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Alcohol. Sweat. Perfume. All the smells of the night. I hate it here, it doesn't feel the same anymore. But I have to suck it up just for tonight. I mean today couldn't get any worse right? After I basically rejected Lily—again, I know she wouldn't give me another chance. I don't know why I feel like I can't control myself in front of that girl. I hate it. 

"Antonio! My man. God I love seeing that face!" Hamish says clapping his hands walking up to me in the vp booth. I hate how Americans have meetings in clubs.

"I would like to say the same about you," I say smirking. " but when I see you that means something didn't go as planned." I raise my eyebrows. I looks at him up and down and I can see that he's hiding his fear very well but he failed when he let his body tense up.

"Well-" Hamish says taking a seat across from me,
"not exactly" I look at him confused. I really hope for his sake something went wrong or that means he wasted my time.

"Then what" I raise my voice.

"Well my friend" he whispers leaning towards me ,  "Donte's murder is here"

I raise my eyebrows not in shocked but in irritation. I've been to occupied that I didn't even know that his murder was still in the city. I hated when other people did my work but I have to respect Hamish for saving me the trouble of finding him. Now I get best part. Killing him.

"Where" I say not in a question but as an order.

" third stool on the bar, wearing a grey dress shirt" Hamish says still looking at me not even bothering to look at the man himself. I look and see the exact description of him. He's face looks like it's been smashed in and his chin looked like it had a small metal brick stuck in it. I look around to see if he has any back up or anybody watching.

"My men have checked the club and the 30 mile radius for any men." Hamish says reading my mind. I look at him and nod its really the way we say 'thank you' in this business. I get up and start walking out the booth and then I see smash face turn his attention to something, I look over and see— her. She here and she looks like that. She wearing a dress that barely hinds anything. Her beautiful long hair is out and wild like her. She is slowly dances making her hair wave along. She looks like an absolutely goddess. I hate the dress because how great she looks in it, the silky fabric grabs her beautiful curves and her legs— there just no words to describe how beautiful this girl is. But there will be many words on why the fuck she here.

𝓟𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝓐𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now