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  She was gone

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She was gone. Even if it was for a couple a seconds. I felt my heart dropped when I looked back to see, she'd disappeared. It's like I blacked out. I forgot want I was even doing here. I might of overreacted but something came over me that I can't put in words. I feel weak. Im disappointed in myself and now I really need to get this girl out my head. Even if that means hurting her feelings.

"I'll get you cab" I say breaking the silence. I walk to the bathroom door. She still facing where I was standing. She doesn't say a word, she just stares in the mirror for awhile. "Lil—"

"No I'll find my own way home," she say pushing pass me and swigging the door opened. I hesitate for a second before I chase after her. I knew the right thing to do would be to let her go but the least thing I can do is not leave things like this. I quickly walk out the bathroom. She about half way down the hallway, she not running but she waking very fast. By the time I reach she already outside.

"Lil I'm-" I start stepping close to her.

"What!" She yells finally turning around. " your sorry? Listen I don't care about your apology, there's no needed for it"

I don't know what to say.

"I really just don't get you" she squinting her eyes walking up to me. Her expression is so cold now. "you stay leading me on just to push me away!"

I knew sooner or later she would say some thing about my strange mood swings.

"I'm right cause your not even denying it," her words are hurting her as well. She turns away so I don't see her start to come undone. I can't believe it's only been 2 days since I met this girl and im already breaking her. I have pushed her a away to many times in just 2 days. I keep trying to correct myself but I seem to just constantly keep disregarding the real reason I'm here.

"I take full responsibility for my mistakes ." I blurted out. Her body stiffens but she still turned around . "It was wrong, and I knew that"

"mistakes?" She whispers to herself. I'm hurting her. I hate it, I don't want this. There's a second till she looks up at me, " now that we have that settled that this is a mistake why don't you go back and enjoy your night."

Before I can say anything she already walking towards the street. There nothing I can say to make her stop, except the truth. But I can never tell her that.

I watch her walk away until shes out of my sight. I fight urge to run after again. She doesn't look back once and I'm glad she didn't because if she did I wouldn't be able to fight it anymore.

I want to be able to turn around and walk back in the club and finish what I came here to do but I can't. Instead I walk to the front of the club to get to my car. I'm half way there when I see a man leaning on my car. I let out an exhausting sigh, Im not in a good mood already and now someone want to make the biggest mistake to lean on MY car. He doesn't see me walking straight up to him, because he on his phone. I put my hand on my back to grab my gun that's in the tip of my pants. I don't fully pull it out yet, I just keep it there. I take my other hand and get my silencer from my left pocket. This man has absolute no idea which makes me what to kill him more. Suddenly he puts his head up and in seconds I let my gun go and put my silencer back in my pocket. Of all people it had to be him.

"Oh hey boss!" the annoying blonde intruder says. What an idiot. I look at him for a second before I shove him off my car. "Oh sorry you were just taking so long didn't mean to lean on—"

"What are you doing here Caleb?" I say annoyed skipping the small talk.

"Well you send Louis back home so they needed someone to come and look out for you boss." He says walking to the passenger side of the car.

"I don't need anyone" I say out loud but it feel more like I'm trying to convince myself.

"Well of course not but you know gotta follow rules," he chuckled.

"Since when do you follow rules?" I say raising my eyebrows. He looks confused, and unable to find an excuse.

"Yeah your right, I just really wanted to come to the states" he laughs. I give him a cold expression. I probably would be a little amused if the last 10 minutes didn't happened.

"Well you saw it, now go home" I demanded.

"Aw come on, I really wanna have some fun" he begs, coming over to my side of the car.

"If you wanna have fun go home because the only thing here is very serious and I don't have time to babysit" I growled.

"Um boss you were literally just in a club" he says trying to hold in his laugh. I let out a frustrating sigh.

"Because I had a business meeting, idiota"

"Oh yeah that makes sense cause I wasn't going to say anything but you look a little angry for someone that just got out of a club." He says trying to make sense of it to himself. The little that he knows about why I'm upset.

"Whatever get a hotel and go home first thing tomorrow" I say getting into my car.

"Or what your going to do the same thing to me you did to Louis?" He says seriously.

"Keep talking and I just might" I'm amused.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 thirteen
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