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     Every time I drive home I look at my surroundings and the same gorgeous houses

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   Every time I drive home I look at my surroundings and the same gorgeous houses. I make up stories of the families in there and their lives. I know that it's weird but I do it all the time not even noticing. I'm a big daydreamer so that's kind of why my expectations for life is so high, because If i can dream about it then it could come true. I feel the breeze through my whole body, it feels like spring even though it's winter but in Cali it's really never fully winter. It's kind of chilly but I like it, all I need is a blanket I'll be fast asleep. I tend overthink things when I'm by myself specially when I'm driving. I usually play my music so loud in my car but today I really like the quiet.

I pull up to my unnecessary huge house. My dad and my stepmom are big time lawyers and so money is the very least of our problems. I don't mind having a huge house, I just mine people's reactions to it.

I jump out of the my car, and slowly walk up the stairs to my front door. I take my keys out my purse and quickly unlock the door. I walk into my house to be once again surprised of the glamorous, marble staircase. The staircase might be my favorite thing in the house, I just can't get tired of looking at it.

Without trying to say hi to anyone in the house I run upstairs into my bedroom and shut the door. I'm sorry but I am not in the mood to talk to anybody, all I wanna do is sleep. I take off all my clothes and put on a t-shirt and very tiny shorts. As I jump in my covers and about to close my eyes, I noticed something.


I jump right back out my covers and start calling his name.

" LUCA!" I yell, " LUCA!"

"where are you boy" I say making that kissy sound that dogs listen to. I look through my whole room and under my bed. I run out my room yelling LUCA all over the whole house. Without thinking I run to the front door and yank it open. But the only thing I see is the most sexiest man I've ever seen in my entire life. He looks so confused, as in why a girl would open the door looking like she has nothing but a t-shirt on.

" um, can I help you," I say with an little attitude, I don't want to be rude but it just came out like that.

He lifts his eyebrows, making an confused face which makes him look even more sexier.
Then he walks closer up to me.

"does Elena Hernandez, live here," he says in a very deep subtle voice. Which makes me bite my lip.

" um, why," I say curious and a little jealous as in why this breathtaking man is asking for my stepmother. He seems to like my attitude, because instead of having one back he just looks at me with this devilish smirk.

"I'm her brother," he says.


Sorry guys that this chapter is very very short, I just wanted to get something out really quick but don't worry the next chapter will be very long!

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