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Authors note: this is a veryyyy short chapter but I just wanted to get something out for you guys. I also found this chapter very entertaining ;)

 I also found this chapter very entertaining ;)

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   how did I end up here

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   how did I end up here. Alone? Tired? Drunk? I guess even when you look like you gotten ran over by a bus, men still want to own you. It's fucking sad. I'm basically pasted out on the bar and four guys already tired to 'pick me up'. If it wasn't for my new friend Ryan I would definitely be in some creep's bed.

"So mamas when you gonna let me call you a cab home" Ryan says smiling at me.

"After this one, and I am off to see the wizard" I slurp.

"Mm I don't think it works like that" Ryan laughs.

"Yeah uh because the the cab is the yellow brick road" I say rolling my eyes

"Ah I see" he says raising his eyebrows, "but I can't allow another drink"

"Why" I whine

"Because you still haven't showed me your Id" he says sliding me a water.

"Well that didn't stop you from giving me drinks so" I giggle

"Well it's hard to say no to a face like yours" he smiles

I look up at him waiting to see 'those eyes' but instead I see a man that actually has a genuine look. His eyes are soft and his smile is inviting. Before I can say anything that would explain me for staring he hand me a phone.

"Put your address in there and I'll call you an Uber" he say.

"I can't go home like this." I say honestly laying my head back down on the counter. " my parents will kill me" i mumbled.

"So you still live with your parents?" he laughs

"Well yea I'm 18" an awkward laugh comes out.

"Damn you really want me to go to jail for serving you" he laughs

"Your not mad?" I say raising my head. He walks over to the the next counter and passes a drink to the guy next to me.

"Please I knew the moment you walked in" he say turned around making a new drink.

"But you still served me" I say

"You looked like you needed it" he smiles, "and besides I own this place so unless the cops came here I serve who I want."

"Ou your a boss man" I laugh hiccuping. Ryan starts laughs at my hiccups.

"And that why your not getting any more drinks" he says going back to make drinks for other people.

"What are you talking about I'm totally fineeee" I say trying to get up off my stool. Ryan instantly stop making his drinks and walks over to me. He puts his hand out trying to help me off but as I reach for his hand I missed and falling off the stool unable to catch my self from falling. I felt the warmth of someone arms grab me before my body completely shut down. Then before I knew it I was out.

-The Next Morning-

"So bright" I cried. I try to open my eyes but I'm
incapable of doing so. I rub my eyes to help me open them. I look around my surroundings I'm in a normal size room it's lightly decorated with nothing personal, which makes me make the assumption that it's a guess room. There a fire place right in front of the bed and the bed is very warm and homey. The warm tone walls and the small window give it a really Christmas feeling. I lay back down trying to understand all of this but before I can gather all my thoughts to find out how I got here, i hear someone rattling the door knob. I jump out the bed I noticed that I'm not wearing my dress from last night which definitely scares me. I'm wearing only a long t-shirt over my underwear. The door slowly opens i flitch but to my surprise I  see a little boy with the most beautiful brown curly hair hiding behind the door.

"Hello" I smile trying to pull the t-shirt more down to cover my legs. The little kid smiles back tilling his head but before the boy could say anything back, someone walks towards him.

"Gabe go play and stop being nosy," a familiar voice laughs to the little boy. The man opens the door and smiles at my appearance. "You look well rested"

"Omg" I say holding my head sitting down on the bed

"What is it" Ryan says walking towards me shutting the door.

"Did we? No we couldn't of. Right?" I say holding my face looking at Ryan.

He laughs, it's so warm and wholesome. "No we didn't" I let out a big sigh in relief. "You passed out on the bar floor and because you didn't give me your address I had no choice but to take you to mine. And when we got here you throw up on your dress" he smiles awkward.

"I'm so sorry for everything" I say looking down.

"Don't worry about it" he smiles putting a hand on my shoulders. "But um you might wanna check your phone" he say handing me it.

"Fuck! I mean uh sorry" I look back to see if the boy was in presence.

"No your fine I'll give some privacy" Ryan smiles walking back out the room.

I can't believe this is happening to me. I have like 100 miss calls from my dad, 60 from B and Harlow. My first instinct is to call him. But the funny thing is I don't even have his number. I wanna tell him the least he could do is cover for me but who would I be if I gave him the satisfaction of helping me so I'm glad I don't have his number. So I guess im on my own. I press call and on the first ring it answers.

"Liliana Maria Hernandez, you better have one good goddamn reason" the sound of my father furious voice  shoot in my ears

Time of death 10:34 am.

Chapter fourteen
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