Chapter 15: fallen

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Naruto talked to sasuke as I continued to be on guard. "GET DOWN! Sakura move!" I yelled and pushed her out of the way getting stabbed by a clone. "D-Die!" I stabbed him with my katana and pulled the kunai out. I gripped my side but the sticky red liquid seeped through my fingers "Akuma!" They yelled. "Hold on!" Naruto yelled. "You better win this." I fell back. Wow did I feel weak... 'Kid. Get up! Now isn't the time to be lying on the ground! You're stronger than this!' I groaned hearing this. 'But it's hurts!' I sat in front of him as he sighed. 'I'll heal it, you just need to get up.' I nodded and opened my eyes.

"Akuma!" Sakura and Naruto yelled as I stood up. "I will not let my comrades die!" I looked around and saw Naruto's doppelgängers attacking Zabuza. "Sasuke!" Naruto yelled throwing a windmill shuriken at him. Sasuke caught it with ease and held it infront of him. "Demon wind shuriken!! Windmill of shadows!!" Sasuke threw the shuriken at Zabuza dodging the clone. Zabuza caught the first shuriken "At least this time you've had the sense to zero in on my true form... Amateur!" Then his eyes widened. 'A second shuriken in the shadow of the first shuriken...! He used the art of the shadow shuriken!' Zabuza thought then jumped over it. "Heh." Sasuke smirked. "Eh?" I watched happily as Naruto's doppelgänger changed from shuriken to clone and throw a kunai at Zabuza.

Zabuza with wide eyes let go of kakashi to dodge the kunai. 'That little runt!' I growled lowly at the remark. Kakashi then blocked the windmill shuriken. "Kakashi Sensei!" Sakura yelled. I scoffed at her idiotic little face. "Naruto... Your scheme was brilliant... You've matured all of you..." Naruto chuckled and smiled. I looked at Naruto with a small blush 'Good job naru-kun!' "Heh... Do you made me fly into such a rage that I unraveled the spell golfing the water prison together.." Kakashi glared up at Zabuza. "No. You didn't drop your own spell... It was broken from without... Just so you know, the same spell won't work on me twice. Your move."

Instantly they both jumped back and in Unison the hand signs were made. "Water style: Water dragon missile!!" The two water jutsu's collided together washing us back. 'So many katas performed so quickly... And.... Kakashi Sensei mirrored them all flawlessly...instantly!' Sasuke thought surprised.

Zabuza ran to the right as did Kakashi. He raised his hand as did Kakashi. 'He sees...' "...Through them all!" Kakashi finished Zabuza's thought. 'What- he's reading my mind--?!' He stared at kakashi's eye. 'Curse him! He's... Got that sickeningly evil look on his eye... Right?!' Zabuza hand sign ready looked Kakashi in the eye. "Feh.... You're a pale imitation." Zabuza sweated. "I'm the genuine article no mere copycat stands a chance against me!" Kakashi and Zabuza said in unison making Zabuza become even more wide eyed even if it's possible. "You minic me like a parrot! I'll close your beak for good!" I sweat dropped. 'Oh yea that's an insult...' Suddenly a huge gush of water sent Zabuza flying. 'Before I could even finish my ninjutsu, he used the same technique against me...! I can't keep up with him!!' I happily clapped my hands. "Uhn...! That's that... What... Can you see the future...?!" I giggled. 'Oh course he can't!' Then I became serious as my wound healed. "I foresee... Your death!" And just as quickly as they words sunk in Zabuza hit the ground sebon through the neck. "Zabuza!" I ran over catching him before he fell. "Zabu-momo!" I checked for heart beats yet none showed...

"Heheh your prediction came true." A boy stood on top of a tree limb. 'I-It can't be... H-Haku?!' I looked up at the figure. "Thank you for your help... I hope you don't mind my interfering. But I wanted to satisfaction... Of putting Zabuza out of his misery himself!" I set Zabuza's body down and stood up. "The mask is familiar... Correct me if I am wrong... But aren't you a Shinobi hunter from the village hidden in the mist?" There was moment of silence after kakashi's question. "Well, aren't you the smart one! I am indeed a member of the elite tracking unit from the village hidden in the mist. It is our art-- to hunt down and deal with the rouges and the outlaws." Naruto angered appeared infront of him. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?! WHO ARE YOU?!!" I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Relax Naruto he's not our enemy." He shook me off rather rudely making me draw my hand back. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I ASKED---! I MEAN.... WHAT I MEAN IS-- HE KILLED ZABUZA... WHO WASN'T EXACTLY A PUSH OVER...BUT STILL GOT TAKEN OUT BY THIS GUY WHO'S ONLY ABOUT MY AGE! LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! WHAT, DO WE SUCK OR SOMETHING? WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!" As Naruto yelled I continued to cower back until I hit a tree and covered my ears. It was overwhelming, the yelling, the dead body, and just the extra pain still healing from the wound. "Oh. Well you have my sympathy. I can see where a thing Like that would be hard to accept... But it's a face... You'll have to live with..." He placed a hand on top of Naruto's head ruffling his hair. "This probably won't be the last time we run into a kids who's nigh younger that you... And stronger that me." We stood there silent as the figure jumped down taking Zabuza's body. "... Your battle is over, for now... And the remains must be decomposed of... Lest they give up secrets to our foes. Well then I must be off." And just like that we a small group of twirling leaves he vanished...

"Now! We still have to escort mr. Tazuna the rest way to his home. Let's put our best feet forward!" I stood up and nodded but that self esteem didn't last long. "Ha ha hah! You kids must be humiliated! But need mind. You can lick your wounds at my house." Tazuna stated.

Suddenly Kakashi hit the ground. "Ah!" I quickly ran over to him but that was a bad idea. 'No kid! I'm not done healing your wou-' I squeaked as my wound reopened and I fell to the ground. "Ah... That stings." I decided that maybe I'll just heal in a second. But that didn't happen, quickly I began to close my eyes and let the darkness overwhelm me.

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