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   I couldn't help myself, she just too innocent

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   I couldn't help myself, she just too innocent. And those shorts, man I couldn't stop it. Her body wasn't the only thing that pushed to do this. Her attitude, she doesn't care, she say what she wants. No girl has ever made me want her so badly. I didn't know coming here would cause this type of problem. But I don't mind tease her for now.

The look in her beautiful face makes me think she actually wants me too. I mean she did watch me sleep for a minute. To think that I would actually let my guard down and fall asleep. And how could, that couch was 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛 terrible. The moment she opened the door all I wanted to do was kiss ever inch of her prefect slim body.

She was completely speechless after what I just said. Her hands were holding on to the wall, while she was facing me. She didn't look scared nor did she try to push me away.

I slipped my hand down her body. Her gasped made my pants tighten. I definitely enjoyed this. I moved my head to neck, I slowly grazed it with my lips. She tilted her neck wanted me to do it again, but I couldn't give her what she wanted yet. She was whining for my attention. So I put my hand her left thigh, slowly moving up. She was biting her lip very hard, waiting for me to touch her. Once I got to the top of her shorts I stopped. I didn't want to but I knew I couldn't go farther yet.

"but I won't do them yet." I whisper to her, looking straight in her beautiful brown eyes. I can see that I mad her angry, she was sexually frustrated. She shoved me off of her and ran up her stairs. I felt a little bad from teasing her, I know I'll make it up to her.



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   I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I didn't go to bed until like 4 in the morning, so I feel completely drained. I was up all night thinking about what happened. I still couldn't believe that I let myself be so damn stupid. I didn't even try to push him away, I basically begged for him.

I get out from my bed, making Luca jump with excitement. he follow me in the bathroom and lays on the carpet.I hop in the shower and wash my body off real quick. Once I get out, Luca runs over to my naked body and starts to lick the water off my legs. I giggled at the tickle of his tongue. I playful wave him away, telling him to go lay down. I brush my teeth and walk over to my closet.

I'm in the mood to get revenge for yesterday. So put on the most sexy but casual outfit to wear to school. I wanted to tease him, like he did to me. I feel so wrong about what I'm doing like I just met this guy, and he's my stepmom's bother. But I can't help but feel so attached to him. I never been the type to ever to show off.

I slip in to my mini skirt and a very small black strapless top with my favorite clear heels. I brush my hair and laid it down over my shoulders.

 I brush my hair and laid it down over my shoulders

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^𝐻𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑣𝑡𝑓𝑖𝑡

I went in my closet and walked over to my purse collection and grabbed a very small black Christian Dior purse. It was plain but it made the outfit. I grabbed my phone and look at all the messages that I gotten from B. She asked if I could pick her up this morning. I texted her  "𝑦𝑒𝑎 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒" and throw my phone on my bed. I know for a fact I'm going to get a little chilly so I grabbed a very small black coat.

I was actually getting nervous about going down stairs, but I built up the courage and started to walk down the stairs. As I get closer to the bottom I start to hear laugh and giggles. I smell the insatiable scent of pancakes and eggs. I hear my father's voice as well, I'm confused why he's not at work already.

My brother runs down the stairs making me almost trip. "Oye! tonto estoy caminando aquí," I yell waving my hand up.
{hey dummy, I'm walking here}

"lo siento hermana, I'm in a rush," he apologizes and running out the house.
{sorry sis}

"Hija, is that you?" I hear my father yell from the kitchen.

I scrunch my face up realizing that I should of never yell so loud at my brother. Now they know I'm here. "Ya it's me, 𝑝𝑎𝑝𝑎" I say turning the corner about to enter the kitchen.

I slowly walk in the kitchen looking around to see where he was. And... he was sitting on the island stool while my stepmom and my father where on the other side standing. They all eyed me as I walked it the room. His eyes widen when he was me. He licked his prefect lips then bit down on his bottom one. I knew wearing this was worth it.


Chapter five
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