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    Was I not supposed to stare? Was I not supposed to want to do so many things to her right now? Well to bad because I didn't care

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    Was I not supposed to stare? Was I not supposed to want to do so many things to her right now? Well to bad because I didn't care. She knew what she was doing, she wanted my attention. And now it's completely on her. She might made a mistake teasing with me. I get it, she wants me to feel the way I made her last night. But I'm not going to run away like her. I know I can't do anything to her right now because of her father and my sister in the room.

Her father seems to be a very hardworking man, which I respect. My sister needs someone she can depend on and lucky she got that someone. The moment that the  Colombo's took me in, I knew that I would have to protect Elena and Sofia. I grew up with them already being like my sister so it wasn't that hard to adapt to.

I couldn't stop staring at this girl. Her bare caramel tone skin and beautiful long black hair. I wanted to pick her by her waist and put her on the counter, and kiss every exposed part of her skin. And her lips... those lips.

"Hija, what are you wearing!" Her father yelled, snapping me out my dirty thoughts about his daughter.

"um clothes," she said playing with hem of her skirt, "it's going to be a nice day so I wanted to dress up."

"I think it's cute," my sister say sucking up to her.

"I think you look grown," I spat out, not caring who I offend.

"And who said I care what you think," she said with her hands on her waist. I liked seeing her all worked up

"No Hija. He's right" her father say looking at me waving his finger.

"Well there is no time for me to change, so I'm wearing it," she say walking over to the fridge. My eyes follow her as she gets a water bottle and a banana.

"At least cover up, miel" her fathers says looking at his watch.
{translation: honey}

" I will papa, I have a jacket," she said poking at the jacket on her arm. I want to say something to try to make her father to tell her to change. I don't want other people gawking at her. But I guess I don't have the power to do anything about it yet.

"Okay, well I'm off to work." Her father says kissing my sister's cheek. "Bye Hija, and Antonio hope we can talk more"

"yes of course," I say in my natural professional voice.

Her father walks out the door yelling, 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢, to them.

"Wait he forgot his coat!" My sister yells picking the coat up running outside to give it to him. Now I'm left alone with her. She turns around facing me, puts down her water bottle on the counter.

"I love bananas," she say staring at the banana in her hand. She starts to peels the banana very slowly. I know what she doing, but that high school shit don't faze me. She takes the naked banana down her throat. I unconsciously gripped my hands on the counter to keeps myself from losing control. She plays with the banana with her tongue, swirling around the top. She teasing me and it's working. I feel like a bitch for letting that stupid trick get the best of me. She smirks at her accomplishment. She then takes the banana and tosses it in the trash. "But I'm in the mood for something else," she say with her finger on her chin. What's is this girl doing to me.

"Ugh! Your dad is so forgetful," my sister say walking in the house shaking her head. Good thing she came in when she did because I would of definitely lost control.


   I sit in my car, waiting for B to come outside

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   I sit in my car, waiting for B to come outside. I actually didn't get a second to gather my thoughts about what I just did. I'm very proud of myself, and he was definitely hypnotize by me. I actually never ever done that before, guess I never had the need until him.

"Hey Lily!," B yelled running out her front door. B and me actually don't live far away. She lives about 5 minutes away. She sometimes will even walk to my house.

"Hey," I say back not really returning the same energy that she gave me.

"What's up with you," she say confused as she jumps in my car.

"Nothing just—" I say before being interrupted.

" na na na, don't give me the "nothing" bullshit, your acting weird," she says interrogating me. I hate when she know something up with me.

" Well I guess I been acting weird, but what I'm about to tell is a lot weirder," I say turning my full attention to her.

"WAIT!" She yells, " let's skip school and have a girls day!"

"Um are insane," I say not really think about the idea.

"Why not, we don't have anything important today, and we haven't hung out alone in awhile," she whines

"Why do you actually not want to go to school," I say convinced that that's not the real reason.

" Me and Jason are on bad terms," she says with her arms crossed. I roll my eyes at the constant change in their relationship.

"I'm not surprised," I say turning back to the steering wheel.

" I know but this time it's a really good reason," she says confident that it is. "But I'll tell you if we skip." I actually wouldn't mind taking a break today and I'm so used to email my school for my dad anyways.

" Ok let's do it!" I yell with excitement, " ain't got nothing else to do!"

" YES YES YES!" B yells with even more excitement.


Hey guys I just wanted to say thanks you so much for the reads and votes, it means so much to me!

Chapter Six
Don't forget to vote
See ya next time

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