time, you took down your strongest foe yet... So we can probably relax for a while." Tazunas wiped his forehead. "I disagree." I said but was still ignored. "I can't get my mind off that masked kid..." Sakura put her hand to her chin. "That made is worn by the most elite and secret ninja from the village hidden in the mist... The shinobi hunters all west them... Their unit is code-named the 'undertaker squad'. Because they dispose of the corpses so thoroughly, it's as though they never existed... Even after death a shinobi' corpse may yield up its secrets of the skills it had mastered. As well as retaining the chakras it steeped in the ninjas native lands.. Even the ingredients of any drugs or potions that body consumed become an open book." I continued my healing and yawned.

"In the same way, if an enemy where to take possession of my remains, the corpse would reveal all of the anatomical idiosyncrasies unique to possessors of the sharingan eye... In the worst case, the enemy might gain enough information to be able to duplicate and master that power." I nodded in agreement.

"Ninja corpses tell too many tales, basically shinobi hunters specialize in tracking down and eliminating rouge ninja and obliterating their remains... In order to protect the secrets of their hind village from the rest of the world... They had those in our clan." I yawned at the end of my speech still healing kakashi.

"She's correct. Silently and with out a trace. That's how Ninja leave the world." Kakashi groaned and I stopped and fell on top of him asleep. "So, Zabuza's corpse will be dismembered and destroyed? That's so creepy--!!!" Sakura yelled disgusted. "Can you shut up you damn piece of cotton candy?!" I said aggravated. "Why you..." I then was dragged away and out of the room by Naruto who carried my bridal style back to the room.

"H-Hey!!" I blushed. "Put me down!!" He flicked me on the forehead. "Kakashi-sensei said we have training later today so you should rest up." I nodded and blushed at how close his face was to mine. "U-Uh..." Then sasuke appeared at the door. "Hey dobe let her be. Your too close to her." He pushed naruto off. "H-Hey be careful!" I helped naruto up. "What's your problem Sasuke-teme?!" I raised my hands up between them shakily in chibi mode. "Hey now... Let's settle down?" They ignored me and glared at each other.

I sighed irritated and slammed the door shut locking it. "Now now. I said calm down." A dark aura surround me. "I'm veryyy tired. Why don't you boys just shut up, ne?" I said with a clam tone and creepy smile. "H-Hai!" They said scared. My aura disappeared and I clapped my hands together. "Great! Now.." I then fell over and passed out.

-after maybe 5/6 hours-

"Hey! Akuma! Wake up!" Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke stood above me. "W-What?" Naruto helped me up. "Time for training." I groggily stood there rubbing my eyes and holding my bunny plushy by the ear.

-after changing into my ninja gear at training area-

"so it's decided. The new training regiment begins today!" Kakashi said placing his hands on his hips. "YEAH!!" Naruto yelled in excitement.

"But first... Let's discuss basis of your ninja skills... The body energies known as chakras." Naruto's excitement turned to boredom. "So, um... Chakra... What are those again?" I face palmed. "AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A NINJA? DID YOU SLEEP THROUGH EVERY CLASS YOU EVER TOOK?" Sakura yelled. 'Fucking little piece of cotton candy.. I'll kill you in your fucking damn sleep.' I thought pissed as she yelled at Naruto. "Why don't you say I got in some really high quality nap time?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"All right! Sakura!!" Kakashi said giving her all the damn credit. "Pay attention, Naruto and Akuma!! It's a pain but I'll try to keep it simple! Try to find storage space for this information somewhere in that shiny, smooth brain of yours." My eye twitched. "Mmmm... Yes, I'll find space." I spoke pissed. "It's okay, calm down." Sasuke placed at hand on my shoulder.

-After all of Sakura's bitching and shit-

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!! I don't do so well with long explanations, but if you could just show me, my body can learn it!!" I nodded agreeing with Naruto. "Naruto's right... We all already employ the ninja acts and techniques.." Sasuke trailed off. "None of you yet mastery of your chakra!" Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "AHAHA!! That's so funny Kakashi-sensei~." They looked at me weird. "Oh, that's right." The team looked at kakashi weirdly. He shrugged

After watching Kakashi walked up the tree I contemplated on how to do it.

Kunai were thrown down in front of us. I tuned out everyone as I concentrated my chakra. "FOR JASHINS SAKE CAN YOU ALL SHUT YOUR SHIT FACES?!" By then I was probably red from yelling. "Watch your language." Kakashi slapped the back of my head.

-2648297174 try's later-

"Why is this so difficult but Sakura got it so quickly?!" Naruto sighed. "I agree naruto." Sakura and Kakashi left so it was just the boys and I. "This is in the way." I stripped off my jacket leaving me in my black crop top and black fishnet. "W-What are you doing?!" Naruto yelled blushing. "Yea idiot." Sasuke also had a small blush. "Just ignore me and keep trying."

I watched naruto cut the bark with his Kunai before falling down landing on his back. "Naruto!" I ran over and picked him up. "Naruto are you okay?" He nodded and slumped back onto the tree trunk. "Let's try again, okay?" He nodded. "I'LL GET IT DONE BELIEVE IT!" I smiled and hugged him. "E-Eh? Why are you blushing?" He pointed to my chest making me turn beet red. "Dobe." Sasuke smacked him. "It's not my fault she hugged me and they were there..." I blushed. "Naru-kun!" Sasuke glared at me and naruto blushed. "H-Hey! Don't call me that hahaha!" He smiled while rubbing the back of his head. "Haha you two are funny." I stretched and walked over to the tree griping my Kunai.
I concentrated my chakra in my feet but this time... It felt right.
I ran at the tree with closed eyes. "Woah! Akuma-chan! You did it!!" I opened my eyes. "HOLY SHIT! HELL YEA I DID IT YEAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!"

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